<br />Lc�dcr's eddre�s is 2101 CHAPEL FLA�Px �OURT, SUITE �:0'�, CCfLITMB�A,
<br />MISSOURI 65�Q3
<br />(D) "'l�ustee'• is FIDELITY NATIONAL TTTLE
<br />(E) "MEItS" is Mortgagc �lectzanic Registrakion Syste�as, Tnc. M�RS is a separatc coxparstian f�1at i:� a�ting
<br />solely a5 a. naminec for Lander and. Lcad�or's successors and �.a.�igxs�. MERS is thc 6enetic�ry nnd� thls 5�cu�ity
<br />instrum�ent M�RS is organized �d existing und� t�e laws of Dclarrrara and has an address an�ci telephone nuaubcr
<br />ofP.d_ Hox �p26, Ftint, MI 4ti5C�l-2a2b, CeI. (888) fi"�9-MERS.
<br />f� "Note" means the promissory note signed by Horrawe�r and dated OCTOBER 2�, 2 O 10 .
<br />The Note states tbat &xrowar owes Len�der SEVENTY THOUSAND AND 0 0/ 10 0
<br />no�t�� t�r.s. �� o, a o a. a v )
<br />�tus intexest. Borrawer hss praxnised to pay Wis debt in regular Pari.odic Paym�ts and W pay ttre d�t in f�ll not
<br />later than NOVEMBER. 1, 2 02 5 .
<br />(Crj �'PrqPerty'� meaus ihe Praperty tl�at is descri� bek�w t.�er tbc head�g "7'ransfPx afRightx in tl�e PFOpexty."
<br />(T� "LoAn" m�oan� t�ts debt ertide�c�d try th�c Nate, plus interest, anpprcpay�cat c�.rge�s attd lats charg�s due ui�der
<br />tl� Note, and aII surns due under this Security In�strutn�aat, plus ir�aest.
<br />(i). "Rid�ra" meaug all Rid�ers to this Security Instnun�nt tbat a�rc cx� by Borrawer. The fallQwimg liid�r� az'�
<br />tv be executed by Harrawer [chr,ck box as applicable]:
<br />C] Adjustable Rate Rider
<br />[] Balloon Rid�r
<br />[� 1-0 Fauaily Ridea
<br />[� Condamimiurn Ridcr
<br />[� Pla�tmed [7nit Develapment Rider
<br />Q $iweekly �ay�n�,t Itickr
<br />� Se�a�d Hadnc Ride�
<br />� �r�g) ���Y�
<br />(� "Applicable Lsw" �am a,tl conGmlling applicable fer�eral, st�tc arnd lacai statutes, regulatio�s, ardina�nces end
<br />admini.s�tative rules and orders (tbat have the offect of law) as well as all applicable 6na1, na�-appealable judicial
<br />opinions.
<br />�Kj "Con��untty Asaoc.iatlon Duea, Faes, and Aaae�rne�tts" meaug all dues, fe�, as�es�me�ts and ot� charges
<br />tbat are imposai on Horrower or thc Prcrperty by a condvtniniwn as�ociation� hanaowners associatuon or aimil�r
<br />organizatian.
<br />(L) '��ranlc F�nds Tcansfer" � any t�ansfor af funds, o� t�ara� a transacbion originated by rbcck, draft,
<br />or sim►ilax papea instrw�ent, which is initiateri tbrough an eleetranic texm�inat, t��ephanic i.mgwme�t, camput�r, or
<br />magiaetic ta�ae so as W order, instrtact, or authorizc a�uci�l i.nstitutiar to d�bit or credit aa accownt. Such team
<br />in�cludcs� but is not li�nxited to, point�-of-sale tteasfcars, aut�nnatecl tal�c�r mac�hine transaction.s, trans�ers .initia,ted by
<br />Eelep�to�e, wire traasf�, and �utcxnated ele.�ringhouse �ransf�s.
<br />(!Vn "Esarow he�s" mcans tha�c itonas that are described in 5ectic� 3.
<br />�"M�cll�neo�,s Prvaxd:" mra� any c.om�s�tian, s�tle�t, award a£ deuaagcs, vr Procteds I�d �Y �Y
<br />third parry (other tha�a i�a.a,urance procceds paid uad�' thG c4verages described in Se�ction 5} for: (i) �ge ta, ur
<br />d�truction of, rhe Prapc�'tY: (ii) condemnafion or �dier tabxtg nf all or sny part c►f tt�e Proparry; (iii) eanv�yance ua
<br />lia� of co�tdnmmation; a� (iv) misreprrseutations of, or amissiaas as to, t� valuc and/or condition of th� Propar�y.
<br />(Q� "�ertadic Payment" a�aus t� c�gul�ly scheduled aqaaumt due far (�) prri�ipeJ, aad int�re�t u� tb�e Nate,.
<br />plus (ri) �ny a�na�mts under Secdan 3 af ttuis Sccurity I�struu�t.
<br />(`�) "RESPA" mesns tl� R�al �sta�e Scttta�at Procedutes Act (12 LJ.S.C. §26Qt ct seq ) and its impte�e�ting
<br />regulatian, Regulation X(24 C.�.R. Part 3500), as they might be �m�ded fram timc W time, or any edditiorial or
<br />successor legislatiaa� ar regulatian that governs tt�+ samc subject mattea. As used in tbis Security In.�rum�eaat,
<br />IVL�RASfCH�S"ingia F�mi1y�tJMtFORM tNSTRt►M�IT Do�Its�ic� �o�a4ai�ex
<br />MODIFIELi FQRb�ARTMp�l7 QF VE'�E�tAN$ AFFAIRS - MERS www.dnC�np�tc.00rn
<br />(Rev. 1 I01) Ra�� 2 0€1 a
<br />