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""t -. . <br /> � .. ..�.y.r. � . . . a•1:.�..-.._,+•' _ _ _ . <br /> � ,. � .. • ' . . . �. <br /> '�•W'WR11M�tltlf. -.t• .,L'C<}, <br /> •�,���f�?�, • x � . �. ..�..0 .-_ <br /> �'. <br /> . � / . �;tlb.:--..'". <br /> .�\�_ <br /> '�`-`- <br /> . 92- �0�02 = <br /> Y, QpndMnnalbn.The proceeds ol any award or clelm tor damagea,dlrect o�con�equantlal,in aonnaRllpn wllh any L <br /> condemneQon or other tekinp of the Proporry.or partthoroof,or lor conveyancq in Ileu al candqmnllNon,are htrN��ifiqnpd �',`-�-� <br /> and�I!b�paid ro Lander. _�� <br /> � � In tbe event of a tuMl takinp ot Ihe PropeAy,lhe proaeeds ehall be applied ta ihe sume aecured by thip pead o1 Trutf,wilh �.: _ <br /> � the excess,if an�,paid to Bor�ower.In the evant o1 a padlal teking of the Property.unlass 8orrpwar$nd Lender otherwife {``��.-•r-,__ <br /> aprse In wrR�np,there shell bs epplied to thesume secured by thla Deed ol Truet auch p�oponion af tha proGeedsas isequal to ;,:.. <br /> thet proportlon which th�amount ol lhe sum�secured by Ihis Deedof Trust Immedlately p�fqr tp ihQ dete Att4klnq bea�tto the �;,.u. - <br /> � loi�merket wlus ol the property Immedlately pdor to l�e dsb of teklng,wfth tho bnlanoa ot th4 procesds pald to Qorrow�. �:-._. <br /> I I t hs Pro p n t y i s e b a n d o n e d b r 9 o►r o w e r,q r 1 1,a R e r n o t i c e b y L e n d e r t o B o r r o w e r t h a t t h e a an demnar othro ta m qka an <br /> � � Lende rs eunthorize�d to ooll�ect and app y M prfoc�eodt,al Lende�s option,pUhqr oa�st ratlon Ar npai ol llW Proporty� f•�:�--- _� - <br /> ; � :- <br /> the wms ewcured by thia D�ed of Trusl <br />- Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise aprea 1�wrftinp,any such application at proceeds to p�ineipal shell not 6xt8nd ar ` _ <br /> postpone fhe du�d�ts of the monthly in�fallmonts relerrM to In paraprepha t and 2 hereol ar ahanqe thq amqunt ql auch , <br /> instellments. � ' <br /> - 10. 9onowK Not RNMwd.Extenaion ol the time for peyment or madiNcation af amonization a1 the suma Aecured by thia. _ <br /> Oeed of Truat prented by Lender to any aucceaeor in i�terest of Bo►�ower ehall not app�ete to releeise,m any maon�r the. ��:,F=_ <br /> ' Babiliryoftheoripfnel9orrowerandBorrower'aaucceaaorointereaLLendershallnotberequlredtaaommenceprooaed�nga _ <br /> �a egainat such wccesaor ar refu�e to entend tfine br paymanl or olherwise mc�dily amoRixatlon af the Qums secured by this. �; — <br /> Deod of Trust by reawn of any demend mede by the oripfnal Borrower and Borrpwe�'a auccessorb in iniafest• � ���� <br /> 11. Fab��aec�by��nd�r Not�WdvK.Any forbearance by Lender�n exerais�ng any nphi or remady hereunder ar �� __ <br /> otherwise aBorded by appli�sble law,shell not be a waiver ol or preclude the ezercise of any auch ripht qr remedy.fhe <br /> procurement ollnauranceotthe peyment oltexes or olher flene or cha�yes by Lende�stw11 no1 pa a waiver ot l�ndQr'9 riyhlta = <br /> � , eccelerate the meturity ot tl�e indebtednasa secured 6y thia�eed ol Trust ,_ <br /> 1Z. R�nndiu Cumul�Uv�All remedies provided i�this Oeed of Trust are dfstinct and aumulative to any othp�rigbt qr ��,,. <br /> 1. ' rem e dy u n d er Mi� Deod of Truat or aHorded by law or equity,and may be exerc�aed conCUnently,lndgpandRntly a ti-- <br /> euccensively. ' � <br /> �3, gdcc�ora and Awl m Bound:Jolnt�od S�r�ral U�blllt►r,Captlaiqi. The covananta end agreeme�ta.herein., �.t _��• <br /> ' co�teined shell bind,and the r�yhts hereunde�ehell inu�e to,the reapective 9uccea5ors and assipne ot l.6nder and 8orrawer, � f"- <br /> sub Ject to the provfsions of paragraph 17 hereof.All covenants and eyreementa ot Qorrowar ahall be�ofnf and sever�al.The �'�+y*� <br /> cepUons and hesdfnps of the pera�raphs of thls Deed ol Trust ere tor convenience only and are nottp be used ta interpret or =_ <br /> derine the provfaione hereot •�'" <br /> 14. Notla�.Except for eny notice required unde�applicable lew to begiven in another menne�,(a)any notica to Borrower � ��! <br /> provlded for In this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailfng such notiaa by ceAified mail add�esaed to Qorrawar althq PropQrty = <br /> Addreas o�at such other eddresa as 8orrower may dasfgnate by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)any nat�ap to +��. �--- <br /> lender ahell be yiven by certllied mail,return recelpt requested,to Lender's address stated hareln arto auch athar addressas � s��' <br /> Lendermaydesignetebyaoticeto8orrowereapravldedherein.Anynotloeprovidedforl�lhieDeedofTruatshallbede�med ' �' <br /> � to heve been�iven to Borrower or Lender when�iven!n!he mannqr deaipnated herein. •� <br /> 1g, llnNortn OMd ot Trusl;Gor�minp Law;S�v�nbNit�t.The farm of deed ot trust combfnes unifarm Govenanta lor . <br /> natfonal use and non-unibrm covenanW with Ifmited varlationa by�uriadiction to conatilute a unifofm aeaurlty inat�umpnt � ^ <br /> cwerin$real praparty.Thls Deed et Tru�t shell be gevern�d by the lew of the jurledictlon In whiah the Property is <br /> the event that eny provfalon or clause of this Deed of Trust or lhe Note conl8ats with applicabla law,such aontliat ahall not �� <br /> aHect other provfalons of thls Deed ot Trustor the Note whlch can be given eNecl withoutthe Conlliating provislons,and tp thip <br /> • end the proviafona ol the Oeed of Trust 4nd the Note ere d�e41� • <br /> ' 18. Copy.Borrower sheb be fu i�hed a cons� 8 Npte and ot thie Deed ol Trust at the tlma af <br /> I executlon efte ordetlon he�eof. � ~ r <br /> 17. Tra th�Prop�rl�r;Assumptlon.I all oti an�p�r�����interest therein is sold or translerred by <br /> Borrower�QtLender'spriorwrittenconsen �Lludf g(ajthecreationo allenorencumbrancesubordinatetothiaDeed <br /> of Trust,(b)the creatlon of e purchese money securiry interest for houaehold appliances,(c)a trensler by devisa deacent or by <br /> operation ol lew upon the death of a►oint tenent or(d)the grant of eny leasehold interest of three yeara or leas notCOntainingan . <br /> optfon to purchese,Le�der may,et Lender's optlon.declare all the suma secured by thia Deed ot Trust to be�mmedialely due <br /> end payable.Lender ahall heve waived suCh option to accelerate d,prior to the sele or iransl8r,l.ender and the person to <br /> � whom the Properly la to be sold or translerced reach agreement in wr�t�ng thet the credit pf such person ia satisfectory to <br /> Lender and that the intere�t payeble on the aums secured by thia Deed of Trust shell be et such ratqps lender shal!request.If <br /> Lender hes walved the option to accelerate prpvided m this paragraph 17,and il 8orrow6r's euccessor m interest has <br /> � executed e written assumptlon agreemertt eccepted in writin9 by Lender,lender shell release Qorrower I�om all obliystions <br /> under thls Deed of Trust end the Note. <br /> ' It Lender exercisea such optlon to accelerate,Lender shall mail Qorrower noUCe of acceleretfon in accordance with <br /> � paragraph 14 he�eol.Such notice shell provfdea period o}not less than 30 days Irom the date the notice is mafled wlthln which <br /> Borrower may pey the sums declered due.If Borrower lails to pay such suma prior to the axpiradon of such perlod,Lender <br /> may,wfthoul lurther notice or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedies permftted by paregraph 18 hereot. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COV@NANTS.Bonow�r and Lmd�r IuAh�r cov�n�nt�nd�yrM�s lolbws: <br /> • 10. AccN�rallon;R�m�dl��.ExCOpt as provided in paregreph 17 hereof,upo�Horrpwer's breach of any covenant or <br /> agreement of Borrower in thfs Deed ol Truat,including the covenants to pay when due eny suma aecured by this Deed o1 Trust <br /> Lender prlor to acceleration shell mafl notfce to Borrower as provided m paregraph 14 hereol specltving:(t)the breach;(2)the <br /> eGtlon required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not less than 30 deys Irom the date the notice Is malfed to Borrower,by whfch <br /> �3 , I such breach must be cured:and(4)thet lallure to cure such breach on or belore the date specflled In the notfce mey reault in <br /> � acceleratfon ot the sums secured by thfa Deed ol Trust and sele ol the Property.The notice shall luhher inlorm Borrower of the <br /> •3 ; right to refnatate aiter accele�ation and the right to bnng a court action to assert the non•existence ot a deteult or any other <br /> � Lende e op800n may declare all of the sums s c,uradrby h s Deed ot Tr at o bef�mmediafely due and payable wfthoutturther <br /> I demend and may invoke the power of sale end any other remedies permitted by appl�cable law.Lender shall be entitled to <br /> Collect all rea9oneble Costa a�d expenses�ncurred in purswng the remedies provided in the peregraph 18.�ncludinq,but not <br /> � Ifmfted to,reasonable attomey's fees. <br /> If the power ot sele is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice ol deTault m each County in which tAe Property or some part <br /> � ' Ihereol is located and shell ma�l cop�es ol such nqtice in the manner prescr�bed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other <br /> . peraons prescrfbed by appUcable law.Atter lhe lapse ol auch time as maybe requued by applicable law,Trustee shall grve <br /> � publlc notice of sale to the persons and�n the ma�ner prescnbed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower. <br /> ahall sell the Properly at public auction to Ihe highest b�dder at the hme and piace and under the terms deaignated In the notice <br /> I ol sale in one or more parcels And m such order as Trustee may determine.Trustee may postpone 9ale ot all or any parcel ot <br /> the Property by publlc announcement at the Ume and p�ace of any previou4ly scheduled sale.lender or Lender's desipnee <br /> may purchase the Properry at any sale. <br /> � Upon receipt of payment ol the pnce bid.Trustee shali delwer to the purchaser T ruatee's deed conveying the PropeAy sold. <br /> The recitals in the Trustee s deed shall be pnma lacie ev�dence ot the truth of the sletements made therein.Trustee shall apply <br /> the oroceeds ot the sale in the tollow�ng ordec�a)to all reasonable Costs and expenses o}the sale,mcluding,but not hmited to, <br /> � � Trustee's lees of not more tnan ._. -�io oi me gross saie pr�sa.rvtfsu�muin eii�ui i i&r o�005 ui w Gv5Q5'vi ii°oo o.��ioi�Cc, <br /> � (b)to all sums secured by this Oeed ol Trust:and(c)the excess,if any,to the person or persons legally e�titled thereto. <br /> I tg, Borrpw�r's Rlahl lo RNnslat�.Notwithstanding Lender's accelerntior ol the suma secured by th�s Deed ol Trust. <br /> � ; Borrower shall have►he right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to entorce the Deed ol Trust diacontmued al any time <br /> � prior to the earlfer to occur of(Q the IINh<fay before the sale of the Properly pursuant to the power of sale contamed in the Deed <br /> ot Trust(�i)entry of a judgment enforc�ng this Deed o'T►ust�f (a1 Borrower pays l.e�der all sums which would be then due <br /> • under this Deed ol Trust,the Note and notes secunng F�ture Advances.d any.had no acceleratfon xcured:�b)Borrower <br /> cures atl breaches ot any othor covanants or agreements af Borrowe►contemed�n th�s Oeed of Trust.(c)Borrower pays all <br /> reasonable expenses incurred by lender and Trustee enlorcing the covenants and agreements ot Borrower contained in this <br /> Deed of Trust and in enforcing lender'a and Trustee's remedies as prowded 1n paragraph 19 hereof,mcluding,but not I�mited <br /> fo,reasonable ettorney's lees:and(dl8orrower takes euch action as Lender may reesonably requfre to assure that ihe Ifen ol <br /> �� this Oeed of Trust.Lender'a interest�n the Prope�iy and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thfs Oeed ol Trust <br /> ahall continue unimpalred.Upon such payment and cure by Borrower,th�s Deed of Trust and the obl�get�ons gecured hereby <br /> � , shall remam in full force and eflect as d no acceleration had occurred <br /> . . <br /> •i <br />