.h `��. , .,��� �.4 .. .. � .' . ,� .:�� . � , u . ` . e . .. • . :' .
<br />, � � - :�.�` '�`� ` .. -\ ._� . � t , a 1. �}1� ��,..�.......�...�...+.� — �•— '.
<br /> . . ` - .r�.ar�y�:t.=.. �S' _ ,_._��=--ZC�� _
<br />- , '� s� -..L �-r.=.
<br /> �.t —
<br /> � ��O �V�-i
<br /> �•�
<br /> i1.'lYan�Yer of tht�0��y�z o Q���ci�l latc�st ln Bo�o�rer. If ali ar uny paet��f th¢Pres�crty�u Any iaurc�t in it
<br /> is sold ar transfe�rEd(or if n bet�ficfal intcreat in lDorra►ver i.g�ol�or ttansferttsi iu�d Bnrruu•cr i�nr�t o natural pzrs�n)�vj�hout
<br /> E.end�r's priar �vriit�i ��t�it. [�1G� i►�ny, at its up:i�sn. t�uire !mm_"diai� pnymcnt in fuil of aq sa�nv securc�d by ti�is J ,.-
<br /> ,y,� Security tnstrument.Hoa�vcr.this o�tfon shall not be exeecis�d by L.ender ef exerci�is proUibitc�l by federal law as of fhe date �, .
<br /> af this Security f�strument. ��-'
<br /> If l�uder exercis�s this option.I.ender shali gEve�orrotver r�otice of acceleration. T he nntice s S�a l!provi de a p e ri e d fl f n o t _
<br /> less d�az►3�J days ftom the date the norice is delivered or mailed within wh�r.l�Borrowrr.mnrJ PuY ail sums secured by tf�is �-•���
<br /> iat
<br /> Se�urity trscrua[�nt.if Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the edcpiration of 4his.�period.I�nder may invoke any rems:dies �,_r,-�.
<br /> pemdtte�by this Securiry Ic�strument without furthtr notice or demand on�otrower. ___
<br /> 18. �orroave�s Right to F�eiasta3e• If Borrower meets cei4ain cvnditians. Borrower sha11 have the right to dave �_
<br /> _- _- enforcamem af this Securiry Instius�=nt discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a>5 days(or such other period as _-_.
<br /> ' �PPlicaote law �ay specify for reinstatement) before sale of the FroPeray gnrsu<u►t to any powcr af sale canEained in this f:,Y.
<br /> geeu�tity Insavmwnr or(b)enery of a judpnent enforcin;this Security Ins�nent•Those rnaditrans are that�orcvwer:(a)pays � .<
<br /> Eruder all sums which then would be d�e under this S�curity Instrument and'�te Note as if no acceleration had occurred:(b) .�
<br /> puzs any defau➢t af any other wvenants or agrezmer►ts; (c)Fays all eapeases incarred in enforciag this Security[nstnimeAt. 1�,.`:�
<br /> includ'mg.,but aat litaited eo,r�asoc�.ble ati�meys' fec.s:.ar�d(d)takes such�ion as I.ender may reasoaably r�nire to assute �:_
<br /> ����` that the lien of�his�ecari4}r InstnuneAt,Lender's sighes in tfre Progetty aud Ec�+oa;er's obligatian w pay the s�nas serired by ���._>:
<br /> . tfiis Sec�ri�y F��:-�uuent shall coIItinus anchanged. UpQn �--�ent by Sacrower, this Security Insvumr.nt and cFte �:
<br /> abligations seca�x�d h�seby shali z�main Ea*:Iy effective zs if no aac,�,9e�.'�n(�d ooairred. Howevec,this right to reinst�..s�:_!1 �
<br /> ` ." not apply in t�u�:.af 2��Ieration un�rr patagraph 1?.
<br /> I3. �ate c3f hutc�{L"r�..,��of Loafl Servic�. �e Note e•_E partial ia�cest in the Nate(togeth�c v.ir�te this �.�rrt3' �:i=�
<br /> Instrument)may be�2a�ne�:t more�r3zs without prior norice trf��:-rocver.A sate may resutt in a change�n tbs.ea=.itY CTs�arn —_
<br /> tr
<br /> s.ti�;y� as the"Loan Sesviser")t9��col�ects m+�t�ily payments due uncle:�3a:Note and tlus Securny Itrssiument.Th..e aisa may��ta�= _J,_ _
<br />:•:;Y., or more changes ef t�e l�•s S�i�o�iated co a sale of the Noce.If there is a change of t�z II.4an Senriaer.Bommves�'�I r� � T
<br /> ' �ven written aotice ef��':?�ae in a:am:rance with para�aPh 14 a6ave and a�licabie law.Tt�notice wi11 stat;thY name aad
<br /> address of the new f��rtcer and;�::addmss us��hich paymerns shonld�e�.The no�,.re will aFs�c.�atain any other �,;::.:
<br /> �formauan required�y�ic�ie law. -- -
<br /> 28. Hazardous Gilb�tai4�es.Ea�catr-�r s.h�.��s�:.cxi�sse or pemrit the��, �, �-rosal. stor���,��relrase of any �?;,,
<br /> Hazardaus S�,'zstances����in tLe ['�e{�r:y:H.:��wer shaU not do. aor af'Yl�� anyone eJ��to do, �'r�Gbin:+''4� a�� t�e . -- -
<br /> � Propesty�i::� 'sn vioiation af any���'�n��-'...�cal Law. The p�crv3ier two sentences shall r��:apply to�ti:s p rsezv�.. u�..ar —.,._
<br /> , T!"aZ9 to 43l+"677L�iZ3 '��'°`��:
<br /> ,. st�ra�e ca.r{3��roperty of s�a�i;,.-�+ne�of HaTardans Su6st�aa��.�t aze generally recagnizad to be apAmp =
<br /> r,iside�.�.,;d•ns�and ta a�:���°.ance of the Pru�»ertY•
<br /> ,.��.� Su.��°s shall p:r�c�iY�ive Lender written r,otice of any i�ss�eatiga�rn�s:,�,.�m,demand,lawsuii or.�t��c�ri�F�.�ay
<br /> rn s:
<br /> 8 ��" �,5 �_,_�
<br /> • . ��cerc,��:ar re�4�agency oc�.-:vate party involvin the� .._ ��: ;�[az�+dous Substance oe��nmez�G.=7r :-. -.
<br /> �7�':,s:�•.:
<br />:.:�-„n�� of�v�i�h?Fbcrrn��er has a.�al kho�uEa�;�. If Bozrawer learns.as ia�:�:r:���3��r��.go�^m.rzn.c-.�sl or regai�t���4.�hatiF:�•.:j�t
<br />;::��_ a.ny remaJ��:other re�e�u�o�ef�z�r��rardaus Substance affersar-s����C�y is nec�s�rSc:Borrower sha�l p:o�a:lt�tra� . u�,�-_
<br />'�;'� afl ne�ssarY remedial xc�r�s:n aoco:::�acce w:ti�Err�i�nmentai ta,sf_ ' . ..
<br /> . Rs used m this p��ph 20. "Hazaidnus Sac�nses"are thosa substt�ar�-�defined as toxic or haz-�z:ni�sa•s��t�c.rr,i�s Ly ----
<br /> FAViconmental Law an8"a� followmg substances: gasoline. kerosene. uii'�ec k�:unm�ble or touc petrols�t's psod��'s, toxic _ _,_
<br /> ' pesticides and herbicides.volati�e solveats,materials oontaining asbestus ar fore.a�dehyde.and radioacrive mateTia�4-As nsed in
<br /> . ' tiiis�mapapb 20. "Environmental Law" means federal la�vs and lav,s of the jurisdicdon where the Propercy is la:ated that ___
<br /> �• rtlate to health,safety or enviranmental protection. • ��_-
<br /> NC1N-UIvIPORM COVEI�iANTS.Borrower su►d L.cnder fiirther co�enuat and ugroe sis foitows: �.,
<br /> 21.Accelee�at�ont Remedies.Lender sLall give�Mtce w Bormwer pr�or to accele�at�an fofiowIng Bm�rn»Ws 6reach
<br /> � ot any wvcnant or agt�ement in this Secarity Iastrument fbut nat prior to acceierntiaa ander paro�'up4b t7 unt�
<br /> spp9iraGle law praeides otherwlse).Ttie notice st�l1 speci�Y. �a����'a�t+�)the adlan�qutre�to ca�no 4Ptr de8ae�it;
<br /> . (c)n date�aot tess t�sn 34 d�ys[ronn the dnte the aotke ts given to So�rower,by whtch the detauIt�u�be sured;and
<br /> (� Wat faitare to�cure tAe deBaWt an or before t6e dute specifted ia t6e notice ms�y�+It tn�ieroumn aP tde swn�
<br /> securcd Dy thYS SeCU�ity,Iastrucneat and safe of the PropeKy.Tlie notice shutl�Yut6er inform BaramsFt oS�ite�3g6t to
<br /> ' reinstate altcr�ferat�a and the rige►t to bring a coart acHon tu assert the non•e�¢iste�e of a defuult an aay otber _5
<br /> .. .., deteasc oY Bosmwer to•acceleration aad ssie IP th�default is not cueed on or before tAe date s�eeiil�tn,the notks. �':.
<br /> Lender.at Its optton�iuoy cequtre tmmediate paym�i tn fall of a[i sanm secar a l by t 6 i s Sec�rt t y I�u�ramml �ilt�t
<br /> furtber demana ansl tnay tnvoke the power of s�te and any ocl�er remedEes periaiite�6y oypQ�cabte law.Lcmder s9�li•be �-
<br /> erstttied to colIect a!�expenscs�ne:ured fn pwsuing t6e remedne�prav�dec3 in tbis pare�nPb Zl,Incladlug.but��m211mited ----.
<br /> to.teasoa�Dte a2torneys'iees�nd casts o!titte e�videnc+e. of the �`'' '
<br /> � If the power of sale is invokeal,Trustee sl�Il cecard a notice oY defaWt in eacb oom�t9 i�w�td�unq�grut
<br /> 1
<br /> .. ' p�,ope�qy is Iocated an�shall w�il copies ot sIICh notice in t6e ma�er 0¢�scr36ed by appiicable I�w ta Btsn�er and W _
<br /> the otDer peisons pmscrl[�ed bY aPplita6ic taw.ARer the t.�mte mquired by appUcubie Iaw.lYustoe shall givr;ppbiic aatke —•
<br /> � of sate to Ute pesson9 und Sn the mumei'prescr�ibed by apptF��te law.Te�stee,wi4flnat demand on Don-�s�e,s6a11 sell
<br /> the prQperty a4 pablle Aadlon to t�te 63ghcst bidder at tbe t3�ce�d pt�c�end asqder 4�e�er�Q dcsign�tal in�the rs�uY
<br /> •� sate in one or more parcets and[n�y or�er Trastce dei�.�'r�",�maY W�W��e of ail or anf�y7uroe�a�+tlte
<br /> . pcnperty by �u6IIc ennouncemeat at the ttme and place aQ any pt�vinassl� schedWed sale. I.eader as ita des[gaee may
<br /> . pt�.�ct�ass t6e��gerty at aDy saie. r:�-
<br /> . Wrm 3�28 8190 =
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