<br />Paymema are deemod xeceived by Lendcr whe�n rcceived at the ►ocation desSgnated in ihe Note or at such other location
<br />ae may be designated by Lender ia acwrdance rovitl4 4ie nocice �ovisions in SecROn t5. I.endcr u� ceturn any peyment oz
<br />partial payment if the payment or partial payments are insufficicnt W 6ring the Loan currom. Lender may accept any paymerd
<br />or partial payment insu�ciant to brin� the Loen cwrent, without waivex of any rights hereunder ox pxcjudicc to its righta to
<br />sefuse sttch paymant or part9al paymeats in the futuia, but Lenda' is not obligataf to applp such paynnents at the tim.e such
<br />payments are accapted, If each Pesiodic Payment is applied as of iis scheduled due date, tben Lender need not pay intaest on
<br />unapplitd funds. Lmder may twld svc,h uzaapptied funds until Floatower makes psyments to bring the L.oan curr�mt, If
<br />Haxrowea does not do so within a reasanable pariod of timc, T.ender Sk�all ei.ther apply such fimds or �ttun them to Borrower. If
<br />nat applied earlier, such lamds wili he applied to tha outstanding �'iucipal balance undex the Note immediately prioz to
<br />foreclosure. No offset or claim wlixch Boaower might have now or in the firiure against Le.udex ahall nlieve Horrower &om
<br />making payments d�re under the Note and this Security Insnt�ment nr perfortning tt�e covensnts and agreemea�ts secured by
<br />this Security Ins�unent.
<br />2. Application af Payments or Procceds. Except � othenvise �scribed in Uris Sectian 2, aA payments aceepted az�d
<br />applied by Lender sball lx applicd im the follawing nrdcr of prioriry: (a) interes[ due undcr ihe Note; (b) primcipal due under the
<br />Note; (c) announts due unda Section 3. Such payments si�all. be applied to each Periadic Payment in We order in which it
<br />l�cee�ne due. Any remaiaiag amounts shali be appliod fust to late charges, secorul to any other tunouats due under this
<br />Security instr�unentt and then to reduce the principal balsnce of the Nou.
<br />If Lender roceives a payment &om Horrower for a cklinquent Pariodic Payment wkxich includcs a sut�'icient amouN. fo pay
<br />any lace charga due, the payment may be applied w rhe delinquem paymept and rhe late charge. Jf znpre than on� Periatic
<br />Paymeut is oulst�ing, Lcnder may apply any paymeni reccived finraBorrower ia thc repayimient of the Periodic Paymeuts if,
<br />and to the o:�ttm tbat, each paymcM can be paid in £ull, To the exteut ihat any cxcess austs aftcx the paymsnt is applied to ttxe
<br />futl payment oF one or mare Perio�c Payments, such e�cceas rrmy be applied to wry late charges due. Voluntary paepaymerns
<br />shait be applied fttst to an�' PrepaYn�ent cpar8es and rhm as descri6ed in the Note.
<br />Any applieadon of peymeats, insurance prnceods, or Ivfiscellbneqr�s Procads to Fsiucipai due under the Note shaU nat
<br />extend or postpouc the due dato, ot change ttu amouut, of the Pariorlic Paymenta.
<br />3. Iranda for &ecrow Itema. Horrmver sbali pay W Lcnder an the day Perio�c Paymends are due under 1ha Nnte, wiGl the
<br />Note is paad in fhll, a sum (the "Fimda'� lo pzn vide for paymtut of amamts due far: (allaxes aMl assessments and ath�x items
<br />which can attein priority over this Secuiity �sa�eaFt as a li� or encumbrsnce a� the Property (b) leasehuld payments or
<br />grouad rerts on the Properly. if anY; (�) PremiumS for arrq aud all insur�nce required by Lender tuuler Section 5; aad (d)
<br />Nip�rtgage Tnsurance premiiwis, it auy, ar any sim�s payable by Sor�ower m La�der m heu nf the payment of Mongage
<br />Tnsurance pmamiimis in accordance wiW tbe provisions of Sectivn 10. These ite�ris are calletl "Fscrow Ite,�as." At origination or
<br />at any titue dwrng the tesm of the Lasn, Lender muy requixe that Community Aasociation Dues, Fees, and Asaessmeirts, if arry.
<br />be escravwed iry Borrv�x, and such dues, fees �d assess�neaits sball be an Fscrow Item Boaower shall promptly twnis� to
<br />(.endec aII aotices of amounts to lx paid uude�t tivs Secti�. Borrower shaU pap Lmder tha Flinds for Esanw Itezns unless
<br />Lender waives Soiaower's oWigation to pay the I'unds for acry or allEs�sow Items. Lendar may waive Boaower's obliga�on to
<br />1�Y to Lunder Fands for any oi all 8ecmw Itema at any fime. lwy such waiver may onty be in wriiing. Tn the event of such
<br />waivar, Boanwea' sba11 pay direcUy, when and where payable, tha amouma due for azry Escroa� Items For which paymeu[ of
<br />Fnruls has becn waived by Lendv and, if Lender requirss, shall fimish tu Lender receipts evidencing such payment within
<br />auch time pesiod as L�e�r may ra�uta Borrowec`s obligatian to noake such payroeuts auA to provide receipts shall for all
<br />piuposes be deemed to be a covenaut end age�ant contained in this Seaaiiy Insriamen� as tho phxase "covenent end
<br />a�eement" is used in Section 9. If Horrower is obllgated to paq Escrow Items directty, Pursuaut to a waiver, and Boaawea fails
<br />ta pay Yhe amount due ibr an Fscrow Iiem, Lendet way exemise its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount an�d Boaower
<br />shall then be oblig�ed imder Section 9 W repay tn Lender any such amamt Lcnder may rewlce the waivcr as w ury or alI
<br />Escaow Itams at mry time lry a noticc given m accordancc with Section 13 and, upon such revocation, Bouower shal� psy tio
<br />Lendex all FUnds, and in such aznowrs, that are ihen required under this SecGau 3.
<br />I,endex p�y, at iwy time, coliect and hold klmds in xn amaunt (a) su�'i.cierrt to pexnut Lender to apply the Funds at the time
<br />speciCied wider RESPt#, and (b) mt to exceed the maximum annoimt a l�nder can requiie under 1tE5PA. Ix�tdex shall estimat�
<br />the auwunt of Funds due on the basi� of current dsta and reasonabie estimates of expendituxes oF futwe Escrow Items or
<br />atherwise in accordance with ApplicaWe Law.
<br />N&BRASIUI - Slrq�k Femity - Fannfa MaelFreddle Mpo UNIFORM IN9TRUN1@NT v�� �
<br />d1�T1,glN� lot»1 w�. � t u xuxe Form �028 1101
<br />w6
<br />AI73.NG+9
<br />I Ifllq ��A1 � �III � � IIII Y� alll ��1 �� ��,I� � R�
<br />a000N�sea�ass
<br />