<br />(c) "I.ender" is �LLS FAROO BANBC, N.�i.
<br />L.ender is a NAT�QN�L A88QCSA,T�O�i
<br />organized and e�risting under the laws of T� II�2TSD STAT88
<br />I.ender's address is P.O sog ii roi, �, �J 071p147'pl
<br />Lender is tb�e bene�ciary under this Se�urity Instrutit�nt.
<br />(D) "Trustee" is WBLY,B FARCaC �'�1�ANC211,i+ DiATL 8�lC
<br />C/O SPBC. BRRV., PQ HQR 31557, $rLLIN(i8, �RT 591b7 ,
<br />(E) "Note" �ean�s the prornissory note signed by Borrower and dated SSpTS�s� 3 0. � o lo r.
<br />The Note states ttaat Hatrower o�uves L�Cndez ��NTSC ssv8ni TSOIIBA�ID $xAAT 8II�IDRSD
<br />s�v�rrr�r �n oo��.ao n
<br />(L1. S. $"" **** 7 7. 87 0. 0 0 ) plus interest. Bnrrower has promised to pay this debt in re$ular Periodic
<br />PayAlents and to pay the debt in full not later than OCTOHSR O1, 2030 .
<br />(� "Praperty" meaas the prvperty that is described below ttnder the headi� "Transfer of Rights in the
<br />ProPeity."
<br />(G) "Loan° means the debt evidenced by the Nate, plus interest, anY pr�ayn�eent charges and late ck�arges
<br />dus under the Notc, and all su�t�s due under this 5ecurity Instrun�e�nt, plus interest.
<br />(I� "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrument that are executed by Borrower. The following
<br />Ridors are to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable]:
<br />0 Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider � Second Home Rider
<br />� Balloon Rider � Planned Unit Developme�nt Rid�r � 1-4 Farnily Rider
<br />VA R.ider Hiweekly Paycnent Rider Other(s) [spe�ify]
<br />m Law" means all co�rtrolling applicable f�deral. atate and local statutes, regulatians,
<br />ardinances and administrative nile,s and ardera (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable �inal,
<br />non-appealable judicial opinions.
<br />(� "Community Ageociatlon Due�s, Fee�, and As�sm�ts" �neans all dues, fees, assessments and other
<br />charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium assaciation, homeovv�ners
<br />association or similar organization.
<br />(I� "Electronic Funds Transf�tr" means any tr�nsfer of firnds, other than a ri�nsaction origit�ated by
<br />check, dratt, or similar paper instnuneant, which is initiated through ata electronic teaninal, tel�honic
<br />instivrnent, computer, or magnetic tap� so as to order, inswct, or auuth,pria,e a financial institution to debit
<br />or credit an account. 5uch tenm includes, but is not litnited to, point-0f-sale transfers, automated teller
<br />mar.�ine transactions, transfers initiaCed by telephonc, rx+ire traxisfers, and autamated clearinghouse
<br />transfexs.
<br />(I.) "E�row Itcm�r" rneans those items that are deecribed in S�tian 3.
<br />(1V� "Miscellaneoua Pcoaeeds" means any compensation, settlem�nt, award of damages, or proceeds paid
<br />bY �Y � P�Y (other thaa insuran�ce pt�oceeds p�id uncler the coverages described in Se�tion 5) for: (i)
<br />daamage to, or destruction of, tbe Property; (ii) �dnnation or other taldng of all or any paR af thc
<br />Froperiy; (iii) conveyance in li�t of �ndemnation; ar (iv) tnisrepresentations af, or amissions as ta, the
<br />value and/or condition of tha Property.
<br />(1�1) "Mo� Insurance" means insuranoe protecting L.ender against the no�ayment of, or dcfault on,
<br />the I..oan.
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fanni� Mar/Fnddls Mec UN�QqM INSTRUM6NT �
<br />�-BINE) roa��� Pap� 2 of 16 miaeu: �/„ Form 3pZ8 7/01
<br />`
<br />