. , , , �. r-. . . .��<.�� � ' : . � + ' � • :.r.
<br /> .' ` `,r . C , - •;� � • ,. ... 1 1��""�^,'t` ,.�[a��'�?�`�=` .
<br /> � i�4 " _ �F�-. tP�i2+-'�i
<br /> �g� �O �. _—---__
<br /> I.et�er,if mort a�e insursu►ce coveiage(in the aatownt and for�t e penod �F�yy;�._
<br /> F�yments may nQ tongcr be r��iroA,ut the opticn ot S �_�:____
<br /> tSs�l�csier se�uirs)Qrovid�bY ea insurer appraved 6y[.en�er again beeomes availmble and is obta�ned. Barraw,r shall Qay __ .
<br /> th�ps�miums raquird to r�intnin mortgage insnr.�ce in effect.ar to pmvide a ivss reszrre.umil tIie�quimment for mortgage ���, �
<br /> insu�►tc�e�s in acootdan�with apY vvritten ugt��.ent beta�cen Barrower aad l,ender or apFlicab:e taei. ��.�:�`c v_
<br /> � n,tander ar Its�rent may make reasonable er.tries upon arA inspecaons of the Property- Leader sh�l1 gne • -- ;-
<br /> 9.Q�peMID .�__-,
<br /> p� peci i� masonable cause for the inspection. �t'`''=
<br /> Borrawer notice at the timE of or prfor to ust ins tion s fy' g ;---�,�--��_`.
<br /> 10.Con$crilns�tton.Tt►e prao�ds vf�ny award or claim fflr damages.direct or oonseqaenrial. iu co�ecaon with any _^�-, ---
<br /> �. condemnari�n or ather takiag of any gart of the Frogerty.or for conveyanoe in lieu of condemnaiion. are herebY assi�n�d a�d ;�r-=.
<br /> . shaU be paid to l.ender.
<br />�` In thc event of o toial taking of the Feoperty.t�e plo�eds shali be agplicd co the sums sea�*�d by this SecuritY LisUrum.nt. �,~�.�;°:,�
<br /> of t�e Property 'sn wltia`a tht fair '+�E�"i�
<br /> whether or aoY then due. with any ea�cess p�id to Barrower.In the to or�f a p���'�t of the s+uns sec�re�by this �4���=
<br /> m�rket vat¢e of the Prop�► im.�aediately befaee thr tatang is equal greate�
<br /> h°
<br /> g�curiry Mst�us�nt immsdiatetg befors the ta�ing,unl�ss B�rrower and lx�e�otheruise agree in�vricing.che s�sms secu�ed bY �
<br /> this SecuadtY Insq�ument shall be ndured by the amou� of the proceeds mult[plieci by the following fraction: �aimm�dic� �
<br /> amount of We sums seaued immediately befo��talcing,divided by(b)the fair market vatue of We PropertY � -- -_
<br /> Defore the talcin8•AaY balanoe�"aall Ize paid to Baarower. In the event of a partial taking oF the Property in which tha falr = _ -
<br /> tnarket vaIu�of the Propercy i m m e d i a t e lY before tl:e talsing is less than the amount of the sums se�red immediutaly be�are the --
<br /> ercy itcable taw otfiierwise pmvides,the pmce�s st�tl
<br /> • taS�ng,unt�s Bormwrs and E.en�er othe�wise a�ree in�amting or unless a�8� __—
<br />. be appliEd to�he sums se�u�ed by thIs Security 1n �,r.ent whether or not the sums are then due. .�:. °
<br /> If the Praperty is abandan e c i by t'�rr�wrr.or`f,a ft e r r o ri c e b y L,e n der to Borrawer thus ihe onndemnor ofl"rers to u�tse an
<br /> � awaM or settle a claim far dmu�es. Borrower fau�to r��uu to Len °r wittin 30 days after the date eha aati�is give�, �-_
<br /> �:'� Lender is aut6orized to coll8ct aiM apply the p�s,at its aption.either to cestoratian or cepair of the Pra�!vr tn�ttia sams `_,..,_.
<br /> !,>`r, aget�+°,r�t�then dae.
<br /> secured 6Y this S��n�•. eII ` �''�;'
<br /> ';:�� - Untess 1,.endr��tit�.Borm�yer e'�.�'��-'� u►°m�g•�Y aFG�''�n of p�aoeeds to pria�r►.�a s�al1 �e�xten�l oz .�,M;,,�
<br /> ;, '� . hs 1 acd 2 OT cP�xs��:r"a�e amo��.r sucb pz}-�r:sFrfs. �_-
<br />, •�': Fost�one the due date•af the m�tii�:�.�a�c»'��ed co�{oszsgr�P �-:=.:
<br /> ' lY.Bomaweg Not SeI��s��r2�ce$Y L��'�'!�a Walver.Extensic��'ti�,time for paym:ni nr�af c�on• �'L`:..
<br />�� �' � of airnrtization of the sums sace'r�:.by this Sas�.�:n'In..�.Yn�aL`granted by Lender to�q+��ssor in int�resi af 3ccss�..T shait, ��::=:.
<br /> . noi.pperate to tetet:aY�e liabiliry of the ori.�sr,�.�ureoarEr or Borrower's successors�ust�t.Len.�.�r shzil nat be requite�to ���
<br /> • catmmenoe prac�i?Jr}�=�e�ains��?Y successor�s`aterest ur cefuse to ext��a:e for�r�mt os�til��cavise modity�� �--
<br /> � of�,�s:�s s�it+''.s.�y titis�Y �meut by re�g��� r.f aay d�au-.'d made. is�s 11�r.arigi�'a�-�urro�ver or�rrow�'�� ----
<br /> ���.}���p. Ain?� fnt�..^�b3+�ncteT iv exrro'r.sa�I��Y��^.�rem�ty,�dhs�3�?bs a �vaiver of Qr�c?ada th� �;;_
<br /> ,;r
<br /> ..• ex�e.�a:zc���r�:ia��ea�d7- �'=
<br /> �..��•� . i The coveaarn�s and agreemeais of thd� ..
<br /> � 12. Suore��md A��d+doia3 actd S�ve� L3abi,i�:,:tt'i.isigFa�s.
<br /> �'n�curitY �strumeni�sf�lt bind and benefit the snoce5sors and assign9 erL�l�r.n�er and Boaower. sca6je� to tize provis:dna�of
<br /> �aPb 17. Bortower s caesnunts and agm.ea�ents sh�l be joint s�nd seve�l. At►y Borrowes who cas tgn�����
<br /> Inshumeat 6ut does not c�ecuto the Note:(a)is ao-signing t�is Sec+uity Instrument only to�m�y ga.�� p --
<br /> ' Bouocver's imerest in tf�e Pmperr�r�nde:the terms af thls Serurity Insm�ment;(Dj is noi obli a;c3 to aY�e�sucna _
<br /> ": sxured by this Security In�ument:and(c)ugrees that L e n der a n a anY o�er B o r r o w e r ma y a g e e ta e�teaA,madif�r.fn�s�r or.
<br /> • �.�e�y a�ommodauons with regard w ihe terms of this Security Instrument or the Noto without tt�t Bone�►�z's oa[►�wt��
<br /> 13.t,onn CI�aBea.IF1�e loan secured by ttvs S�curity Ins�►t is subjeq to a law which seu mdxlmum�tdt►�ci�rg�;
<br /> - - 'i�i that law is�inatiy inte�p�u�d so that the interes�ar other loan charges call�ted or to be.collectad in cannc+�ionw}th tho
<br /> ��exceed the pennitted limits.then:(a)any sucb loaa charge shall 6e reduced by the amouns neressary to rcdua*thb cht�g�
<br /> tq��YT�e perniitted liarit:and(b)any sums alra�y oollect reducingth .0 yriact chowed under the Note orebyl�mrkin8 a dieesA --
<br /> �t�'tower. Lender may chause to rnake thic refund by P � m�t.���buo�en �
<br /> �;'tt�nt to�BOrrow�r. If a nsfund raduces grincipal. the tedactinn will 6e t�eated as a purtittl prepuY eny� `
<br /> _- �f�yme�t c�tnrge undar#hc Iy�G.
<br /> �` 14.Notk�,.w.Any naace t�'Gunowerprovided for fin this Socurlry InstrumeM si�al�ix g�vea by de]taering Qt�or�y m¢ilinn
<br /> � �t by fi�t class mail untess applicab2e!aw cequires ua.�of another meihod.The notice shall 6e direc�d to Wo Prap�ty�aAddrtrss
<br /> � br airy otber address Bon�awer desigrates by natice to Lerider. Any notice to Le�der shall be�en bY firc;t c!��l•°to
<br /> � `�.�er's addres9 staied he�eirz or any other adQress Lender desi�by.nodce to Borrower. A� notict ptro�ri�led�ur�ln•dda
<br /> �, g�ity Instrument sh�116e deemed to 6ave been givea ca Lcirtower or Lendei when given as provided in thia guzagmph:
<br /> . 15.Ca�ve�ing Lacv9 Severn611ity. This Seruricy iG��r,rumsnf shali be .govemed by federal Law unr9 tite t�w of the
<br /> ' jurisdictioa in which the Fraperiy is taGUed.Yn the ever���itat any pmvisiom or clause of this Scx�;� in�tcument or th�l�toto
<br /> .; oanflicts wiW appl�cahte lu�v,suc6 conflict shall not affei�t other provisi�of thls SecuritY In�.�m�.-`��r tho 11lmto wtilc3i can'b°
<br /> � � gt���ef#'ect wit�out tho conp�c�8 pravisioa. Ta this e�D r�e provisions of this Secarity Ia-,r¢tuma.'nt'�d tho Nate�sa doci�red
<br /> . ta,lEdx seuera6le.
<br /> � � 16.Borrosre�'s Capy.Ei�rmrower shall be given one ma.`�ormed copy of ths N�nr,ci of this Security humament.
<br /> Farm 302il� 91fl0 —
<br /> pyp�4 0}6
<br /> �r;==-
<br /> �.t'`:'::�r' i '=_
<br /> �,_r, � _ I'. . . .. ,. . .{'�;.'�. lc. , . . ,
<br /> r. . _ , .i , - .. - , � .t� , � ' . . .
<br /> -r ;� _ G ' .. - _ �`�i�'3�it . � !}- � � ,
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