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<br /> '.s,.�:r.. -�...a�•- —..�._-1- ' -.
<br /> �� ����� �
<br /> '�'Q��iE�:M'I`��!1 t�ea i�nrnrz►��us��is naar ar hQr�er crc�on taw propzrty.and a]I easemsnu.appurtp+,�R�,a� �--�
<br /> �ixteres nfla• o.r h�if'I�T t7 �tc?Ti OP IhE p.to�rty. All replutcmmts arzd udditians shnll also be covered by tbis securiiy
<br /> . fnsWmzn�.Ap Qf ttse fargoin�is rz�erro�ta in this��urity Iastn:�nt as the"Pcu�erty•" .—
<br /> E30�iR011iE�t COV�NAi�'d'S thni Hn�t���,.�-r is IaLVfeiily seised af the estate htreby oonvcyeA and has tl:e ci�t to grani attA
<br />" GCi5i1�Q6L PJU�►:.�-liy�t1�1 iliIIi f[�SC F�y i�utit7tCUAi[`�r�. eAa�t for esuumbr�ces of record. BorroNee wamints and will
<br /> c3sftufl gr,Ftemlly Et�.e ritte to the Prop:aty�,,n�inst all c1�ms anA dem�*_ds.subjest to aIIy encumbrances ef record. -
<br /> THIS SE�URi7`lt iN�'7'[tU14iF.�VT�mbinas uniform cavenznts for natianal use as�non-uaiform coveaaius with Gmited :�-
<br />����` �ariEti4�ts hy jurisdiciion�ranstitute n unifa�s�curity instjument coveriRg resl property. _
<br /> I3NIF�RM COVFIJANT�.iiornut��r t�r►O Letlder wve�t and agree as follatvs: •
<br /> 1. Paymw�t oi Prindp�l and Intcnc�i; Pa+�pnymr�s aad La4�Citu�gc�. �orro�ver shafl ptomptly pay w4en due the _
<br />�, principal of an�imerest on the debt evidensseti by the Note and any prepayment and Inte charges due under the Note. �"=
<br />.,`:� 2.1�usds for�e�n�d tasut�noe. 5ubject to appfirable lav�r or cn a wrissen�vaiaer by Lender, Borro�ver s6a11 pay to -
<br /> I.es�der on ttte day mnnthly peymenu are due under the Nofe.until t4�e Note is paid in fiill.a sum('Fuads")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> �as�essrr�aats�v1�ich may attain prinrity aver this Sesuriry Inssru�ent as a lien om the Froperty:(b)yearlY leasehald pmyments =_�
<br /> :;� oz gound rents on the Property,if any;(c)y�rly trazard ar property iasivartre prernitrms:(d)YeatiY f�ood inc�nance Dre��, _;.-
<br /> if any:(e)Y�early martgage insuranoe premiums.if aay;�nd(�any sums payable by Borrower to Ieuder.in ao�rdaac�wisl� �-'
<br /> � ttte prorisions of pacagta�h�, in liea ot t�s payment of rawngage iBSUraace pre�i�ms.Th�se iteu�s are called"Fscrow Ftems." � '
<br /> Leader ra�y, at a 4 t y tim�,oollect and hold Funds in an amouna mt t�n exceed t�e maximum amount a Ieader for a fer2eraII y
<br /> �, te�ated mortgage loan may re�uire for Bomacver's escrow account�zder t�e fedeYai Real Estate Setttement Proc�ed�ues Ad of -�
<br /> '` f97a�s am�ndsd trom tim�to ame. 12 U.S.C.Settion 2601 et seq. (°RFSPA'),.unless anot�er taw d�at agpli�w the Fund� ��
<br /> ,t . �
<br /> -�; $�es a tesssa amm�nt. If so, I.ender m$y,at auy tim�e, on�leci aIId bnld Fuads in.an azaount nat tn excead t�e Iesser am.�;act�.. ',
<br />�=�'� f�der mey r�timate ths amnvait of Funds due on the hasis of ca.�c�;.�a a�reasana6ie estemsies of e�eaditures o:�9�:: .. ' '—�
<br /> s� ' �Ccmw Items or at1►ernrise in accordacice nrith applic261e�vj. � � . . '% � ; �h
<br /> aF. .: . �'ttE Funds shaU br:fu��3 m� iastitarion art�c?i�:a����„tie i.�:..^�.t�j?�;��:s�esat �emy, instr��:�►�i�=�y. nz entity .
<br /> ,�.
<br /> E'�,�.�diug�t�er.if LeeA�2x a�5��t a.�r ir�iqition)ar i:�smza�1�¢r+laca�i iF�'.�:��.�Sta�Aii�Y::�&�-s��u r,�Iy�'�'�'to pay the '
<br /> • �,,. ...
<br /> ' ' �.����u Itc�:-Z�er�.S��;cRat��im�a�er.fr,-z�07�:_��.3'�e�?1i��=�the Fu;..�;anriva:r�;�`�i�ilie essx+ow account.or .
<br /> ,-:: � ,dc�F�-3�,�t�e.��w Itews,unless Letsder.'1�aaYs$gnm.c,�s:,�sest ec:+��a Fw�ds and applicable I���rmits Lender to ma�Ce sucli
<br /> ';`;�; ' � d Y�uir+e Bomnwer t�p�f a one-time charge fas an indegendent r�Pal estate tax reporting service
<br /> f �i;CC�:fii���€��(J JlA�..,t.Lender ma
<br /> it�:6�� i::;�oii�`in oonr�ction with this loan. nriless applicable taw provides otherwise. Qnless an agneement is made ar --
<br /> �PP�c�We 1�.`,� uines interest to be paid.Lender shall nnt be req�ired to pay Borrower ar�y iate�est or eamings on the Funds. y' .
<br /> ;� 8amawcr atv!�deP may agnee in wiiting, honrever,that inte��st sliall b�paid on the Futtds. Lender s3iaU give to Eorrower. �
<br /> :�'�:; wiWout ctiarge, an a�►ual aecaunting of the Fuads.showing credits and debits to the Fuads and We purpase for�vhich each '''�
<br /> ;,�<<,.
<br /> �debit to tt►e Fuads was made.'�e Funds are pledged as additional secariry for all sums cecuted Hy this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ,;;�,.�; � if the Fvnds held by Lender exaeed the amuunts perr�iued to be hetd by appfica6te law.Lender shalt uccount to Sorrowee —
<br /> � f�;' !'iox the excess Funds in accordanoc with the roquire�nts of applicable la�v.if the amount of thc�unds he2d by i.ender at Any
<br /> �` �`.: eLne is riot sufticient to pay the Eacm�v Items when due.Lersder may so natify Borrower in writing.and.in svch case Borrower
<br />`�•;� &hall pay to L.ender thc am�vnt nce�essary to make up the d¢ficiency. Borrower shall make up the deftciency in no rtwze thati
<br /> �;,;�;_ tcvitve monthly payments.at i.ender's sole diacretion. ,
<br /> ,",;'� Upon paymt�►t in full of all sums secvred by thns Saeurity Ins4cumcnt, Lender shall promptly refimd to Borrower any =
<br /> ��� Fands heid by t.ender.If.und�r parap�rsph 21.I.ea�er sD►a7!acquire or sell the Praperty,Lender.prior to the aoquisidon or saie
<br /> ``'�,' of the Prog�fly,sl�all appfy arjy Funds held by Lender at the time of asyuisidon or sale as a credit against the sums secorea 6y
<br />'�>, "� .tbis Ss�rity In�tn►ment.
<br /> ,,;,1;
<br /> •:t�.� 3.Ap�llattion of Peyments.UNess applicable law provides otheiwis�,all payments reseived by i.ender nnder paragraphs
<br /> `:r . 1 and 2 ahall bs appllcd:first. ao�a►y pmpaymem charges due under ths Hoic;secarad,to amounis payabte under,pazagraph 2:
<br /> `'�'+��j. -
<br /> .;��;�� : ; ttrird,to iat�rest dvc:faarth,to principal dve:and last,[m any late charges due undi�t�e Note. , • .��-;�,
<br /> j'� ' `���d:ICI}p�es: I.4c�s. Borrower sl�a0 p�y all taxes.assess�r.eau,c!►argra.,f��s��ttnf:imposisi��.g amibutahtu�u;;the Pra�y ,�`i�':
<br /> t��`�� �,
<br /> r � , t�t,�.�i`m�y;Ccaain priariry over this Ssalrity Instcument. aad lea.�vo�r�pay�tir�tcs�:�r�groitM.�tti„:f�any.:�ii�ra��a+er s�hsty'.`�y ,r�,
<br /> .'�.i:�. .,tit��bilga�ions an the m�cr prnvidcd in paragraph 2.or if not�i�?io tlras,�;.c�i�.Basrower shball pay.ryqias���i�i�me directty ,. �-:=
<br /> �rt`r.,. �'�'tfia pzrson awed psym*•sr�.Bprro�er shall promp�tiy f,�rnish to Le:des all nq�%rs;��Nf amoants to be paid�ndP�tS�ls paratgmph. _
<br /> J�Bormw�i m�kes tTjrs���iaqm�enu dir�aly.Borrower si�ll promptiy fumish tto.f:.cfm3�receipts evidencing th��j6�;irnents. .�k,.y
<br /> � BDrta�ii��ec s�ill pmmptly dissttargc r�ny llen which has priority c�s��a tlis S„curity Instrument unless Borrocaer:(a)a�,;�sa � '`"`.:'
<br />`., ,'•'�t ' writing ta t�it�puymrart of the oLligation s�cuteA by the lien in a m��€s gcc�piabie to l.ender;(6)wntesu in goad faith�s,�l� .
<br />�?��"`; � by. or d�€en�ri�gainst ea�farczm�nt o!tbc Ilen in. legal procee�ings r•riuzb iri the Ler,der's opinion opelate to prev��f:»
<br />''`"��� enforc�^m,ati of th�lien:07(c)s�utes from th�hv2d.,°r oF the lien asi a�rees.zas suti:sfactory to I.eiader sctAUrd'utating thc('�c�:ti,ti to =-:=��
<br /> �;'�.'•: � � --•,:..
<br /> this Sect�tit�In;triament. If Lender de2emnn�that any part of t�e Property is ssbj�ct to a liea wWch may at�ain ptio:i�+��!�ner �b:;:.
<br />; �� ' ." this S�euri lns3nirn�nl.Len�er { rs •
<br /> ty may givn B;rrrower a natice idea6Fying the lien.Boxoarer sh�11�,,..nsfy the li2n or tahe�^:�ar +�>'.
<br /> • :j
<br /> rtwre of tbo�;�tior�s�t forch ab�ve withia 10 days of the givin�of nodce. �
<br /> .�.! � ' � . . e`
<br /> Fotm 302$ 91951� �.,.,
<br /> ' � , Vapi 2 or s ...
<br /> ! .
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