. .. .. . G . -t�.� � - - - : _' , _ - � � .
<br /> S � '+�,�':W��lie-..�a .. . � " - F' �i��� -- __ -' �:
<br /> ��
<br />,.�:`��, • ��� �Vy�v.+` i�"_�".
<br /> S. gYazard or Pnvpe�ty Iasum�ce. �rocver shalt �p tlac lmgrovem4ou noN e�►shng or hereafter erected on th�
<br /> Pr6petty instar�ag�i�s3 loss by fiie.h�rds iasIuded v�ithin the eecm °e.xteresled ooveruge"aad any ather f�rds.inclv�ding �=
<br /> . flaods or flooding.fib�which Leuder�quir�s 's�ce.Shis insuraxice shall be maintained in t1z2 amounts and fot the pesio�.s --
<br /> ura
<br /> t1t,t L.ettder requires.'fi�iusv.rance carrier providiq,the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower sablecs[o Lender's app�aval =_
<br /> �irhisfl sball tmi ba iu�reasor.ably cvithhetd. If Barrawer fails to maintain ooverage d�scrih�l above. Lend�r may. at Leader's '�_
<br /> option.a6L�in coverage to protect Leader's dg6ts in the Prop�rty in aocordance w:tb parngraph 7• ix•
<br /> �t�°�' All insu�artce polici�ansl renawals shail he��ptabTe to Lender and shsll 8nclude a staadzrd iaortgag�clause. Lender =_
<br /> et�ll have the right to hotd th�poltcies and rene�vals.If Leader requins.Borrower shall promptly give to Ixnd�r alfl reseipts of _=
<br /> `��r I pnid p�miums aitd renPwal Qotiees.In th�event of loss.8ozrower shall pve pmmpt notice to the insvsance caa�ier an�Lend�'r. _
<br /> �,,: L�ler mnp make praof of toss if Aot ma�e gromptly by Sarrower. -
<br /> Uniess.Lender and Bor�wer atharr.+ise agree in writing.ir�srua�oe Pro�ds shall be appiiad to rescorarion or�p3ir af the
<br /> Fnoperty damsged.if the restoration or repair is esonomicaUy fe�i�le an�Len�er's security is noi tesse�d.If the restoration or
<br /> reptir is nas eoo;�amisally fea.v'ble or Lender's se�rity�yould 1�Iess��,the insuranse Praoe�s shal�be spplied to the snms
<br /> secured by ttiis Sec�rity Insuu�neat. whethes or not th:s due, with any excess p�d to Borrnrrer. If Bonower ahandons the -
<br /> P�cperty,ar doxs aot answ�r vrithin 3Q days a afltace fmm Lendar that the insuiaie�carrier has offered to seule a cimm. thea�
<br /> I.ender mag oollect the insurance pmceeds. Lende�may use the pmoeeds to n�air or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> '`:" secured by this Szcurity lnstmment,whether or aot thea due.1'iie 3Oday period�+rill��gin when the aotice is given.
<br /> Unless �.ender and Bonower otkernise agree in �vriting. any applicaiian of pmoeeds to priacipaJ shall nat ext�d ar
<br /> .: pastpone the due da:e of the monttily payments referred to in paragzap�s 1 and 2 or ct�u►ge the am.nunt af tbe payawats. If „-
<br /> u��r�araS►aPh 21 th�Prop�.ary is acquired by Lender.BnmoN�r's righ3 to any irs�:aance poficies and proc�d�resultina fmm ri'
<br /> d�ge w the PmpertY Prior to t�e aoqiusition shall pass to Lendar to th,extent of t�e svms secared by this S�witY Insuu�ut _
<br /> ��r�, tcur�iace[y psittr ta ttie acquisitian.
<br /> • ��,
<br /> 6.�ap�ney.�kon,Main4�ance�Pisnter�on off thY Ftu��s4y;�orivwe�s L�tin Adaplf' c�ttaa;i.easehnl�s.
<br /> 4 Borrawer st�all accvpy.establish.aad use the Property as Borrower's principat reside�oe within sixry days after the�ecut�oa of �f
<br /> tbis Se�uity Instcua�ent and s9all continue to occupy the Pn►PertY as Barm�ver's psir,cipat cesidenoe for at Eeast one year aftea ��
<br /> th�da�e of occupaacy.unles5 Lender othenvise o+mes in writing,wluch consent sh�l[nnt 6e unmawnabiy n:i�eid.or uuless -=-
<br /> •N•>''� exienuating csrc���ano� exist �ifiich are heyarEd Borrower's coutrol. Borxower sQ�a11 not destroy. dzm3$e or impair rche -
<br /> �`.,:!�3.�.
<br /> .;;s�,, Properry.alio�v the Froperay to deterior�te. or commiE uraste on the Piapzrty. Borrower s�fs�in de�au44 iLany farfeitu�
<br /> .�-��:��.� actinn or proeeading.whe4t�es civil or criminnl,is begnn that in Lender's good faith judgment cou:cl resnit ir�a.farfeiuue of the
<br /> . �perty or oWerwise material3y impair the lien created by this Security Tnsuumeat or Leuder's se�vriey int��Borrower may �
<br /> . �,.�':� aue suct�a defaait and r�instaie.as provid�d in p�ragrapb 18,bY ca�sing the actiott.or pracee�ing to be dismissed arith a niling =
<br /> that, 'sn Lettder's gaod faish determination, pceclndes forfeiUU�e oF st�.Borrower's ittterest in the Property or othec c�atcri�.�
<br /> impaimtent af t�e [Ie.n created by this Sec�rity Instrume�t or Len�''��eiurity interest. Sorrower shaU atso 6e in def2uf3:f��`� =
<br /> '�.`,
<br /> BoaoNer.dartng tRe toan r.�splicarian prooess.gave�lY false oF uiaccwate informati�on ar statem�tts to Lender(oi faa1�S:`:;_�•: ,,_'.j`=°--
<br /> ' to proviSe Lend�r with any matesial information?in conaation witb the 9oan evid�d by the NaIe,itt¢ladi��,but not limit�`� '�. •::••'-_;
<br /> � t°>�Psesentatioas cancerniIIg Borm�ver's acrupancy af the Property as a prinsip��ssidence.ff this S�curiry Insti�nneru is oh,�t`:: . --
<br /> tc�sehoid. �ormv��r s�ll ct�mply with all the provisioas of the lea�e. If Borrower asquires f�e tit[e W the Fropeirty, e�ic,^ _
<br /> �,. :� leasehokl and tL�fee tide si�all not merge uatess Lender a�rees to the merger in wciting.
<br /> 7.Frotection of�.eas�err's Rfghts ta t6e Properey.If BarroweY fails to perform the caveflants�agr�emen.ts cant{iucrl in
<br /> � this Security Insmua�nt.or there is a tegal proceeding that may signiHcaatly affect LenQer's rigHu jn the PruPertY(such as a
<br /> ' � pr�acc�ding in.b�nknip;cy.:pna�ute.for cond�mnation or fodeiture or to enforce laws or reguiatioas).t�,'n Ixnder may da a�d _
<br /> . . pay for whazeter is neoess�ry ro pmtect the vatue of the Property and II.ender's righ�s in ttie Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> inslude psying an}+ sums secured by a lien wfiuch has priority over �715 SOCtIPilj/ Tn¢trnm�*;, epp�g in caurt, paying
<br /> reasonabiz aitom:ys'fees and enter3ng on We Property to make rep3ns.Although Lxndez may ta�Ce mciion urtider this paragtaph
<br /> • ?.I.ender does Aot 6ave ta�i so. ,
<br /> . �;Any vnounts dis6uF�etD by Ler.der undez this �r'�rap6? shall bem:ne�ricfii#ianal de8t of.Bareac�et sccvred by this
<br /> , � �;�x.sd�tity'I�a;.aens. UnIess Borrower air3.i.r.,nder ag�;a other terms af pay�e�,��ese amow�ts st�a1D beas in:�sest from the
<br /> ,� . . . date o,€aFS�xst.sr.�ent�t.the Note rate sua'��rsttz;l be p�yable, rrith i� upcm ttotice from Lender to Barrov.er rr,quQSt�ng -
<br /> pxY!;�t�..::��::�'
<br /> :. B..Mc�gagx�uGe.If Lender m,quiced moss�s��.insura�..c as a wndition of malcing i�:�tnan sea�r�-is,t tius Security -
<br /> � � 'tiisuument, Borrower shaU pay the premiums reqnl�txi�t�.ajaintam the martgage insuYaaoe in effect. If.f�t���rs�,�reacon, the =
<br /> mortgag�'i�;s3tl�^.»nce cover�ge mquired by Lender lapses rir�ases to 6e in effect,Bonower shall pay tbe Qre�,:a�vs cequired to -
<br /> �� obtain cbvts�substandaily eqiriva�er�s to the�ortgage insuranoe greviously in effed.at a¢ost af:bstandalIy equiva�enR tn�a9r =
<br /> :., :,,
<br /> �� � cost to BottG�u¢�of t6c mortga�e in,ur�u�previously in effea. from an altemate mo�gage insur�r approved by Lend�'.�.j�f'•, _
<br /> 5t�stanliat;y eqnivalent mongage insurruxe cover�ge is not avaiia62�,Horrower shall pay w L�ender each mcnth a sum equas ts��� _
<br /> � • zst��.awe9f3h of the yeazly raortgage insuranae p�emium being paid by Borrower when the ic�svrance ooverage Yupsed or ceased w ,
<br /> . ip�{�seffecx.t,�hder will ac�ept.use and retain these paytnents as a loss rz�erve in lieu of mortgagc iasurarxe. Loss resenre -_
<br /> ', � Form 3oz8 :GY53f3
<br /> , � . ' , . . , Pap9of6 � —
<br /> � ' �. . . , �, -_
<br /> - , , . .� ., ,. . . . .. . .. . _ . . �- . - . . � . � .
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