<br />Horrower shall promptly discbarge any liedn which has privrity aver this Security Instn�ent tuiless
<br />Sorrower: (a) agx�es in writing to the paytnent of th� obligadon secured by the lien in a �pnatmer acceptable
<br />to L,ender, but only so long as Borrower is perFomung such aSre�ment; (b) contests tha liea in good faith
<br />by, or defend� againat enforcement of the lie� in, legal proceedings which in I.ender's opinion operate to
<br />prevent the e�►foro�t of the lien whi�.e thosc pmceedings are pa�ding, but vnly until such proc�dings
<br />are concluded; or (c) secures frorn the holder nf the lien an agr�n�t satisfactory to Lendcr suboz�dinating
<br />the lien to this Security Insirnr�t. If �r determines that any part of the Property is subjc�t to a lien
<br />which can atta9n prionity over this Security Instrunnent, I.ender may give Borraw�r a naatice identifying the
<br />lieu. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satis�+ the lien or take one or
<br />�ore af the actions set forCh above in this Sectian 4.
<br />Lender may reqnire Borrower to pay a an�time c�arge for a real esCate taa verification and/or
<br />reporting service used by T,.ender in connection with tlus Laan.
<br />5. Propexty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereafter erected on
<br />the Properiy insured against loss by fire, hazards iuclude� within thc tcrm "extended coverage," and any
<br />other hazards including, bttt not limited to, earthqualaes and floods, for wluc�i Lender requires insuranc,�.
<br />This it�surance shall be maintait�id in the am�unts (including de�uctible levels) and for the peniods that
<br />L.ender requizes. What L�nder requires puu�suant to the pre�ing se�aces can chauge during the term af
<br />the Loan. The insurance carrier pmviding the insuran� shall be c�wsen by Borrower subject ta L�ender's
<br />right to disapprove Borrawer'a c,�oice. which right sJaall not be eacerciaed imreaeonably. �n,der rnay
<br />require Eorrower to pay, in connecticm with this I,oan, either: (�) a one-time charge for flood wne
<br />d�termination, certification and tracking scrvices; or (b) a ono-time c�azge for #lood xone dete�mination
<br />and certific�tion services and subsequent charges each time remappings ar similar c�anges occur which
<br />reasonably might affect suGh det�maination or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for thc
<br />pay�nent of any fces impased by the F� F.aaaerg�ncy Manage�ment Ag�o,cy in connection vnith the
<br />review of any flood wne d�termfnatiom re�ulting fram an objecxion by Borrowear.
<br />If Borrower fails tp maintain any of the coverages described above� Lender may obtain insivance
<br />caverage, at L.ender's opdon and Bormvver's expense. I.e�der is under �n obligation to purGhase any
<br />particular type or amount of caverage. Therefore, suc1� coverage ahall cover L�nder, but might or might
<br />nat protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in thB Pmper�y, or tho conte�nts of the Property. a8� �Y �,
<br />hazzard or liability a�d might provide greater or l�r coverage than was previously ia cffecr. Bormwer
<br />acl�owledges that the cost of the inaurance coverage so obtained might signi5ca�y cxceed the cost of
<br />insurance that Borrower could havc obtaix�ed. Any am�owits diebursed by Lender under this Sect�on 5 ahall
<br />become additional debt of Horrowcr secured by this Securiry Instrwaaent. These amou�s sbsll bear interest
<br />at the Note rate from the clate of disbursement and sball be payable, with �u�h interest, upon notioe from
<br />I.eudcr to Horrower requesting payment.
<br />All in�urance polic�ies required by Ls�der and renewals of such policies shatl be snbject to Lender's
<br />right to disapprove such policies, shall include a stan,dard m.ortgage clause, a�d shall nar�ne Lender as
<br />mortgagee and/or as an additioaal loss payea. I.ender shall have the right to hold the policies an�d renawal
<br />certificates. If Leader requires, Bormwer shall F��A�Y �ve W I.ender all t�ecexpts of paid premiums a�d
<br />rea�ewal n�otices. If Horrnower obtaina any form of insurance coverage, not othsrwise raquired by I,euder,
<br />for damage to, or d�on of, the Properry, suc� pol�cy shall inciude a standard naortgage clar�se and
<br />shall name Len�d�r as naortgagee a�d/or as an additional lvss payee.
<br />In the ev�nt of loss, Borrower sball givc prompt notice to the insuraace carrier and L,ender. Le�der
<br />may make proo� of losx if not macle promptly by Honrower. Unless Y,.ender and Horrower otherwise agree
<br />in writing. anY insurance proceecfs, whether or not the und�rlying insurance was required by Lender, shall
<br />be applied to z�estoration or repair of the Property, if the restoratian or repair is economically feasible and
<br />I.ender's secuxity is not lessened. During such xepair aud restaration periad, I.,ender ahall have the night ta
<br />hold such insura�ace proceeds u�til I.ender ha�s had an oppommity W inspecC such Properry to c�sure the
<br />N�BRASKA - SMgls Family - FenNa Mse/FnddM Mac UNIFORM II�TRUMENT
<br />�-8(NE) Io8111 �ue b ot t 6 IrdHw: 3� Fprm 30Z8 1/Q1
<br />