<br />As a result af these agr�en�nts, Lender, any pum,}iaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer,
<br />any other entity, or any aftiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directly or indirectly) a�nounts that
<br />derive from (or might bc characterizcd as) a portion of Borrnwer's payn�ents for Mortgage It�surance, in
<br />exchange for sharing or rnodifying the mnrtgage insurer's risk, or reducing loss�s. If such agreeme�nt
<br />providee that an affiliate of I.ender takes a share of the insuter's ri�k ia exchaage for a shaz�e of the
<br />premiw�ns paid to the insurer, the arrangennent is often tcrmed "captive rei�n�suran�." Further:
<br />(a) Aqy sud� agre�enb wtll not sffect the amwruts t1�at Barrower has agreed to pay for
<br />NYortg�ge Insrurance, or any otrier terms of the Loan. a�ch agre�nnents w111 not increa.�e thc amount
<br />Borrower wW owe for Mortgage Insursn�e, aud wW not �Htle Bocrower to any refand.
<br />(b) AnY �ucl� a�me�ats will not affect the�i ghts Borrow� has -� any - wiW respeet to the
<br />Mortgage Insu�rance under the Hameawners Protection Ad of 1998 or a� othcr la�w. These r�te
<br />may includc t.�e right to receive c,�eartain disclo�ures, to request and obtaiu cancel�adon of the
<br />Mot�tgage Ia�urance, to have the Mortgage Insurant�c t�q�nated autAmatically, and/or to reveive a
<br />refund oi any Mortgage Insuranoe premiwaus Wat w�re un�rned at the time of snch canceUation or
<br />tesmination.
<br />11. As�igpment of M�c�ellaneous Pcaceeds; ForCe�ture. All Miacellaneous Proceeds are b�ereby
<br />assigned W and shall be paid to I.ender.
<br />If the Property is damaged, suc� Misc�llaneous Procee�s shall be applied to restoration or npair of
<br />the Property, if the restorati�on or r�pair is ecanomically feasible and Le�nder's security is not 1�.
<br />During su�h repair an�d restorarion period, Len�de�r shall have the right to hold auch Miscell�eous Prncceds
<br />wntil L�ender has had an opportutnity to inspect such Pmperty W ensure the work has been coxnplcted to
<br />L,ender's satisfaction, provided tk�at such inspaction shall be undertaken promptly. L�nder nnaY PaY fQr the
<br />�pairs and restoration in a si�ngle disbursement or in a series of progresa pay�ents as ihe work is
<br />compleCed. Unless an agr�nent is made in writing or Applicable I.,aw requ►ires interest to be paid on such
<br />Misceilaneaus Praceeds, I.eiad� shall not be required to pay Horrawer any inUerest or earnings on such
<br />Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the reaCoraCian or r�pair is not econ�nucally f�asible or Lender's secu�ty would
<br />be lesse�, the Miscellancaus Proc;ecds sha11 be applied to thc sums sacurod by this 5ecuri.ty Instrunoent,
<br />whether or not tlten due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. S�ch M�i.acellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br />apPlied in the orde�x provided for in S�ction 2.
<br />In the event of a total taki�g, d�ttvction, or lass in value of the Property. the Miscellaneous
<br />Proceeda shall be applied to tt�e sum� secured by tb�is Se+eurity Instrument, wh�her or not then due, �witth
<br />the excess, if any. paid to Borrovver.
<br />In the evex�t of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property ita which the fair markeC
<br />value of the Pmperty innxnediately before thB paztial taldng. desWdion, or loss in value is equal to or
<br />gmater than the amount af the sums secured by Chis Secu�ity Instrument immediately before the paztial
<br />taking, destniction, ox loss in value, unless Borrc�wec and Y�er otherwise a�ee in writiug, the suuns
<br />secured by tbis Security Inawment shsll be reduced by the amount of the Misccllaneous Proceeds
<br />multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total aubount of thc sums s�cure� imm�l.iately before the
<br />partial taking, d�ct�vetion, or loss in value d.ividod by (b) the fair market value of the Property
<br />i�mmediately before the partial taldng, desbnycGion, or loss in value. Any balance shall be �aid to $onrower.
<br />In the event of a partial talcing, destructioa, or loss in value of the Property in whych the fair market
<br />value of the Property in�rm�ediately before the paRial taking, deshniction, or loss in value is less tb.ain the
<br />amount nf the sums secured imn�ediatcly befare the partial taking, deswction, or los� in value, unless
<br />Borrower and Lender othc�rvvisB agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds eball be applie� to the sums
<br />secured by this Security Inst�nent whether or not thc sums are then due.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Eorrower, or if, aftsr notice by L,ender to Borrower that tbe
<br />Oppos�g PartY (as defined ini the nsxt seat�ce) offers to rnalae an avvand to settle a claim for dannages,
<br />Borrower fails to arespond to Lende�r rx►ithin 30 days after the date the notice is giv�, L,ender is suthorized
<br />w collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration nr repair of die Pmperiy or w the
<br />suuns secured by ttus Security Instrument, whether or not th�n duc. "OpPosing Party" means the thirci partY
<br />that awes Horrov�r Miscellaneoua Proceeds or the party against whora Borrower has a�ght of action in
<br />tsegard to Miscellaaeous Procee�s.
<br />Borrower ahall be in default if any action or p�ing, whether civil or criminal, is beguti that, in
<br />L�ender's judgment, cauld result in forfeiture af the Property or other material impaiara�nt af Lender's
<br />interest in the Property or rights under this Securiry Instnmaent. Bo�rrower can cure such a default and, if
<br />NEBRASKA - 5ingle Family - Fanni� Mae/Freddls Meic UNIFORM INSTRUMEM'
<br />�-BINE) �oe� i � Pepa 8 ot 16 �mn.a.: Form 30�8 7/07
<br />