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<br /> ttae Property in violation of any Zaw, ordinarlc�: ��' regtalationj �=�_-�-�
<br /> -,:�-..
<br />- and shall gay amd promptly discharge at Borz�oSV�r's cos� and �: � .
<br /> expense all l�.ens, encumbrances and cha�cqes lev�ed, impoaed or -
<br /> assessed against the Praperty or any part thereof. �.:,�_,
<br /> �:;'`
<br />'` 6. Eminent Domain. Lender is herehy assign�d all - -__
<br /> compensation, awards, c�amages and other pay�ents or relief
<br /> ihereinafter °Proceeds") in cannaction crith condemna�ion or other '
<br /> - taking of tts.e Praper�y or past �hereof, or for conveyaace in lieu � .. �
<br /> of condemnatiQn. Lender shall be entitled, at its option, to ��_�
<br /> commence, appo� in and prosecute in its own name any action or �T �
<br /> proceedings, au� shall alsa be entitled to make any compramise or ���,��
<br /> settZement in c.�nnection wi�h such taking or daffiage. In the ��---_
<br /> , event any gos��:n of the Pxoge$�y is so taken ox damaged, Lender -r_:-_�-`.
<br /> �� �Lall have � Qption, ir� i�s s�ole and absQlutcm discre�ion, to �t__°°
<br /> ��a�ly all siacIi Proceetls, after �r�uctinq the��am all costs and � =
<br /> exne���s inc�rred by it in conn�ctiar� c�rith �.�.:.�n Proceeds, upon t , ;
<br /> - any irLdn�tedaaess secured hereby and �sa �ch crrder as Lender may + ,":.'°`
<br /> f:�,�,f
<br /> detersni.ne, e� to apply a31 such Proce�'s, af��Y such deductions, ;.. ���;,,
<br /> to the res�a��.on of the Pro ert u n such �c�saditions as Lender ;;�`"°-"
<br /> P Y Po �.,;,.::.
<br /> may cletermine. Any application of Procesds �c� indebtedness shall `=�_=
<br /> � ' not e�e�d or postpone the due date e€ any payments under the •:,?<<s::
<br /> , Note, �s cuse any default thereunder m� hereunde�. �-�f ;�
<br /> 7. Performance b 1[��::.der. In the even�t of Honovs�'s '�;�
<br /> , �ail� to per orm anp of the ��ienants here�s� or make any �S�.gr- �--
<br /> mer►�� �n�quired hereby, or if any act �� take�a mx legal p�oceeding �"�--
<br /> co��aiQr�3 which materiallp affects Y��ar's ir�tare�� f� the `�,,,i'
<br /> •� Prope�, Lender may in its own discr��io�a, �sut with�ut ob3iga- p�°.,,A
<br /> taon to do soR and wi'thout notice to �� de�a� an Borrawer, and �u:�-�
<br /> . '� �s-=:=:_:,.
<br /> _ � without relear���g Borrower from anp ol�ligati��, do any act whach s,.�:��:�.-
<br /> the �orrawer Ivsa.� agreed but fafls to ��r and may also da any othe� ��;��:
<br />� act it deems necessary to protec� thc �ecuri�y hsseo�,. Horrow�r �.,
<br /> shall, immediately up�� deinand there�c�� by Lenaar, pa�� to I.�rder � ���
<br /> � al� costs and expenses fncurse� ar� �^'.:ms exPencled by Lende� �ii�. �
<br /> connection with the exercise ib� T�:a�r of the foreqoing rigb�.s, �'��-
<br /> togeth�� with interest thereo� �e �' default ra�e providesl �n °`�
<br /> the Hu���e, �hicb shall be added tn �e in eb�ee3:ness secured - �
<br /> _ .. hereby. Lender shall no� ittcur anp �u«�'�ilfty b�aause of an3�ichia�g �
<br /> it may do or omit �o do hereunder. � , _-
<br /> 8. Sazardous Materials. Borrowa�. slaa�li keep tl�e ����:�__
<br /> Property �n ccmpl ance w t any and a�.]l federtal, stat� and loca3 : __
<br /> � laws, o�dinances and regulations relatii.a�q to .i.n�Iu��r.��� hygiane �
<br /> or to environmental condi�ions on, under or abo�a'� the Property, �r.�:
<br />. including, but not limited tcr„ soil and groundwater condit�ea�. ����
<br /> � Truetor shaYl not uae, genera�e, man�afacture, sto�e ox diepaac� a£
<br /> on, uncler or about ths Property or tcxansport tm or from tha
<br /> - Property any flammable explosives, ra�ioaative materials, hazasdan�s �: _
<br /> �astes, tox�c aubatanaes or related materi.als, including, wi'thauf�
<br /> � limi�atfon, any substances defined as or i�clu�1Q� in the deSEfu��=
<br /> tion �f "hazardous subgtanaes", "hazaadous waotes", "hazardoaa
<br /> r�" materi�2s" or "toxic auba�ances" undQr any applicabl� la�ma
<br /> ordinanc�s or requlationa (collectfvEly referred to uereiasa�t�r ���
<br /> � as "Hazardoua Materfals") . Borrower 1��reby warraats� and re�pre-
<br /> , sents to Lender tha� there ar� x�o Hazardous Matezfa�.a on or uur3e� _
<br /> the Property. Borrower her�� agrees to indu^anYaiEg and ho2d � �-:-
<br /> � harmless I,ender, ite a3irect���o o£���rs, empl��+eos and agenta, r��:,=
<br /> {� and ars:� succeasors tcv �snder's 3nt�r�:�i.n from and aga3n�t any and
<br /> all a.laims, damaqes a.rn� liabili�ie� ax�aing �in conm�ction with -
<br /> � � � th� passence, sase, atoxage, dispoeal a••� �ra��r.rt of any Hazardous L
<br /> ` Materials on, under, from or abou� �he Proper�gr, inalud�.�g. with-
<br /> • � out limitation, (a1 all damage� di���tly or imaireatly arisfng —
<br /> � � out of the use, qeneration, atorag� mr disposml og �lazardoua �:
<br /> 1�laterials by Borrower or any p�ior owner or operator of the �.-.
<br /> -- -- �roperty, and tb� R11 coata of any required or neaeasary repafr, �___
<br /> ' cleannp or detoxification ancl the preparation of any closure or --,J_
<br /> . other required plans, whether such action is regtiaired or neces-
<br /> sary prior to or follawing t�ansfer of title to tho Propesty, to �
<br /> the £ull extent that auch aation is attributabl�, diroctly or
<br /> • • 3ndirectly, to the presence os use, g�nsration, stosaqe, release, �
<br /> �:. threatened release or disposal of Hazardous Materiale by any �,�
<br /> person on th� Prop�r�y prior �o transf�r of title th�reto by � `�`
<br />. f�-
<br /> ' �:�.
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