<br />action, rernedial act►on, or remaval action, as de�'ined in Bnvironmental Law; and (d) an "Environmental Cdndition" zneans a
<br />condition that can cause, cantribute to, or othervvise trigger an Eirvironmerrtal Cle�nup.
<br />Borror�ver shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Su6stances,
<br />or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor a11ow anyone else to
<br />do, anythi�g affeeting the T'ro.perty (a) that is in violatian of any Env�i�ronm.enta� .T.:aw, (b� �vhicl� creates an �nv.iranmental
<br />Cond'ifion, or (cj vahich, due to the presence, use, or release af a Hazardous Substance, .cr.eates a canciition ihat adVersely affects
<br />the value of the Property. 1fie preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage an the Property of
<br />smal] quaaatifiies of �iazardous ,Suhstances t1�at are ge�erai�y recogt�.ixed to be appropriate �cr uor�al residen�ial uses and t�
<br />maintenance of the Property (includin�, but not Iimited to, hazardous substances in consurner products).
<br />Borrower shall promptly give Lender writter� not�ce of (a) any investigation, claim, dernand, lawsuit or other action by
<br />any ga �ernmental or r�guiatory :agency or px rvmte par�y uiv�ola�;ing �he Pro�;nLy and an� Hazardo�s 5�r}a�tane.e ;or E�vironmental
<br />��w of r��iet� $ozrower Mas act�a�i knawiedge, �(�a) ariy �t�viror�� �ondi�tio�, includ�ing but r►ot ��ited to, an�r �spi-llirtg,
<br />leaking, discharge, rclease or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence,
<br />use or :release of a.Ha.�ardous Substance which advexsely affeets i�ae va�ue nf the .P.co.perty. .If Bon .Isarns, Qr is .noti�ied
<br />by any governmental or regulatory authority, ar any pri�afie �paa�ty, that a�ry rexrivr�al c�x �+ther :ret�a�d'aa�ian �o� �y I�azardaus
<br />Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borcovver shall promptly take all necessary rernedial actioz�s in accordance with
<br />Environmental Law. I�i�ing hercin shall create any ob�i�aLiun on I;ender for an En�ironmental �leanup.
<br />2�,. Funding F�ee. Afee equa! to:ane�.�alfof�ne.p�r.aent:offihe balanc�,of<thi� loaza:�s.o��kae daxe.oftraz�sfer of;hhe,Pr�operiy
<br />shall be payable at the rima aftransfer to the loan holder or its authoriz.ed agent, as trustee for the Departin�nt of Veterans Affairs.
<br />If the assuzner .fails to pay this .fee at ihe time af transfer, the .fee shall constiivte an additional d,�bt to that already secured
<br />by this �st�'ument, sh�.il bear interest at the rate herein provided, aud, at �►e opiion of tk�e �ayee of the indebtedr�ess hereby
<br />secured or any transferee thexeof, shall be nnmediately due and payable. This Fee is automatically waived if the assumcr is
<br />exempt und�r xhe provasinns of.3� U.:S:C. 37�9{�}. (I�ote: 'I'#ie fi,inding.f�e�e:fiaz� lQan.s ass�d bexa�ueen 12/i.3/d2 an� 9/34/U.3 �il.l
<br />be 1 percent.)
<br />22. Processing Charge. C7pon application for approval to allow assumption of this loan, a processing fee may be charged
<br />by tha Ioan holder or i� authorazeci agent for det+e�ining t�e creditworthiness of t}ze assu�er and .�s�bsequenGly revi�irtg the
<br />holder's ownership records when an approved transfer is compieted, Tfle amount of this charge shall not exceed the maximwn
<br />established by the Department of VetBrans Af�airs for a loan ta which Section 3714 of Chapter 37, Title 38, Un�ited States
<br />Code applies.
<br />23. In�emniity I.iability. If tk►is obTigation is assumed, then the assuiner heteby a$rees to assume all of the obTigations
<br />of the vet�ran under the terms of the inshwx�ents creating and securing the loan. The assumer fuaRher ag�rees to indemni£y the
<br />Departmcnt of Vet�rans Affairs to the e7ctent r�f .ariy claim paym�t .arising frorn t3ie .gwar�nly or iris�rance af the indebt�edness
<br />created by this instrument.
<br />NON-UNIFO1tM GOVENANTS. Bor�ower and Lend�r fiuthar covBnant and agree as follovvs:
<br />24. Accelecatron; Remedie�. Lender sha�t gi�e .notice tu Borrorver prior ta acceleration �allvwing $orr�►wer's
<br />brcach of any co�euaat ar agreement in tliis �ecurity. �nstru�mer�t (but nat .prfar to acceleration under Section 17 unless
<br />Applicable Law provides otherwisej. The notice shaA specify: (�) the default; (b) the gction reqaired tn cure the defaait;
<br />(cj a date, not less tl��n 3Q d�ys ir�m the tl�tte t�e notice is �given to .Borr�a�v�r, by wh�ch the �efsult must be cured; and
<br />(d) that failure to cure fhe defa�it on or befare the date specified in the notice �nay re�s�rlt in acceleration of f�e su�ns
<br />seeured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Proper�ty. Ths notic� shall further inform Borrower of the �right to
<br />rseinst�te .after �cceteratian �and aChe rlgh# to �r� a co�urt aciion t� �s$ert �te �un-exist�nce of a�default .or sn3� other
<br />defense of Barrower to acceleratian aa�d vssle. I� t�he defa�it is not �u� �ra or �fe�re #�e date �speci�ed i� the �otiee,
<br />Lender at its optton may require immediate payme�tt in full of a�l surns secured by this Security Tnstrnment without
<br />turtt�cr deamand and m��.invoke the �o�wer of.sale a�d any ot�er rem�edies �ermitted �� Applicsble �ra� Lendershai� be
<br />entitled to colleet all expenses incurred in pursu�uug the remedies �rovided :in this Sectian 24, including, but not limited
<br />to, reasonable attoraeys' fees and costs of title evidenc�.
<br />I�' �e povver �f sale is inv�ked, �rust� s�a'il record � notice of �det'a�iit ia eac� �co�uut� 'tn wltich a�ny �ar# af #he
<br />Property is locate�d and shall ma'il ,cagiss .o.f s�6 :no.tice in th�e manner prescrib.e� .,b� .A�►piicable L,aw :to �oxrow�r and
<br />to the other pe�ons prescribed by AppGcnble Law. After the tim e rcquired by Appticable Law, Trastee s�al� give publ�c
<br />nuticc af s.ale tr� the �ersons and .in the manner ��scribed by Appl�cable Law 'Ik�ust�e, iwat&nut demand an Borrower,
<br />shall sell tl�e Praperty at public auctiou to the highest bidder at the time aad place and under the t�rms desig�nxted ia
<br />the notice of sale in pne or more parcels az�d iu any order TYustec determines. 'Iy may postpone saie of all or any
<br />NEBRASTtA-5ingle �'amily—CJl�iiFOItM INS"I'1LUMENT
<br />NEBFtASKA-MERS Gceat�'
<br />I7EM 3697L10 (1U2209) (P9ge 70 0172)
<br />�LATNESS,K0000422737 OD00422737
<br />