<br />such conflict sha11 not affect other provisinns of this Security Tnstrum,ent or the Note which can be given efifect withaut the
<br />conflicting provision.
<br />As used in this Security instrumant: (a) words of the masculine gender shall meaan aud in�clude corresponding neuter words
<br />or wotds of the feminine gender; (bj words in the .sixr�gular shal( mean and iao�clude tkie plural and vice versa; and (c) thB word
<br />"nnay gives so�e discretian w"�r�ut any obligati�tt to talce ar►y action.
<br />16. Barrowear's Capy. Borrower sha11 be given qne copy v�the Note and ofthis `Security. Instrument.
<br />1'�. Trans�er of thc Property. This loan may be declared immediately due and payable upon transfer of th,e Property
<br />securing st�ch I�a.� to any �t'ansferee, aa�less thB accepta.hility of t�e a��umpti�n �f :t�e ,laan is establa�hed pursuaz�t to 5eciion
<br />37i� ofC}iapter 37, Titie 38,TJnited States Code.
<br />Tf Lender exercises this option, Lender shall gi�e $orrower notice of acceleration. The notice shail provide .a period of
<br />�rt >le�s :than 3.0 days fram tlie :date :�e a�otiae a� �en in acaorciance >uvitia �eati�on i4 wvith�n whach :Borcov�er rnust :pay all surns
<br />sec�red b�+ this Secur�ty Instr�ment. If Borrower fails tv pay these suta�s prior to t�e expu�atioz� of this periqd, �;ender may
<br />invoke arry remedies permitted by this Security Insfiunent without further notice or demand on Sorrower.
<br />1.8. Borrower's Rigbt #o I��nstat.e After Acceleralaon. �f Soxrower meets certain r,.�diti�ons, Borrc,w�r .s�all laa�+,e t}�e
<br />right to have enfor.cemet�t af �is .S�curaty Tnsirwment discontin�ed at a�y t.i�ue priar to the earliest of (a) �ve tlays befare sale
<br />of the Properly pursuant to any ppwer af sale contained in ihis Security I.ra;strument; (6) such other period as Applicable Law
<br />miglat specify t'.or the terminabion of Barcvw,er?s right �to reinstate,• �r:�c) entry of a judgment enforcing i�is Sectuit�+ Instrurnent.
<br />Those condi.tians ar.e that $onovuer: (a) pays Lender ali sums which �then v�!oul� b.e due under this .S�cwity Instrument and
<br />the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) curBS any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses
<br />incuned iza enforcing this Securi.t� �nstr�uneni, .i�acludmg, .but ;n�t l.imated #a, rsasunable att,prneys' �es, WAp�' i�sPe���n
<br />and �%aluatio�a fees, and other fees ir�curred for the purpose of pro�eccimg Lender's interest in the Prope,�.y and rights under this
<br />Sacuraty Instrument; .and {d) #akes such action as Lender may reasonably requ�re tn assure the�t J,ender's interest in the Froperty
<br />and ri�hts unde:r Yhis �.ec�rity �nst�ument, :and �orrower's a.biigatiQn - xo pay the sums .se�r�d by this 'Seourdty inscrument,
<br />sha41 continue u�changed. �,ender �ay req�ire that Borruwer pay sueh reinstate�ant sums and experrses in one or more of the
<br />following forms, as selected by Lender. (a) cash; (b) maney order; (c) certified checl5 banlc check, treasurer's check ar cashier's
<br />check, prov�decl any such cheek is drawn upon an i�titution vvhos� deposits are ins�re�l by a fsder� agene�', instr�rnentalit3'
<br />or entity; or (dj Elactranic Funds Transfer. LTpon reinstatement by �3onrowor, this Security Xnstrument and obl'igations secured
<br />hereby shal'1 remain fully effecLive as if no accelerat�on had occurrad. However, tixis ri�t to reinstate shall x�ot apply in the case
<br />of acc�lera.tion �der Ssciion 17.
<br />1�I. Sale af �Tote; Chan�e of Loan �ervieer; Notice of Gr�ev�nce, "I'f�e Note or a partisl intecest iza the Note (together
<br />with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more timas withput priar notice to Borrower. A sale might result in a change
<br />in the entity (lrnown as the "Loan �ervicer") :that collects i'sri�odic i'ayments due undsr the i*�Qte and tlus Securiry Inst�xznenrt
<br />and perForn�s other mortgage loan servicing obiigations undex the Note, this Securiiy Instrunaeant, and Applicable Law. There
<br />alsp mi�ht .be ane or more changes of the L,nan Servicer .unrelated to a:sale of the l+lote. �f there is a changB vf the Loan �ervicer,
<br />Borrower witi be given �uvriften notice of xhe char�ge which wili state the name and addTess o� tk�e new .�oan 5ervi��r, the
<br />address to which paytnents should be made and any other information RE�T'A requires in connectivn with a norice of transfer
<br />of servicing. If the Note is sald and thereafter the Loan is secviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purckiascr of the Note,
<br />the rnnrtgag� loan servici�:g obl�gations tv Bvr�Qwer wi�l rernain vvith the Loan :Servicer or be trans�erred to a s�ccessar �+an
<br />Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otharwise provided by the Note purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined xa any judicial action (as either .an individual litigant
<br />nr the rnemb.er of a ckassa tihat aris�s fr�am the other par.ty's .actions pursuac�t to this Security :Instrum�ezxt or that a1le.ges that
<br />the other parCy has 'breacl�ecl any prov�s�or� of, ar any dut� owecl by reason �of, this Security Tnstrument, �ntil sueh Bonrower
<br />or I,ender has noti�ied the other party (with such notice given in compiiance with khe requirements of Section 14) of such
<br />�lleged br�each and .a#�orded 3he other party h,ereto a reasonable period a�er tbe .giuir�g .of such notice #o take �rrectiv�e action.
<br />rf Applicahi� Law provide� a tivarxe geriod which must ela,pse befare cBrtain ackion �can be talcen, tt�at ti�e peric�d v►+ill be �deemed
<br />to be reasonahle .for purpases of this parag�h. The r�otice af accel�ra�ion and opportur►ity to cure glven to Borrower pursuant
<br />to S�ctiion .24 and the notice of acceleratlon given ta �orr�wsr :pursaarkt to S.ection J 7 shall be deemed to satis�y the �notice and
<br />op.pvctunity;to take correcti�e:action provisians ofthis �eacion 19.
<br />20. Hazardous SaBstances. As used in this.Section 20: (a) "Hazardous 5ubstances" are those substances def3ned as
<br />toxic or hazardo�.s s�abstances, poli�rtants, c�r wastes b3� Eb�rirnnmcnt�ll I.�r �ad �e failowing substances: gasnl�ne, kerosene,
<br />other flamma.ble or toxic pebrnleunn products #07CIC �BSLICI(�CS 811d �iC1'b1C1(�ES, 1!O�B SpIYEA�S materials containiug asbestos or
<br />farmaldehyds, .azixi rad;ioa�tiv.e materials; (bj "Env�roc�mental:�.a�' means �edera] laws ,and :1awa af'�he jur.isdiction �hBre the
<br />Property is located i�at reiat� to hea�th, safety or er�viror��tal �prutectiori; (c) "Envicoz�mental �Cieanup" includ� any response
<br />NEBItASICA—Single Family---171V[FpBM IN3Tit[lMENT
<br />ITEM 2897L9 102208 (Paqe.9 aC92)
<br />FiATNES ,K0�04Z2737 OOOa422737
<br />