<br />shall remain firlly effect►ve as if n�o accederarion ha�d occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not
<br />apply in the case of acxeleration under Sectian 18.
<br />20. Sale of Note; CLuange of Laan Serviac[; Notice of Grtevsnce. The Note or a partial interest in
<br />the Note (Wgethex with this Sec.-urity Instrument) can be sold one or more � withaut prior norice to
<br />Sorrovver. A s�le might result ia� a c.hange in the entity (known as the "Laan Servic�r") that col�ects
<br />Periadic Payntie�ts due under the Note and this Security Inattv�nt and performs other mortgage lnan
<br />servicing oblig�tians under the Nnte, tlais Se�urity Instiunnent, and Applicablc Law. There also might be
<br />one or maoz�e cban�ges of the Loan Servicer unr�llated tc� a sale of the Note. If tl�ere is a chang� of the Laan
<br />Servicer, Horroarer will bc given written no�ice of the change which will state the nanns and address of the
<br />new Loan Servicer, the address to which payments sb.ould be rnade �nd any other infarmation RES�'A
<br />requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thercaftcr the L.aan is
<br />service� by a Loan Serviccr other thau the ptYr�b,aser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obliga�ions
<br />to Borro�vver will r�nain with the Loan Servicer ar be t�ransferred to a successor� Y,.oan Servicer and are not
<br />assr� by the Natc purcl�aser unless otherwise provided by the Note purGhaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor Lende�r may commence, join, or be joinad to any judicial action (as either an
<br />individual litiga� or the menaber of a class) that arises from the other parry's actians pursuant to this
<br />Se�urity Ynstnimeut or that alleges that the ather party has breached any prnvision of, ox any duty owed by
<br />rea.son of, ttris Security Instrux�t, tmril such Horrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such
<br />notic� given in campliance vvith the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and affonded t�e
<br />other party hereto a reasonable period after tb�e giving of such norice to take corrective action. �f
<br />Applir.able Law provides a ti�e period whirh must elapse before certain acCion can be taken, that time
<br />period will be deerned W be r@asonable fnr �urposes of this paragraph. The natice of acceleration and
<br />opportunity t� cure given to Hormwer pursuant to 5ection Z2 and the notice of accelcratian givcn to
<br />Borrower pursuant to Sectitm 18 shall be de�n�l to satisfy the notice a�ad oppt►rtunity to take corrective
<br />action provi.sions of this Section 7A.
<br />zl. Haxardone Substsnoe�. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous S�bstances" are those
<br />sub� de�ued as toxic or hazardous substances� pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the
<br />follavving subatances: gasoline, ]rerosene, otber flanaraable or toxic petraleum products, toxic pesticides
<br />and herbicide.s, volatile solvearts, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive rnaterials;
<br />(b) "Enviro�ntal, I..aw" means federal lavv�a and laws of the jurisdicbion wher� the Property is located that
<br />relate w health, safery or environmental protecdon; (c) "Enviro�ental Clean�,up" incdude.s anY r�Onse
<br />acti�ion, r�nmedial action, or removal action, aa det�ined in Fa�viro�tal Law; and (d) an "Environmental
<br />Condition" xneans a con;dxtion t�hat can cause. contribute to, ar otherwise trigger an Envimnmental
<br />CleanuP-
<br />Borrovve.x shall not cause or permit the pr�e, use, dispasal. storage. or rel� of any Hazardous
<br />S�bstances, or thresat� to release any Ha�rdaus �bsCances, on or in the Praperly. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br />nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting ths Praperry (a) Chat is in violation of any Enviuro�maental
<br />T..aw, (b) whinc �reates an Environme�ntal Condition, or (c) which, dwe w the p�sence, use� ar release of a
<br />Hazardous Substance, cxcates a��idon tbat adversely affects the value of the Pcopehrky. The preceding
<br />two sentences s1�all not apply w the pres�ce, use, or sWrage on thc Praperty of smaU, quantities af
<br />Hazardous Sutbstanc�s tlaat are generally recogniz.ed ta be appropriate ta narmal residential uses and ta
<br />�ance di the Property (including, but n�ot limtited to, hazazdous substances in cons'unner products).
<br />Horro�vver sl�l pmmptly give Lender written norice of (a) any investigation, clainn, de�nand, lawsuit
<br />nr ather action by any govcrnm�catal or regulatory agency or private pazty involving the Property and any
<br />Hazardous Swbstance or Enviro�nental Law of which Borrovv�e�r has actual knowledge, (b) anY
<br />Environmental Condition, including but not lirnited ta, any spilling, leaki.ttg, discharge, release or thr�at of
<br />release af any Hazardous �rbstance, a�aci' (c) auy co�iuon caused by the presence, use or release of a
<br />Hazaxdous SubstaiYOe which adver�ely affects the value of thc Property. If Borrawer learns, or is notifie�
<br />� ASKA - Sinale Family - Fannis Mae/Froddh Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEM
<br />-81NE) roat �► raae � x m i s �niva.: ,_,�� Form 3028 1/01
<br />