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<br /> . . .l..i: i . . �4r:.
<br />--,� ._ _,.._–'-�-a. - .,.l,.�arr+�� -rr-- . . . ' _ .._ ��.,-- .
<br /> ..aY�
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<br /> ��� .,�.�� 92- �+0�9
<br /> -- — lZ. Succeicora pnd Asclsnc Baund� Jolat Aad Several LIAbWty: CaSi�ners. Thc cmcnan+a und w(trocnxn�e of thf�
<br /> �s���� Socu�ity I�strument slwll bimi anc! benetit thc bucccsu��w�d ussignx ��f l.c�xicr �nd B4►R„war. subject la the provi�i�►nx��f
<br /> - -----'_' psuagraph 9.b. Boreower's coverwnts w�d a�recments slwll bc juint und isevers+l. Any Barn+wvr wlua r�r+ignr lhia Sautlty
<br /> -- Inst�ument but does m►t execute the Nate: la1 is c�►-signing this S��curily la+trurrent only a�mcttlgu�e. g�'cnt„wrrJ convey tluu
<br /> ��� [�rrower's interest in tht unde;tho t�oi thiR Security instrument; lh1 i�n�►c pennnully ��btig:ued t�p�y�he�umr
<br /> �.��� secured by this Security 7nstP�q�h'and,(e)�p�cec�that LenJer unJ�ny�,ther Ror�uwer nmy agrer.t��r.a�e�l,m�xl�fy,lurbe:u u�
<br /> � ,._-.� -,---�-.—._—___._�.'�_ �s�a{;e arh occomm�xletMen with r�,Kd w tbe tenar�of thin 5ecuritv InRtrument ur�he N�►te witlrw�Ilwt�Bo��rxvr'x��unsent.
<br /> �.:�' 6 .. .wir� ..,v�_
<br /> 13.Notkea.Any notice to Horrowcr provided for in�hiK Srcuritp Innirwi�nt�twll hc givcn by�cli�crin� 1!ar by m�iling �-_.._
<br /> � � , .
<br /> it by R�st class mail unlexs appli��able law roquires u.r•e of mwther melhuJ.The rnwice xhull Iw directed ta ths,�opetty Addresy
<br /> �_�,�-= or uny other uddress Borrower designutes by notice lo Lsnder. Any nWice to L.enJur siwll Ix� gir•en hy fina clu�.v rrwil w
<br /> �.,,`-�= Lender's addres.g stated herein or nny address l.erxier designa�es by notice k�&muwcr. Any nWica provtd.�d for in thi�Socutity
<br /> .�G..x..r�,,.:.:... :
<br /> .,,.,„, ,,; lnstrument siwll be deamed to havc boen given ta BoROwer or I.endQr when�iven av pr�wiJecl�n chiw pury,gir�p .
<br /> .a+�;M,,s..���•�
<br /> --===:i::�.-..; ' 5 " 14. Governing l.�w; Severobility. 'This Security lostrum�:nt ,hull be gov.:rned by fcdcral I�ur wuJ !he Inw of tht _.
<br /> _-:�.�..�`�llrir,.;�.
<br />_ __. �-��•�• •_.�_,.�,�-.._ iurisdiaion in which the Prc�perty is I�xz�ted. In the event that any provision ar cluuse of this S�.�curit)•In�ttument or the Note
<br /> ��.•.,..,, .T • _
<br /> = � •�� ' �., cantlicts with applicable Inw,such rnn0ict shall not attect other provision�uf�hi,S�.�:urity lntitrumcnt ar ttu Nate which can i+r.
<br /> �����'"�`'�`'�,'� � given effecc r�itlxwt�he caoflic�in�provision. To this end dut provisions af'this Securit�•Ir��mmanc,�d�he Naa arB doc�susd
<br /> .y.:a�,.�,...
<br /> `^�� ��,� to be severable.
<br /> �.�h�: ,�,:,
<br /> ?''(?.c;;?�s '; • '
<br /> -�� ;_'���;'-.:�'-�. ��`: 1S.Borruwer's Copy.BoRawer shall be given one rnnforn�ed rnpy of this Seaurity InKuument. Y
<br /> _.a,friG�:�?';�.t.`ti`ia,;??
<br /> ��• ''::�:'v'�� �-�' 16. Ass�ament ot RenW. Barrower um.nnditionsilly nssigns wKl truagfers to I.enJer AA the r�nts and revenues of Ihe
<br /> °'�:�,•.,7�:;;��' . ��` � � Propeny. Borrower authorizes I.ender or I.�nder's ugents to collect the rents anJ revenucs und hcreby directs euch tenant of the
<br /> �*"`+�, =`'Y'� Praperty ta pay the rents ta L.ender or I.ender's agents. However, prior to L.ender's nutice to Borrawer of Borrower's breach of
<br /> _ _.:,r�}l�;�1��i,;:: ••r'.
<br /> '�:._
<br /> ,��` ;i���;��,°"'. eny covennnt or agreement in�he Security Instrument,Bam�wer shull collect and receivc all rents und revenues of the Property
<br /> „'�..;_ .,,�,;;r,�t:1�,��2Np ;• Afi (NS[CC fur thc benefit of Lender and Bomuwer. This avsignmant of rents caruitiluh�s an absoluto assigrurn�nt and not wn
<br /> �i,�, '�: . •�r „°.~. _ assignmenc for additional security only. _.
<br /> ;,.'�,i,� .. .�• . �
<br /> .. ri�x.yti� '. .. ... �..,
<br /> _:'', ��;�, ,,., • • iP I,ender giveg notice of breach to Fs�rrower. (u)aU rents received by Bormwer xhall be held by Borrower ac uustee for
<br /> ,-.F':_ °� �y,S�`���.,�,:�.,. .�� ---
<br /> ; �,,,��'qy�.r�:r. "; , beoefit af Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instn►ment: Ib)l.cnder�hall be entitled to collect sud
<br /> •_���e,i�;R...,.,r_�,.,,' receive all of the rents of the Propeny: and(c) earh tenunt of tl� Property sl�ull puY all rents due und unpaid to L.ende�or
<br /> _ ' S,, � Lender's Agent on L.ender's written demund to the tanant.
<br /> � �� 4•� ` 'S Borrower has nnt executed any priar u�:xignmern nt the rents and hus not and will not perform siny act that would prevent =_
<br /> :;,�;�;'��.a�;,�;►�„r�;,,..
<br /> � ��Y<; ,.,.� . l.ender irom exercising its rights under thih puragraph 16.
<br /> . .�,:,�;;•.; —.
<br /> �.,:
<br /> � ���'•°'' `�. �i; : I.ender shall not bc�rcquired w enter upun, tuke contml��f ur muintuin thc Propeny before or after giving notice of breach -
<br /> �� to Borrower. However, I.ender or u judiciully App�►imud recei��er muy da su at any timc thcre is a breach. Any applirution of �,--
<br /> � ren�s shull not cure or wuive uny dcfuult��r invaliJu�c any uthur righi ur rcmcdy uf'Lemier. This ussigmnent of rents af the �''
<br /> . � �=.
<br /> - . ' property shall terminate when thr debt x��ur�tl by the Srcuri�y In�.trumant i.paid in full. _
<br /> �' �� —
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &xmwcr und l.cndcr funhcr ci�vcnant anJ agr�ti•r,ti►Ilow.: �
<br /> ,,.�.. . �;;'
<br /> . � -- 17,Foreclosure Prceedure. IP Lender rcyuireti Immcdlute pvyment in Pull undcr prrugraph 9.I.ender may invoke the __
<br /> . •',� • power of sale ond any other remedies permitted by upplicablc law. I.cnder shall bc entilled tu collect all expenses �?
<br /> • � . incurred in pursuing the remedies under this paru�raph 17.IncludfnR. but nW limited tu,reasoneble Attorne�s' fees and �-
<br /> oosls of title evidencc. �
<br /> ' '., �-
<br /> ° � It the power uf tiale is Invoked. Trustee shall r�tiord u nodce of dePault in cuch count�• in which an� part of the ��,
<br /> . ` • �� Property is located und shull mail rnpicw of such notice in the manner pn�aritmd bv upplirablc law to Borrnw•er and to �T
<br /> � �•'�+`��� • ° the other pe�sons prescribed b�•appliruble lua•.After thr lime reyuind by upplicable luw�.Trustee sholl�ive puMic noUce �
<br /> ;;�::+ , �
<br /> . . •::, ,,j of sule to the persons and in the manner pre+crilied by upplicublc In�ti•. Truucc. elthout dcmund un Borru�ver.shall sell _,.
<br /> '�;.��". ` the Property at pul►lic uuctian to lhe MRhes►bidder ut the timr and pluce und under the terrox dexiRnutrd in the notice of
<br /> ' ��' tiule in one or more parecls and in any order Trutitr�determin�w.'fru�t�r mv� postp�me.r•uk of ull or am• purccl oi'the r�,�l�
<br /> � • Property b,r• public nnnouncement at the time und pluce of un,r prrri�wsl� xheduled wle. Lender ur it�► d�ignec mny :
<br /> ��,�,�: ' purchASe the Prnperty at any sale. �`�
<br /> 1 ::�; �-4RINE1 PaU�B al 8
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