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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bonowsr and Lender covenarn and eyroe as Io11ow�. �_�
<br /> ���
<br /> i �, p�yn��a pdn�t�p�1 and IniKMI. Borrower ahall promptly pay when due Iho pnncipal ol a�d mtqretl on the �__
<br /> indobtsdnosswldmcedbytheNot�,prepe mentendlobchoryeaosprovldad�ntheNoto.andlh�p�mc�palulend�ntprqston
<br /> � any Futura Advancos tacured by thc�01 TruaL E-
<br /> ; a. F„nd.�«Ywamdbauru+co•$ubJscttoeppllcablalewortoawrldenwawerbyLenddr,f3onowerahuUpaytoLendur �,'_
<br /> � onlhedaymonlhlylnsWlmMbolp rinolpdandlnt�rottarepayabl�undertheNote,unlfltheNoto►�patd�nlu�I.anumlhRrein F:--
<br /> "Funds")squsl ta on�-tw�lfth ol the ysarty texea and aeeosaments whlch mey adaln pnorlfy ovor thls Qt�d ot Tru�l,nnd �c;.
<br /> � q�oundnntaonthePrope►ry.ltany.plusone•iwelfthol Yaerlypremluminstallmentsforhn�nrd�n�wancp piusone-�welMhol a_ __��� ,
<br /> yearly p�emium inqallrt�ab for mo►tpape inwrance,if any,alf as reaao�ebly��t�m�tea m�ti+��Y and Irom limo to tlm�by
<br /> L�ndsr on the basl�ot assasm�nts andbills end reaaoneble estimetos thareoL ��_�•
<br /> ti' TheFun�eeh�llbeheldlnanlnsHtutiontltedopositsoraccountsofwhicharoinsuredor yuaranleed.byaFederelorstate _
<br /> � epency(includfnp L�nde�if Lendsr I�such an Instltution�.Lender shall apply 1he lu�ds to pey eald taMes.ass��smeM�. �,:,
<br /> �� � Insurancspremlumsandqroundrenta.�endermeynolchargeforaoholdingandepplyinylheFunds.enalyr�npwideccount `
<br /> or veri(yfnp end compilinp eaid aesessments end billa unleas Lender pays Borrower Intarest an the Funds end applicab�e law
<br /> � pe rmlta Lender to make such e cherye.Bonower end Cender may eQree ln wrlling et the time ot execution ollhls Oeed o11 rust ��R
<br /> � . � that intereat on ths Funda ahall be pefd to Borrower,end unless euch aqreement�a mede or eppIlcelbe law requ�res such :_,_��
<br /> Intereat to bepeid,Lender shell not be required to pay Borrower any inlerest or eamin a on Ihe Funds Lender shall qroe to ; �
<br /> • • Rar�uwsr,without cherge,a�annual accounpng of the Funds ahowing credila and de�its lo the Funds and the purposa tor
<br /> " . � which eoch d�bft to thaFunds was made.The Fundsare pledyed es edditional securiry for Ihe�ums s�ecured by thlt Deed ot -��Q
<br /> k' Trulf the emount utthe lunda held by Lender,toqether with the future moMnly�natallmenta of funda payable pnor ro the due �•� :�� —
<br /> i datea of mxas,ea�essments,insu�ance premfums and ground rents,ahall exceed the amount requked to,pay said tnxes. [_' �v��r.-
<br /> }. � aasessmonts,insure�ce premlums and ground re�ts aa they fall due,such excess shell be,at Borrower s optio�.either t
<br /> p►omptty repeid to Borrower or credfted to Borrower on monthly inatellments ot Funds.If the amounl of the Funds held by F
<br /> � LendurahallnotbesulNcfenttopaytaxes.ansessmenta.insurencepremwmsand groundrentsaetheylalldue.Borrowe�sfiall
<br /> pay to Lender enY amount necessary to make up the delic�ency withm 30 days�rom the dete not ce is rnailed by Lender ro
<br /> � Borrower requeadng poyment thereot. �;�'1!�
<br /> ' Upon paymenl in fuN of eU suma secured by thls Deedof Trusl,Lender shall promptly relund to Borrower any Funds held br + ;,;�
<br /> � •� �. ' j Lender.ll under peragraph t B hereof the Prope�ty is sold or the Prope�ty is otherwise ecquired by Lender,lender shall apply.
<br /> I no leter then immediately prfor to the sale of the Properly or Its ec uisitfon by Lender.end Fund�held by Lende�at the tfine of
<br /> � • �! epplication as a credU agalnat the sums secured by this Deed ol�rus� �_•
<br /> I 3, �pp�C�dono�p� m�nq.Unless applfcaWe lew provides otherwise,all payments recefved by Lender under the Note .�
<br /> � , and paragrapha 1 and 2�ereof shall be applied by Lender lirst in payment of amounte payable to lender by Borrower under 'I�
<br /> ' paragraph 2 hereot,then to intereut peyeble on the Note,then to the principal of the Note,and theo to interest and principal on ,��
<br /> ` eny Future Advances.
<br /> � A. Ch�rqu;LNt�•Boaowers shell pay alltazes,assessments and other charges,ffnes and imposfUOns attributable to the
<br /> � Property which mey attain e priority over ihis Deed of Trust,and leasehold peyments or ground rents,if any.�n the menner �
<br /> provfded under parepraph 2 hereoi or,if not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,d�rectly to Ihe
<br /> payee thereof.Borrower ahellpromptly turnlsh to Lender all noticea ot amounts due under thfa paregra ph,and i�the event �
<br /> I • I Borrower ehall meke payment directly,Borrower ehall promptly lurnish to Lender receipts evldenc�ng such payments
<br /> �i► • Borrower aheil pramplly dl6Citsrg8 any llort�lt3Ch has prlorily over thia Deed of T�usL'provided.thet Bqrrower shell not be
<br /> �Y�„ '• � �equiredtodfschargeany suchllensolongasBorrowerahallagreeinwrNingtothepaymenloHheobligat�onaecurednysuch
<br /> lien fn a manner accepteble to Lender,or ahall in good faith contest such lien by,or detend enforcement of such lien in,leyal
<br /> � • proceedings which operate to prevent the enforceme�t of the lien or torfefture ot the Property or any paA thereot
<br /> � g, Huud Inturane�.8orrower ahall keep the improvements now exiating or hereafter erected on the Properry�nsured
<br /> againet Ioss by tlre,hezards included wlthin lhe term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may reqwre
<br /> and in euCh emounts and lor auch periods as Lender may require;provided.lhat Lender shall not�equire Ihat the amount of
<br /> � such coverepe exCeed that amount of coverage requi�ed to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Thia lnsurance cerrier provlding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to epproval by Lender:prov�ded,that
<br /> such approval ahall not be unreasonably withheld.All premiums on i�surance policies shall be paid�n the manner prov�ded
<br /> � under perapreph 2 hereof or,If not paid In such manner,by Borrower makinQ payment,when due,directly to the�nsurance
<br /> cerrler.
<br /> All insurence policWs end renewals thereof shall be In form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard martgage
<br /> clauae in favor of end in farm accepteble to Lender.Lender shall have the r�ght to hold the policies end renewt�ls thereot,and
<br /> 8orrower shell promptly furnishto Lenderall renewal noticesand all receiptsof paid prem�ums.ln theevent of loss.Borrower
<br /> sholl give prompt notice to the Insurance cerrfer and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if not mede promptiy by Borrower.
<br /> � Unless Lenderend Borrower otherwlse agree in writin9.fnsurance�roceeds ahall be applied to�eslorat�on or repair of lhe
<br /> Property dameged,provided such restoralfon or repa�r Is economically feasible and the security of this Deed of Trust�s not
<br /> thereby Impafred.lf such restoration or repair is not economically feasible or If the securNy of tTus Qeed of Trust would be
<br /> � Impefred,the fnsurance prxeeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust with the excess,if any,paid to
<br /> 8orrower.II the PropeAy Is ebandoned by Borrower,or it Bprrower fefls to respond to Lende�within 30 days Irom the date
<br /> � nottce la melled by lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier oif9rs to setlle a cla�m for insurance benelits,Lender is
<br /> authorized to collect and apply the insurence proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repa�r ot the Property or to
<br /> the eums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> t Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any such application ot proceeds to principai snall not extend ur
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly instellments refer�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of such
<br /> installments.If under parag�aph t B hereot the Property is acqui�ed by Lender,all nght.t�tle and intereat ot Borrower in and to
<br /> any Insurence polcies and in and tothe proceeds the�eot resulting from dama8e to the Property prior to the sale or acquisdfpn
<br /> �� ahell pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust�mmediately pnor to such sale or acqwsition.
<br /> ; 8. Pns�rvallon�nd Malnhnance ol Prop�Alr.L�anholds;Condominlums;Plann�d Uni10�v�lopm�nta.Borrower shall
<br /> . .�, � keep the Prope►ty in good repair and shall not commit waste or perm�t impairment of deter�oraiion of the Property and shall
<br /> comply with the prov�aions of eny lease if this Deed o1 Trust is on e leaseho(d.It th�s Deed ol Trust ison a unit fn a condominium
<br /> ar a planned unit develapment, Borrower shall pertorm all of Borrower's obligat�ons under the declaration or covenants
<br /> creatinQ or governing the condominium or planned urnt development,the by-laws and regulations of the condommwm or
<br /> � Boerrower and e orded t get er w thithls Deod of T u�at.�the covenanls and agreeme ts ot su h�Pdeeshall�be ncorpoera�ted
<br /> Into and shall amend and supplemen►the covenants and agreements ot this C)eed of Trust as�t the rider were a pa�t hereot
<br /> � 7. Probcllon ot L�nd�r's S�CUrMr.��Borrqwer fa�ls to pe�form the covena�ls and agreements Contamed in lhis Deed ot
<br /> Trust,or if any action o�ProCeeding is Commenced with materfally aHects Lender's�nterest in the Property.includ�ng but not
<br /> Ilmitedto,eminent dome�n,insolvency,codeeniprCement,or arrangeme�ts or proCOedings mvolvmga bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> ' then lender at Lender's optlon,upon noliCe to Borrower,may make such appearances,d�sburse such sums and take such
<br /> ectlon as is necessery to protect Lender's mterest includ�ng.but not lim�ted to.disbursement ot reasonable nttorney's fees end
<br /> entry upon the Property to make repairs.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a cond�t�on of making the loan secured by
<br /> the Deed ot Trust,Borrower shall pay the prem�ums required to maintain such insurance�n eMect unt�l such hme as the
<br /> ; requirementlorsuchinsuranceterminatesmeCCOrdancew�thBorrower'sandLender'swnttenagreeme�torappI�calbe�nw
<br /> ' BOrrower shell pay the amount of all mortgege insurance perm�ums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br /> � � Any amounts dfabursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with mterest thereon, shell become add�tional
<br /> �...�.ti�o.�na�n nll�orrower seCUred bY this Deed ot Trusl Unless Borrower and Lender ngree t0 Other terms ul poyment,such
<br /> � . ..---•-- -- _�_..
<br /> �..............ee.�......�ti..
<br /> amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lenaer to fsorrower requeaimy Nar���a��i��a�o.,�,a��.,�..�:...�•....�,...��...-......_
<br /> � dateoldisbursementattheratepayablefromt�metot�meonoutstandmg pnncipalundertheNoteunlesspnymentofinterest
<br /> ' et suCh rele w0uld be Contrery to appliCeble law. in which evenf suCh amounts sha11 bear mterest;�t the h�ghc►st iate
<br /> permiss�bleunderapplicablelaw Nothmgcontamedinth�sparngraph7snaurequ�reLenderto�ncuranyexpenseoNakeany
<br /> actfon hereunder.
<br /> 9. (n�plet�On.Lender mey make or cause to be made reasonable entr�es upon and�nspectiong u�the Pruperty.prov�d�d
<br /> j that Lender shall grve Borrower nouce pnor to anv such�nspectu�n�pr�dyiny re!�su�c+bk�c.iuse m��elore reiated to l�ndur�:
<br /> � interest�n the Property.
<br /> � . .
<br /> •
<br /> `� I
<br /> ' .
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<br />