. . . . . .. ,, r _: .. ,
<br />- � }a ' . .. , . . - ' - :!a. . �. - �t. , F tI e� � '
<br /> -,�r'�, .e. :i; ,�� � s _ = _.
<br /> <<�� � - �
<br /> � —
<br />, • ��° ��'L� �'..
<br /> `_.
<br /> I�ender. �'he for�going war�aai�ies and represenicatiorasa and �.
<br /> . Bo�ra�rer's obZiga�io�s pns$uant to the foregoing ind�mnity, shall __-_
<br /> ' ' survi.ve repaym.$nt of th� t�ote and the reconneyance of this Deed ��
<br /> o€ Trust. ��`.
<br /> �°
<br /> � 9. Asaiqr�ent of Ren�s= Management of F�oL�ar�y. As �
<br /> additional securaty ereunc7er, Borror�er hereby assigns to Lenfler =__,
<br /> � Sci�e reA�e, is�ues and grofits of the Progerty, p�ovided that �
<br /> �, t Bosra�er shail, prior to aaceaeration under paragra�Oh lb hereo£ �
<br /> os aUaados�en� o¢ the Property, hane tlae right to collect and �>
<br /> retain such ��nts, issues and profits as they hecom� dvze and pay- '�
<br /> _ able. id�on acceleration or abandonment of �Tas Prop�r�y 9 Lendes --�
<br /> may, ei�Iz�r in peraon or by ag�nt, wit� v�r �i���at bri.n�ina� aay
<br />;;;��` acition or proceedinq, or by a rec�ivez aggoint�d� by a court and F�y�
<br /> ,=�5,. a�i�Paont regard ta fhe adeqaacg� o� �ts secnraty, �nter upon and —
<br /> y=� : . �ake passesafon of the PrQper�,i, ¢n� any gart tYaereof. itt its awaa
<br /> name or in th� name of the ��ss��. and do any acts vaIzich it
<br />� deems rnecessary or desisab�.� �o ��serve the value, mar2sr��bility
<br /> , or rentability of fihe Prc���Q c�� any part thereof or uaa�erest �
<br /> tlaerein, inerease the inca.:.e tYcc�from or protect th� s�rurity -
<br /> ' hereo� and, with or �without taking possession of th� Property,
<br /> sue fox a� othezv�ise coL3ect the rents, �ssu�s and profi�ts _
<br /> . thereof, aaaluding those �st due and n�xgaid, and apply �e same.
<br /> � less costs an� expeases mf operation ary� collection, iznyluding —
<br /> -_- attora�eys' f�es, ��an aa�� indebtr�clness secured hereby, al] �tt �
<br />__- such order as Lender may deters2a.a�-. The entering upom an8 tak��g ---
<br /> '-� p�ssession of the Prop�yf� the a:�llectfon of such rents, issuss
<br /> �` ` and iarafits and the applir��tion thereof as aforesaid, shall not —
<br /> ewce or waive ang defaul�t or notice of de£ault hereuaa�� or ---
<br /> inc�aZidate any act done in res�,,se Y.o snch def�lt o� paarsua.�$ E'�
<br /> � to such notice of defaua't and. �+xEi��►i.thstandinq tYz� continuaace:�
<br /> po�s�ssion of the Praperty c�r �� �:ollec�ion, receipt and apglasr�<a�-
<br /> , t3o� of rant�, issnes o� ����its, and ��;�r�tee and Lender•�..�all '�Ye��
<br /> en4cifiled icaa ��ercise eve�..�fs3ht �rovid�. for ssa an� of'i�i� Loa-a � :: , �
<br /> _ InEtru��nts os bg law npnn• aacur.�ance of' any Event of Q��a�]:��� � �
<br /> _ � in�lua3�tnq, w3�tho�tt liini.tation� �?t�a;�riq�t to exerci�e t&e power�i� _
<br /> sale. Further, 7.�nder's ��qht� �d remedies under tt�io paexagra�3�
<br /> '� • 9 shall be cumu�ative ��t�, and 3n ao way .a limitati� o�,
<br /> - � � Len�3er's righ�s and re�c:�;�ur�� *snder anp A�siqnmsnt of lr�;�,��s anc3 —
<br /> � Rents recorded aqainst i;t�c: Pkoperty. Lender, �'ruato� �cc� the,
<br /> � receiver shall b8 liable ti� acc�cs�t��; only fpr those rents act��:�.�+
<br /> � recoive�. �
<br /> � �+0. Evente o�' I�c:.���a3�: The �ffc��.lawinq shall constitute .
<br /> ' '' a:nc Lfire�at� �rf Oefault unde� � s Qe�� .o£ �at: �
<br /> � � � (a) Faibu�s. t� �.� any ia�stallment of
<br /> , _ prinaipal or inter�[c pr aa�v other sum secured herceby �
<br /> when due, or failus:c� �:o pay when du� riny o�her indebteci-
<br /> �4 '''� ness of Horrower tis� ��der� "
<br /> , . fb) A hrsaah of or default under aay provi-
<br /> � sion contained in the Note, this De�d of Trust, any of
<br />' � , th� Loan In�trunten�c�o or any other encumbsance u�o� �he
<br /> � � : Pro�erty, after g�.ving ef£ect to any applicable cure
<br /> `��;,.',•� pesiod conta3ned th�erei.n� ,
<br /> � � (c) A w�f� o¢ as�cntion or att�:�..]:i�r,�ut oar any -
<br /> , �imflar procesa sY�1�: be entered aglin�� IIc►��a��� �,uhich
<br /> shall become a lian an t1Fie Prop���y os �n.g �c��i.�c�ri
<br /> � � thereof or intereot t:Isex��.m�r
<br /> � . �d) T�era sha�l be filed by or aga3nst
<br /> Horrower an aetion u�nder any present or fixture f�d�ral,
<br /> state os other sta�ute, law or regula�ion relati�xc� to -
<br /> _ ___= bankruptcy, insolvenay or other reZief fos debtors j or '
<br />� .�' � there ehall be appofn�ec� any 2rcus�ee, recefvor or k
<br /> liqufdatar of Harroarer or of a21 or any past of the
<br /> Property, os the rente, issnes or profits thereof, or �
<br /> Borrower sh�ll mal:o any qeneral assigwnent for the
<br /> . � bene€it of credatora;
<br /> -4- . _`
<br /> , . � . -"�'-, . , . �.�:., .'�_�,__ - �"�.,"-
<br />, . .. .. ' .. ' .. ., _, .. . ., . � . � .., . "i.. • ., . �.. .. . • '' . ',. . . .
<br />