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<br /> . . . ' ��� ., .. , � .� ��' , . .€ .. ;;� .- - _ ;�
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<br /> -- — �,;. -
<br />,°7� .
<br /> �� ����iV
<br /> ' S• � oP F�m�y Znssunace. Barrower sP�a11 Ecs�p the improvements naw existin� or herea#,'tea eYected oa �hQ q_
<br /> : Pro�erty i�surc� against lass by fire.harards inct�ded aItf�irt the tcrm"cxtended wverage"und any othe�h�rds, ittcludina
<br /> t
<br /> � ttauds or flu�diag,£or wbicl�l.Qnder¢equices insurar,oe.This insumrtc�e shsll be�rtaintu�nrd in tF�c amoarts�n�for r_h�+pe�ricttta: ��
<br /> ���er�ecN�tes•The�nsuraaoe rarrier providing the insur�nc2 shall tse chosen by�orrower subj�t to Lsr�der's a�ptm��! �
<br /> a'hicd� sha11 Aot be unre�sonably withhetd. if Borrawer fails to m:untain mverage describr,d abavc. l.endGe may, at Lendpr's �
<br /> . opiion,o6tain,ca�er�ge to protect I.eader's righis in the Property in urcordanc�wtth parsgraph 7. l•
<br /> A!!ir�nrda�e poliaes aad rea..�w�ls sf�ll be acceptable ta Lender artd shall include a standard morlgage clavse. Lendar •
<br /> . sha116ave the rig4it to hold the polic�es and renewals.If Lender requires.Borrower shall prompt[y give to Lender all�ceipu�of i:
<br /> paid premiuYns�d renewal aotices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt rtotice co thc insurartcc carrier and Lendc�r.
<br /> �--+.. I.erider may make proof of Ioss if c�oi made P��Y�Y�ar�zswer. �;
<br /> '�'� Unless I.euder aud Borrower othernise agree in writing.insuraase p�s shall be apptied to resio�uon or rrzpair of d�a i
<br /> Property damaged,if the rzstoration or repair is ecolomic�lly feasible and Leader's security is not tessene�f.;If the resioraiian ur �
<br /> , re�air is not economically feasibte or Lender's security svonld be Iessened.�he insurance pr�s shall bi�appiie��o th$Sums
<br /> , . secnred by tb.is Security Inst��t� whether or not tIie�due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Se�rrrawer ab�ndnns the
<br /> .` S •n
<br /> '`: IP�nperty,or does nat answer witttin 30 days�nouce from Lender that the insuranre carrier has offered ta settle a ctnim, [hen
<br /> �` �,� :. �k,ender may ooLF.�.�,ihe�iran�praceeds. I�nder maq ase the proceeds to repair or restoie tS�e Pm�rty or to pay sam�- i�`
<br /> .se�d b this�� *�c
<br />" f,r ' Y �ius�vmeni,whether�s€not then due.The 341-day period wil!6egin when che noti�a is given. • ' �,�;
<br /> R,�f< :-+�:�ss:�ietet.�ad Eonbt��er other�`,v2 agree in writing. anY agAlication of proceeds to princi�at shall a�e e�'�end oc � --
<br />�, p�xypere�•*'+�h�t,�{�7e:e of ttae r,�aiPti3!Pay`�ss�si�.�Fn,ra�t� in paragiaphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunx af CL^p.y�sc.5 vrie�t�. If'
<br /> "� � .u�31�r j¢[c��7!�i!a�Froperiy is�tv,�r S��acdl�c•�orrower's right to atty insurartce policies and p�,aseeds ceaulting fmm a :
<br /> �,�;�f i '���1(�f1RY�'1�iGOjG�tlAI��pi[O_*4�.�''��'4c�i�R�m.��i�;p�to Lender to the eatem of the sums secuced by tb5s Security tnstrumaot --
<br />,�:a��F � �C�S�tiiEdhr�i�:faG!143�'..��-;, ., . , � . .i,_-
<br /> .�c_-
<br /> . ���rv3;fr'}'.a�,':��i4eu�q;�;�asnteaaace au��inuYo�o�of the P�nperty:Barrower's Loan Ap�ZrpYtos�i Le�:�tottts►. :.,�.
<br /> . Boir�sr�r shall occnpy,establisL�;aad use the Property as�orrowei s priacipal residence within sixty da��after th�e�xeeution of 'Q" .
<br /> 4his Secu;ity Inswment aad shall continue to ocprpy the Property as Borrower's principal msidence fos�at least one ycar aRtsr
<br /> �.' th�date of accupa.ncy,euiless Leuder otherwise agrees in wciting,which cansent shal!nut be unreasonnttEy withE�eid.ar unlw.r
<br /> � extenuating ciraunswnces e�ist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destmy. �ctrs�age or impair Utn
<br /> � Y.�� Property.atlow the Property to deterinrnte.or wmmit vraste on the Pro ` ��
<br /> PertY. Borrower shnll be in ddfauit if any far��iturQ
<br /> ••� ac�ion or praceoding.whether civil oT criminal� is begun tAat in Lender's goad faith jadgmeni coutd cce�d.t in forfcitum of Q�a
<br /> " � Praperty ar otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Irsttument or Lender's reeurity inc�rxs;.B�orrowr�r may
<br /> ,� � cure such a defAUit smd reiassate.us provided in paragmpb l8.hy cansing the acuon ar procc��ding to be d�tm:qset!with a ruttng
<br /> thaa. in Lendee`s goad faith deaertninatfon. precWdes forfeIwr of thc Borrawer's interest id thc Proporty or afher msrtosu►f -
<br /> . .:;. impaim�ent of the llen crested by t�s Sccurity tnstru�r,�ciat ar Lcndcr'�s�vraty interest. Bae4owcr shalt'al:�o be in dsrFs►vit iP
<br /> . Borrower.during the loan appiicatian praccss.gave mzteriaily fsilse or inaccarate irrfomiatian or ststements 6t+Lenct�(or.faitad
<br /> to pmvide Lender with nny material infomtation)in eannecuot�with Ue loan evidenced by the Note.including;,6rrt nut Iimittr�
<br /> ' to, representatians concerning Bor�ower's accupancy of the Properry t�a prinripal residence.If this Secnrity In,ffiw�nt i�nq a -
<br /> ltasehat�, Borrower sAal! camgly wit� a!1 the provisiairs of the lease. If Borroteer scquis�s fec titic�io tt�,� :'Yap�tsl. tbo --
<br /> � leasekotd and thc fee dtle sl�all not merge untess�.ender agrees to the merger in writins. _
<br /> � ` ' ` 7.�!i°s of I�ad�e's 1sT�Sbts in the Peoperty.If Borrowes fails to perform the covenants and a��enss oonutin�:i in
<br /> .` - this Seeurtty Instnut�nt,or there is a t .
<br /> .� t egal Pr�eeding tl�at may signi8candy affect Leader's rights in tixi,Froperg'(sue3�a:.a
<br /> Proceading in bantcruptcy,pmbate.for oondemnation or forfeitute or_to enfarce laws or regulntions),tI-�jn:Lendq�raay da and
<br />��`�. ,.; Pay fo:wi�tever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rig6ts in the Propetty�.i;rader's acqons may ' `''�'�
<br /> • !'% iacr�{u�paying any sums secwr•,�by a lien which has �rioriry over this Security Instrument. appe�rir.a in cnurt. Pa?'sng 's
<br /> ;� �+-,: re�",�7rt�t�f�attoreseys'fees aad�ruc�azng on the Property w make repairs.Although l.ender may talae uctiaa��c�.der this h ' —
<br /> , , � 7.�i�-sl:t�'does.not.h�ve to.Qfl�4i ,, P�+�P � ==
<br /> �.�`i`'•f. . .. '�ed,�Y Lender under this h 7 shall b�ome.addirianal debt of Bd"rsovrer secnre� b�� Uil� � ��.
<br /> �Any amouel��.d;rt�1�.���
<br /> • Secaaity.�nstnuner�'•►Ga)e,s���:�rower and Lender a�ee�to otpher tem�of PaYmen�. these amonnts shAi[i bear in[�fram tiie � �`v;
<br /> . �ic sf rlisbursement at the Py�n�e.rate aad shali be payaGte, arith interest, upon notice from Lender�2o�osm��;n�u�eing = -
<br /> � � � Q��x;3it. '' ,. � =-
<br /> � 'i:�:�. � � ��.�,11�a�rtgstge IInsmsncP.If Lender required mortgag�insurancc as a candition of maldn�the loun.ceeucoA bq t�,�s,S�uriry --
<br /> }Y x't
<br /> .. :S{�'s�.�: ' . .
<br /> :. ,;.5;,�, ; '�Iiistrument. Borruv,er shall pay the premiums required w maiatain the mortgage insarance in effect::.ti�.fOS 371y q�a5()p�tba '
<br /> ; � �:t�r'�aga iasusance coverage required by Lender Iapsea or ceases to be in efPect.Boaower shult p�y t�r��pc+.nuu�r,�s;��yn;d tn —
<br /> o'ci�c�ifais.overagc substantially eql,in�.alent to tne mongage insurance previousty in cffect,at a cost subatantialDy equiysJers�to tho ,�sk?�
<br /> ' � cqzt!l►r:.$onawer of the morega�se insorance pre�rlously in effect.from an altemate mortgage insurer ngps�ved by T�ender. Ii'. ���
<br /> �:�:��?tially equtu,�Jlent:mortg►ge insurance coverage is rtot avaitable,Borrower shall pny to Le.nder each;�conth a sum�qe�al ta � '
<br /> . ":'���: one-twelfth of t�a;y,ftiu�j mortgage inswrartce premium being paid 6y Borrower when the insurauoe covet�IIe la�sed or c�a;erl�tu
<br /> � � � be in effect.Lenkcs•���if�l accept,use and reiain these payments as e loss reserve in lieu of mortgnge lnsarartce. Lvss rr,se�vs
<br /> . ;
<br /> ' � fortn 3028 918(I
<br /> . � Pu.sa�e
<br /> .;
<br /> �
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