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.,.,_ � .mmt..:. �____ <br /> wl .. �'�F'� f�.:t� . __. <br /> l f�' 1 <br /> `'� .' -. 1.....uo . ' `.��' : . .. .._ .�f1 „' . <br /> � <br /> _= .... _ .. -�.*%_�iiL �--- <br /> i . .. _°,..�__�_._.. <br /> `-r��h " :i .•�'• �/2i �� <br /> - �.:ri((�vx�..S x�,_�__ <br /> — - —.�.�S'T� <br /> .-�---;����_k:� referrod to in E+ar�gaph 2, or change the am�wnt of such paYmentr. Any pr�xcods ove.r an Amount roquired tn paY <br /> —�..--�,�;=� ouwondM�indebtalness under the Nata wd lhis Sa:unty Instrum�:nt shall be p�id to the enlity le�ully entided thcrcto. <br /> _-- ----N.�''�� Y.Feer. Lencler may collect fie�►�nd clwraes eulho��ize�by lho Secreu►ry. <br /> -�� ,�,r, '- '.__ 9.Groundr�ur Aa�celerWion ot Qebt. - <br /> T�j�'�a=-��a r9 (a)I�foull.�icr nwy.except av limited by mgulutiun� i,yu��l hy �hr ticcretary in�he cusc of Paymcnc dcfaulir. r� <br /> : ,�.�z . .+,. <br /> .,,�� ' ,r require immediwe pnymeM in full of all wms secured by �hi�5ccuriry I�i.trunxnt i : <br /> - �r�:°- `�-.F"°�•• IilBorrawer defuults by lailing ta pay in full any mun�hly paymem rcyuireJ by thiY Se�vrity Inatn�ment prior w or <br /> �'�� + _ on�he due date af thc next monthly puymcnt,or <br /> ��,T�.�_;,�.. (ii)BoROwer defaults by fuiling, fi�r u perind of�hiny dayn. w perfarn�any other abligs�tion.� rnntairced in this <br /> � �' Securiry Ins�rument. <br /> 'g!�fil!�?:_,. . ' ` <br /> -- �*��'� y <br /> �..?!='�;;��.,i�;,R lbl Sak Wlthout Credlt Approvol. l.ender sb�ll. i1'permitted by upplirablc law anJ w•ith the prieir approvul of the <br /> --===-.""--�`�°�-=-' Sr�:r�t�ry,requirc imm�:diate payment in full��F all tiums secureJ b�•thix Securi�y Inrtn�ment ifc `_ <br /> Sr: <br /> �'—' ,i»:.:��. �°..: '.. (i1 All or purt of the Property. or a bene!'icfal imerest io u trus� ��wning All or p•rn ot the Pruper�y. ia t,al ar <br /> '"'• '`^'�' "'` '.� ' othcrvvisc trnnsf�rred(wher ths►n by devisa ur Jescenc)by Ihe&xrnwer,a�x! <br /> n <br /> "`,�,:....�;;';�:,� lii) The Propeny is not occupied by the purchuher or gruntea as his �tt her p�v�Pn�����with`the <br /> '' ,_' purchuser or gmntee daes w occupy�he Propeny but his or her cn�dit h�nd been APP <br /> -i=t._:�;;;;'�-s�'�`� -• rCyuirements of the Secretary• _-._ <br /> „ ..,-..,� , .. <br /> ��_-- - .. <br /> =� , `.::,`�g:.;t�r• : <br /> -- -- • (c)No Waivea If circums�ances cxcur�hut would permit l.e�xler to require imm��liutc paymrnt in full,but(.ender ces <br />_ � . , " not require such puyments,l.ender daes not wui��e its rights with recpect�a�uMsequent events. <br /> ' ' • •� (d) Regulatiau of HUU Secrelary. ln rnany circum.tanccs regula[ionti i+sucJ by the Secrewry will limit Lender's <br /> � •y�..,b.,:�•� . , <br />_':_y., , ,. rights in Ihe ca�of pa)�ment defaul�s to require immeJiatc puyrnent in full uixl tixeclo�e if nd paid. This Ser.urity � <br /> ,.;.- . ' Instrument does nat uuthoriu accelerution or foreclrnure if not pemiiued by reguluti�ms ot'the Secret�ry. �,_:� <br />- • .. , �,`;�� <br /> � � �� (e)Mortga�e Not Insured. Bnm►wer agrees that should�his Security Instrument and�he Note secured thereby no� be �,�_ <br /> ` ' eligible for insurance wxier the National Hausing Act wiihin 60 days from the date hereoi. L.c:nder muY• ui i�s upticm �_ <br /> � ""�` '` - ' �nd notu•Ithstsn�ling anything in�rragrupN 9, reyuire immediute puyment in fuU��f ull sums secured by this Security �ri;;,. <br /> � Instrument• A written �;�atement of uny uuthori��.�i ugent of the Secretury duted subuquent iu GO day�: fram the dase _ : <br /> � h e r e o f,J e c l i n i n g to in,ure this Securit y Instrument and ihe Nate�ecured thereb}•. shall he deemed concluaive prcwif of ��.: <br /> " ' such fncligibiliry. Notwi�hxtunding the foreg�►ing. thi.uption may nut i x exercise d b�•L e n c i e r w h e n t h e u n a v A i l a b i l i t y <br /> .. � of inwrunce is solcly dt�to l.ender's tuilurd tc�rcmit u mnrtgage insurunre prcmium ta the Serretary• _ _ <br /> '� ' � � 10. Reinslatement. Borrn���cr hun a right��� lx rcinstutcd if i.ender hu+ reyuireci immeJi•rte puyment in full becuuse ��f ��• <br /> ' ` • Boirower's failure ti� pay un amount due under�he N.�u ur�hiti S�rurity In.irument. Thix right upplicti cven after foreclosure � <br />"., , � � " v proceedings urc instituteJ, To reimlute thc Sei:urity Instrument. Burrowcr�hull tenJer in a all unx�unts reyuirod to <br /> . • . - hring Bormwer'ti uccuunt currenl irx;luding, to thc �xtent thry ure abligation. ��f &�rruwer under this Security Inxtrument. �m__ <br /> ' - �� forcclusure ra+t, und reasanublc snJ customary uttomcy+' f�ti� and cxpcntic+ pruEx:rly a+�cxiated wrth thc Wrcclosurc - <br /> �, ';';�.' pr�xeecling. Upon reins�utement by &►rmwer, thi.Secunty In+crument uiul thr�►bligatiuns thut it.ecureti sh•rll remain in effce� � <br /> - �"' '� ae if I.enJer had not reyuir�d immadixtc puyment in I'ull.Ho�vevcr. l..ixlcr is nut reyuireJ to pcnnit rcin.�utement if:li)Lcixlcr <br /> � , has ucceptec! rcinrtutemrnt after thc c��mmencement of t'orcclosurc �lftrilYlI111�!� WIII�III lN'/� ycan immeJiatrl�• precc�fing thc � <br /> � commencement of u current ti,reclozure pr�xeeding. (iil rcimwtement will pr�tiludc ti�rcrluwrr un Jiffrren� grounds in the —_ <br />'�+ - future,or liiil rcinstatement will uciver�cly affect thc prioriry ot�the lien rreat��l by thi.Sccuriry Instrument. _ <br /> . . . ���:'�.'.• IL Borrower Not iteleased:Forbcarunce By�kr\ot a�'ai��er. F.xtrn.i�m�F the timr of puyment i,r m�xiitirution of �; <br /> ' � onxirtiza�ion of the sum�rrrurcd hy this Securi�y Instrumcm grrnt�d h�� Lr�xlcr tu un� su.retisor in imerest of Borrowcr shall �,Y <br /> ' • „ ' not operute ta rcleu�;c Ihc liubili�y of the oriFinal &►rroN•cr ar &irroa�er',,u«rti�or in intcr�tit. Lxnder shall not he requir�Ki to �,,. <br /> � commence pnxceding�against any in interest��r rcfu>c tu extcnd dmc�ix Paynxnt ur o�herwise m�xlify mnortizatiun <br /> " � af the �umti u:cured hy this Security hi�trumern hy r�a�on �►f any� demund mudc h�• �hr ��riginal Bnrraa�e� or &i�rowcr's � <br /> .' � succesxurs in intere,t. Any ti�rixar.inrc h}• Lrnd�r in c�crri�ing any rigM ur rrmrd)• >hall not hc a wuiver��i��r precluJe the � ,- <br /> � .. <br /> ' exrrci�c of uny right or remedy. <br /> � 'l �•4RINE) v,�yo a�i v <br /> .� <br /> 'c , <br /> � ��.r 4_ . <br /> • F ' <br /> •t <br /> .. . .� � ... . . _' '' . . . .. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f • <br /> �+ <br /> I <br /> � � i �_ ._— _ __ ._ — _' I <br />