z .-:.f�.:` . f . , ;y�, r . . _ ... . .
<br /> , � 'S'� �'� , er - . , r`.. � .. iw.��=cror,.1r-iiea�_a... r
<br /> r ��.._
<br /> � ��'� :����r�. ���
<br /> payineaits m�y no longer be n;quire0.at the option of l�ader, if mc�rtga�e insuranse coverage(in the runount and or s p:r�od
<br /> �----'-.
<br /> m•
<br /> th�st Leader r..qares�prov[ded by an insurcr upproved by I�r.der 4gain beromes availa6te aad is obtainad. BorroRer s{tail pay �� '`'
<br /> the pr.,miums a�equired to maintai�mnrtga�e insu�ar�e in cffert,or to provide a bss rese�+e,until the*ecNirem�nt for mortgage ��
<br /> a equ
<br /> ' insurance ends in eccord�ce with a�sy wntten agseem,.nt between Borrower aY►d Lsc�er er applicable 13w. �,-.
<br />. �.,:.
<br /> .. 9.Yns�ttnrs.1.eader or its ugent may make rt�oauble eatries ugon and inspections�f the Praperty. Lender shall give �:4=�
<br /> . florrauer notice at the time of or prior to an insp�ciion speci�sing reasonable eau�for the inspection. �_
<br /> •'• � 10. Con�emnatton• The praoeeds of asy awaid or ctaim for dama�es. direct er ronsequentiat, in connettion with enY ___
<br /> candemmtion oraiher talcing of any part pe►xy Y y � r^�•,�_
<br /> � of the Pm or for co�ve ante in lieu of condemnatinn,are here5 assi at� �,_
<br /> � s�ll be paid to Le�cler.
<br /> In tho event of a totzt takin�of the ProFErty,the procecds sh�l be ap�lied to th2 sums secured by this Securiry Tnsvument. ��'�T'
<br /> wheth�r or not then due,�visii any exce�s p�d Lo Bossouez- ln th�event of a�artiai taking of the�oper[y in vrhicb the faar �_`���-
<br /> • markei vatue of th�Property immediately before the takiag�s equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this ��_�
<br /> Securety Ins�mtn3 immediately before the tatcing,unless Borrower and Lender otheYwise agree in�vriting,the s[uns sec+�red by �-�_
<br /> . tfiis Securityr Instrument shail 6e reduced by the amount of the proce�s multiplied by the following fraction: (a)the rotal
<br /> ' amount of th�wms secured i�.mediately 6efoYe the taldng. dividad by (b)the fair market vatue of the Property immediatety __
<br /> . before the taking. Any balance shall be paid w Bonower. In the event of a panial taking of the�roperty in whid�the fair ,�.---•
<br /> maricet value of the Pcoperty rmmediately befo��e tabng is!�s thaz►the amount of the sums secured immediately befare the ----
<br /> taYing. unless Borrower and ixnder otherarise agree in writing or untess aPplicable law otherwise provides.the prnxeds sha11
<br /> . be applied to the sums secuied by t6is Saurity t„ �ment tvri�}!di oi QOt tI16 SIlD15 3T6 t11PA dllC•
<br /> .�r• '� ��e pzapecty is ab^�daned by Borrower.or if,after ao�oe by Leader Lo Eorro�ver that the condemnor offers to atake an _
<br /> ``�'! awazei or settFe a claim for darnages. Borrocver fails to resgsand to Lender within 30 ds►ys after the date the aouce is given.
<br />- L,end¢r is auttaoriz�d to coUaci and appfy the prar.eeds.at its opdon.either to restoration or repair of the P�perty or to th�sums '°""
<br /> secvred by tius Security lnshument.whr,iher or not the�dae. li�on of ioceeds to rin ai shali not extend ar
<br /> ' Unless Y.ender and Borroiver othenvis� agree in wrian&, anY app� P P �P
<br /> . PostpaIIe the due date of the montlily payments referred w in paragraphs 1 and Z or cbange t�1e amount of such payments• _�,_
<br /> . il.Barrower ldot Releasc�E;Y�orbrara��By Lend�Flat s�Waieer.E.ttension of dae time fos payment ar ir.nclificatioa �
<br /> .`. �� �.� . • of amortization of the sums s�by this Security Instmment�anted by L�der to any sacoessor in interest of Borroever sIv711 �v-
<br /> nflt o�erate to release the liability of the original Borro�rer or Horrower's svc�r�sors in interest. I.ender sha11 not be required io �_
<br /> � � ��oe praceedings agiinst auY successor in interest or refuse t�extend time fos payment ar orherwise modify a�ortization �
<br /> of the ssm�s secnr�d by this �c�iii, Iasuument by reasrnt of ang dema►ed made by th$ original Bosrawer or Sauowe�r's - -
<br /> , • suo�s�ors in interest. Any farbt�uns�by Lendr�in exert��n�C any right or remedy sir�l not be a waiver of or p�c3ade the __
<br /> ' exencise of auy right oe zemedy_
<br /> . I2.s�o���a a�� sa��;ao�a�a s���.;anw�y.C�sigIIets• '1Tss covenani�.��d agreeme�s of this �'� _
<br /> . . Ses�s,�, Instrumec�.r�sne,3 6iud and benefat the sacoessors and assigns of Leader aad �orrowzr. sc�hlt�to the provisions of. e,,T;
<br /> ..� , � pa�ili� 17.Bar:�nv�r's covenz�ts and ugreements shzSE �:;_Qint and sevetal. Any Borrower w�Q�co-sigas tftis Sesurity �-.
<br />;•i'�; '� .' . �ITi� CCllTlty�iL�ID�t OIIj.H t0 QIOZIgdgC.�Tdll� r__.,
<br /> • Insc�a:�t but does.r.i3t exwu�e chz Note: (a) is co-si ciri�� ����y� `
<br />'�''�",;:' ` Bosativer'6'ante►2sc ii�.tfi.e Prap�rty undat t4e t�s of this�canrity InsC:-,;:;.r„�t:(b)is r�.r�rsonally ct;t�ated m�a�tiia svms _ _
<br /> ' seruied by t3�is Se�:uxit�In.,mumeat:and(c)a�#�t Ixn�acc�any�iar13.E�aower enay agree to s�nz�i,�odtfi,�:�'���or�:: � ,
<br /> " ,'�,'� . make any acca�nod�tions with regpz+d w the terms of this Sec¢rity Iasu�i�.�u or the Note vuithwt that P.�rrower's wnsen4: �'
<br /> . „ 13.Lazn Charges.lf the lasa secured by this 5ecudty Instrnment ia subjea to a law whict�sets maximtun loan ed�arges,
<br /> • . and tf�ai law is finally interpteie8 so that d►e inte�st ot oth�loan chFUges colIest�or to be eolle�tsd in cannection with the �
<br /> toan exce�d the perntitt�limits,then:(a)a�y s�acti toan charge sball be reduoed bY the amauac necessary to redn�the cbargs �
<br /> w the permitted Yimit:and(b?at►5�sums stlre�dy coll�from Borrower whici�exce�ded permitted limits will b�refunded to
<br /> � Barrower. L.ead�r may choose to make this rafund by c�educ3ng the �rinsipal owed ancter the Note or by sn�kictg a diiect _
<br /> ' paYme�►t w iorrowe�r. If a roSand redaoes principal. th� �ion will 6e ueated as a partial �repaym�tt n�thaut any =_
<br /> �. pregayma►t ctnrge under the Naie.. . .. .
<br /> . . 14.Notic�.Arg+notice to��'rax:�+ewer pmvided for in tf�!��:uriry Instrument sft�Y4;�given by delivering it isc�ts4�:�mliling ,:: . �_.
<br /> it 6y ftrst class mai�:�r,�ss a�!'ic�fe law requires use of another metf�:.`"I.fi�a aotice�}uL be d9recte¢�o the Prorpi.Y.'rl Addrdss,�;;.._
<br /> � or any other edcS:n:.�rw l�;,aawer�esigaates by noiice to Lender. Any c�:��ae�ao Ler�c shnll 6e�rr.s+�.by Gist.+�Fass mul trt��.,`' .
<br /> . Lender's addre�s sr�zd 8erei� er:��.y other address I.enQer desi�nates 6y�'r:,:,'tice to���a:�ver. My�.�prcvi,��ti•6aa in this -
<br /> Security Instsumem shaS�be�xx�:4i�li�6ave been given to Borrower or i.ender when�:ai�'aaa provid�d ia this�g��k: �,,.
<br /> � I5.Goveraiag �w; �s�.^�7�ity. This Security L�strumem shai! be govetiuti!!:15y fedesr�,.�;,nEw a�3 tfi�c 1';ur� uf the
<br /> � � jurisdiction in whidi:,r!he Froperty is located.Is�ihe event tt�at a»y proviJr.��or clause of this Seca�s�f�u�':i:astr�us'•ti�e DIote �.� .. �`��''
<br /> eonflicts witU a{►pli�le law.such conflict sl:al7:i;r;t affed ather provisio¢s��t6is Security Instrum�tt c�rrl:e rlo�ai`iic3�can N4'.,;:•.
<br /> � given effest wiihaut the wnflicting provision:'T'o this end tae provisions of this SQCUrity Instn�meat���Nar,�2�declared•�.�.:.
<br /> to be sevetable.
<br /> ' � 16.Boarowes's Copy.Borrower shall 6e given one�ts!'t�rmed capy of the Note and of this Security Ynstrumr�tit� �_
<br /> • .. � Form 3028 9I9t6,.• �--
<br /> v�so�e
<br /> . ' � .. . ; . . .. . • �!t},z'(,- . .. • . . ... ... •;t?•.•:c.;.., ,.. . .. . . • � •
<br /> . ' _ . . . . ' . �' r ' . 14..�. .
<br /> . . - r � ` . .. . - . � �� . . . � � . . .
<br /> � .
<br /> •,
<br /> . .
<br /> . jt. .:�' �i .. . � . ... . .. ' .I� ' . t . .i , .
<br /> . .. . - . •• - . _ . . •• . .. ', . - . . . . . (. .' , . .
<br /> . ,. � ' �'t• .... . .. __.. � . � � ' '' �. . . . .';''' •. .. _ . . ', . .• .• ••. ' .
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