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1 11:11: <br />"RESPA" xefcrs to all requir�t� and rastricaons that are impasai in regard to a"fed�rally related mvrtgag� laan" <br />evea� i� tha Loan docs not quatify as a"federally related u�ort�ge loan" undar RESPA. <br />(Q� "Successar In In�er�est of Borrower" � any p�tty tl�at has take:n ti�te to the Properi�►, whc�eir or not triat <br />�aarty has assumed Borrawer's obtigations under t1�e Note and/or this Se�curity Instru,m�nt. <br />TRANS�6i �F RIQHTS IN THE PROPBZTY <br />The bene�ciary of this 5c�ariky iust�um�aut is M�RS (solely as aa�niaee fnr L� and Lend�r's successors aad <br />assigns) and the succes�ars a»d asai�s af MER�. This Security Instrumant sec�re,s to T..e�de�': (i) fi�e repa�yxneant caf <br />tt�e Loan, and all renewals, extensiaa�s and u�ti,�icatiaa�s of tive NoCe�; and (ii) tbe p�formance oaf �o�rrawer's <br />cou�ants and a�re�t� und� this 5ccurily Ins�t and th� Note. �or this purpose, Borrower irrevacably gran� <br />and conveys tn Tn�stce, in trust, with power of sale, the following dascribad propr.rty la:atc� in thc <br />CQUNTY of HALL • <br />[Type of RecoCding Iurisdiction] [Name of Reco�ding 7urisdiction] <br />SEE Lk�AL DESC�P'�ZC�T AT�A� �i0 Ai� M� A PART �F AS �ITBIT "A" . <br />A.P.N.: 400115360 <br />which currently ha.4 tl�c addreas af <br />GR.AND � S LAND <br />[���tY1 <br />18 2 4 N C�RAI�TD I SLAND AVE <br />[street] <br />, Netaraska & 8 8 0 3 ("Pr�erty Address"): <br />[Zip Cade] <br />TOGETH�R WITH all tlxe improrreanc�ts now vr he�reaftar r,recte� on t�e prope�t3', and all easean:eaa�s, <br />apPurtc�ces, and fixtures now ar h�eafte�r a pazt of tl�e property. All rcplacxmants and addition.s sball alsa t� <br />covc�ed by this Security Insttvmea�t. All of the �oxogoing is referred t� in tbis Securiky Ynst�vna�t as t1� "�'�rape�ty." <br />$oxrower u�derstands aind agrees t�at MER�� holds only legal title to the intorests graro�ted by Borxower in tbais Security <br />i�����!t, but, if rneccs:,�acy W comply with Iaw ac custom, MERS (as na�a�in� for Le�dr.� and Lcnder's succe�ors <br />anri essigaos) rias tl� ri�ht: w�xercise any ar all o�'t]�osc intore�sts, including, lna�. na� limited to, ti�e ri.ght tn foreclosc <br />and sell t6,e Propv�ty; and tu t�lue any acbian rcquired of Lendtr i�cluding, btrt n� limitcrl to, releasing and canceliz� <br />this Security Instrurnent. <br />BURROWER C()VENAhTTS tbet Borrawer is lawfi�4ly scised af Wo estate }�ereby coxrvcyed and has the rigk�t <br />to grant and canvcy t.�e Propdrty snd t�tat th� Pr�opetty is �red, excc�t for encumbrances of recocd. <br />Boxrawex warrants and will c�fard ganerally tl�e title to t�e Prope,aiy against all clait�qss aud d�anands, subject to any <br />��umEaranccs of rc�ord. <br />THIS SEC[7RTT'Y INSTRi7MENT combines uniform coveamx�s for n�oaai usc and na�-uniEvrm cove�auts with <br />limi.ted varrations by juciadiction W constitute a uniform secu��ity it�utrnmt arn►ering real pxnperty: <br />N�BRASKA-SingIe F�mily-UNIF01tM INSTRUMENT GpcYpgfc� avo-s�a-�ssz <br />MODIFl� FQRbE'pA�tTMB�T OF VET�JiAN6 AF�ANiS - MERS www.dbeins�k.awr► <br />(Rev. 1lU1) �age 3 of 14 <br />