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<br />Section 1. "ASSOCIATZON" shall mean and refer to Centura Hills Hameowners Association, a
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<br />DECLARAT�ON �---�''' 1� °
<br />THIS DECLARA'I'�ON is made this �� day of Oatobez' 2Q1�, by Divot LLC, a limited liabiliry
<br />company, az�..d Centuxa Hills Golf Club, LLC, a]imited liability campany (hereinafter xe�ez�red to as
<br />"I7eclaz'ant"), owz�e;r o£and affecting all of the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots One (1), Two (2),
<br />Thuree (3), �'our (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight ($), Centura Hills East Fourth Subdivisipn to the
<br />Village of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />A.11 of the properties desc�ibed above shall be held, sold aud aonveyed, subject to the �ollowing
<br />easements,, restric�ions, covenan�ts and conditions, all af which are far the purpose of enhancing and
<br />. protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness of the real property. Tlaese easements, cpvenants,
<br />restrictians and conditions shall z�un with the real property and shall be binding upon all parties having or
<br />acquiring any right, title or interest in the above�described Properties or any part thereof and shall inure to
<br />the benefit of each owner thereof.
<br />Nebraska Non-Profit Corporati.on, its successoz's and assigns.
<br />Section 2. "OWNER" shall rneat� az�.d xe�er to the xecord Owner, whether one or mare persans or
<br />entities, of a fee simple title to all or auy part, parcel or portion of a platted. lot wb.ich is. a part of the
<br />Praperties including contract sellers, bnt excluding thase having such interests merely as a security for the
<br />perfarmance of an obligation.
<br />S ecti ."PROPERTIES" shall mean and refex to tlaat certain real property here:izabefore describeci,
<br />and suah additinns thereto as may hereafter be brougb,t within the jurisdiction. nf the Association.
<br />Section 4. "LOT" sk�all mean any part, parcel ar partion of a platted Lot within. the Properties upon
<br />which a dwelling uzut or building is or shall be consttucted as currently impraved.
<br />Section 5. "IM�ROVED LOT" shall mean and refer to any Lot on the Properties upon which a
<br />dwelling has been erected.
<br />S ection 6 . "DECLARANT" shall mean and refer to Divot, LLG and Centura Hills Golf Club, LLC,
<br />theix successors and assigns, if such successors or assigns should acquire more thax� one undeveloped Lot
<br />from the Declarant for the purposes of development. �
<br />Section 7 . "UNIlVIPROVED LOT" shall mean all Lots other than Impraved Lots, lots which are
<br />vacant or upQn which a dvvelling is beit�.g erected, the construction of which is not completed.
<br />Section 8. "MEMBER" shall mcaza. and refer to every owner o� a Lot which is subject to the
<br />assessments of the Association.
<br />Every Owner as defin�d in Article �, Section 2, under this Declaration, shall be a member of the
<br />Association. No Owner shall have more membership than the number of Lots awned by such Owner.
<br />Menr�bershi� sha11 be appurtenant to and may not be separated from the ownership of the Lots. Ownership
<br />af a Lot or Lnts shall be the sole qualification for membership. Membership in the Association shall also
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