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.�.- ��. . ..n• YtE��I�I " � t �� .:.. <br /> _ �� I!, %. ,}1 ,�,�- ' ' , „ _ ' _h f <br /> J '/:+ ± � <br /> �3�.!r+ �Ctt�MCte �'�l � , •t". ry . _ ."a.�---- -- - _ . <br /> f4 � °sdy�ltivA�-�n .n••A� . ,. '' _— <br /> 1 . . �. - <br /> , a ' �' •�.�lrt�j.v• o ron' � `. - -�iar�- - <br /> �_ �.�����.�.,�- --r.w....... �.�_._..».....��...` - <br /> a, � <br /> �YA.�:i,�, ..,..a••.. p�1M _� � __ <br /> �'�,'� �� ..��N'{�.(.�'.t'� } l'l��I) <br /> '..'�i,:,�___��..�..��_ _� perladti Ihut Lcnder requircw. Thc in+umncc curticr pmviJin��hc inru�uncc nhnll hc •n b���n� � Lendcr� w-. <br /> .t �ra��.;�'�,. uppmval which Rhull not t+e umm��onuMly wllhhclJ. If B�xr.c►wor failh Iu mainlaln covcragc de�cribcd abovc,Lcmk.r muy,ut <br /> a'" • Lrnde�i+option,ahtain coveruge�a pmtec�Lender h rlghi�in the Pn�prrt�•In u�:cu�dancc wilh pa�ugruph?. _ <br /> ,'�' � ' � All in�urcmce policie�und�enewulx�chull he l.endar+�ru!ntudl includc u ti�undurJ mun�tuge cluu�. Lender <br /> ,�.� � , 9 a shull huve�he righi�u holJ ihc p�►liciey und renewulti. If t�n�lar n:quireti.Ba,nnwcr�hull pramptly�ivc to Lrndcr ull recciptz � <br /> .., .. <br /> • ��:•r .• uf paid premiumx und renewul nnticcti. In tlu event ol'Inr��, 8nttt�wvr�lul�iglvc prurnp�nolirc�o thc in�urunce cuRirr•rnd <br /> • � ;,.�a.�,; <br /> ., ,_� • �' Lender. Lender may mukc pnx�f of Ins,if n�x mude prnmpl y y onrt�w��r. <br /> � Unle,+L�ndcr unJ B��RO�scr othcnvisr+�grcK'in wri��n�.iutiuryin:r. pr�xcrd.tihul l hc u�licd tu rcstorutiun ur rcpuir of � �a T_. <br /> , -�-ti the Proporty dumnged, if the rcpair i�ernn�Hnb:nUy�t�anika4 nnd�r� �ccuriiy iy mN I���ened, If�hc -- <br /> �� ' restarution�.ar repair is not ecunumicuUy,fe:u�ibl¢or Lcmt�r'n�ccuriq w�wld t+r le+srned,�he inw�unce prcxeedz shull be <br /> '---- ^`'' ' a^. �� � uppli�sd ta ehe sums sccured by thir Scrurity Inslrumem. whn�trsr or ncK tf�n s1uc,wi�h uny exccs�paid t��Barruwer. If � <br /> _.�4_::1;_:.•:.�; --- <br /> _ u. , , Botrower ubanclons �he Propeny, nr daer not unrwer within JO duyh u ncKfce t'rom Lender thu� the in�+urunce currier hur _ <br /> •� oifered�a settle u cluim,then Lender muy colkct ihe in�urunce priweedr, L.ender muy uxr ihe repair ar res�ore Y <br /> ��tr " „ �he PropeAy ar�o puy xum��CUred by thiv Sccurity In�trumen�,wt�It�r or not�hen due. The 30•duy�xrial will brgin whon _ <br />��" ' . • the notice ig given. _--_ <br /> j�.,y ;,, �`. ' Unle�.c Lender and Barrawer otherwi,e ugrce in writing,uny upplicatian oi pracctids to prinripul tihull nut extend or .� <br /> ••�=�°'�°`.°�--�� poespanc tke dne datr of the monthly{+��ym�•ni.rcfrued to in paruFa�phs 1 :uid 2 or chunKc the amuunt��f the payments. If �_ _ _ <br /> ' �.� � •'' � under pnrugroph 2l tF� Prapeny' iY ucyuired by Lendrr,BoROwcr: riFht [u uny insu�un�e pulicfrs und prcx:eedti msuUing <br /> . -���.`• �•� , ,,� . --- <br /> .•�`�+ '�'� from domuge to�he Propeny prior to the ucyuixitian xhull puxs ta l.ender ta ihe exicnt af the zums Kcurcd by�hiti Securiry '�' <br /> �� � . . lox�rument immcdiately prior to thr acyuiwition. �_��:- <br /> "' �,, 6, Occupancy� Preservption. Malr�tennnce and Protectbn of the Property; Bor�ower's Loan Ap�llcation: -� � <br /> • l.enseholda. Bormwcr xhnll cecupy,cstublish,und u+e the Propeny a�c Barnnwer�principal retiidence wi�hin �ixty dayti ufter �.,�`�'�_ <br /> � . �� � the execution of thiti Serurity Instrument und shull cnntinue�o�mupy�i�Proprny ua Born�wer's principnl rehidence for at ��;-_� <br /> ' � �' leust one year Af�er Ihe dute �f ixcups►ncy, unless Lender oth�:ncisc ugree� in writing, which con+enl shull not he :�-�-,-,-�,t. <br /> unreusonubly withheld,ur unlesx rxtenuuting circumxluncex exist which ue beyond Borcower;contml. Borrower shull not .:,- 1 - <br /> � dex�roy,damage or impuir the Property.ullow�hc Prupeny ta dcteriorute,ur cammit wuxte on thc Prupeny. 6orr�iwer.hull �:'��? 7^ <br /> ,f,• be in default if uny farfeiture netion or prcueeJing, whe�her rivil or criminul,ix begun thu�in Lenderz good fuith judgment ' '�"��^ <br /> ' � �;;.�i• � could result in forfeiwrc of thc Property or othcnvisc mutedAlly impuir the lien cremed by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt or '`�`°- � <br /> ' � Lenderr security interest. Bortx�wer muy cure+uch u default und reins�ute,s►s provided in para�raph 18,by cuusing the uction .�.��_Y _, � <br /> � - or proceeding to be dixmi�tied with u ruling thu�,in l.rnder i good faith detertninution.precludes forfeiture af the Borrower h ..,r•,,�•:: <br /> _ •� � ., interest in the Propeny or other muteriul impAirment af the lien created by this 5ecuriry Instrument or Ler�ler's security '��s���� <br /> �wr <br /> ` � �� interesl. Borrower xhull AI50 � in defAUU if Bonower, during thc loan upplication praess, guvc muteriully f�lse or <br /> '�'' •� .. inuccurote informu�ion o�xtutemems to Lender lor fuiled�o provicie Lender wi�h uny material inf'unnution)in connecticx�with �}=� <br /> ;, �:��... <br /> �',�•. • •• the loun evidenced by �he Nme, including, bu� nc» limitcd lo, mpm�enlulions canceming Borrower:, oc�cupancy of�he ,.�,��. ._ <br /> _ �o�riy�p��n��pal rexidencc. If�hix Security Instrument i�on u leuxhold,Borrowcr shull cnmply with ull the provisions �,��.:•,_ <br /> � �•�'-� , of the leu..e. If BoROwer ucquires fee tide to the Pmperty.the leu�uhold und the tee ht le xhull no�merge unlecs Lender ugrceti - -,;�,�::, <br /> ; to the merger in writing. � "�� <br /> ,,,{ G:�.. <br /> 7. P r o t e c t l o n oP Lender's Ri ghts in the Property. It' Borrowcr fnilx �o pr.dorni thc rnvenunts nnd ugrcemcnts ,�, •w'4!„';� ::-. <br /> coMs�ined in this Securiry Inslrumem, or �hem is u le�eal prcxeeJing that muy +igni ficum ly u f fec� Len der's rig h ts in �he -�r�"�" • � ��. <br /> Propeqy(yuuh u�:u pr�xeeding in bankruptcy,prohate,for condemnutiun or tiirt'aiture ur to enforcc luws or regulntion�),tlx�n ;,, .;•, ,•. �- �. <br /> � Lender muy du and puy for whntever iti necctitiury to pmtect�hr vulue of Ihe Piroperty und Lcnder's righlti in Ihe Praperly. <br /> � Lender<actinn�muy include puyinF uny+umti tieruRd by u lien which ha.prioriry over this Scwrity Instrunxnt,uppeuring - <br /> . in couh.puying reasonuble uuomeyx'fer,unJ entcrin�on �he Prn�xny to muke repvin. Although Lender mny wkr actiun ��,,...:_-- <br /> � under thiz parugraph 7.Lendrr doex not huve to du,o. �d`"�=�'�'��''-_ <br /> � Any vmountx disbuned by LcnJer undrr this parugruph 7 ,hull txcome uddi�ionul debt of Bortower .ecured by Ihis �-_''�'T_'�•` <br /> , Security In+trumcnt. Unles.Borrower imd l.rnder ugrec io oihcr tenm of puyment,tha:+e anwunts rhull lxur in�cres�from ihe .r,��,�::" <br /> , du�e nf disbuncmem ut �hr Not� rntr unJ�hull Ix puyuhle,with in�crrtii, upm noticc imm Lender io Borcower rcquexling .,.. ,,,,,, .:� _ <br /> � .. puyment. • n:• •.-.�� <br /> � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lendrr roquimd mortgagc in.urunr�ns u conJition nf makinE Ihe loan secured by�his : . <br /> � Security Inx�rument, BaROwer tihall puy the premiums rcquired lu muintain Ihr munFi�ge intiunnce in eifec�. 1(, far uny �•-�::� ;:�=-' <br /> � rcuxon. �he morlguge in4uruncr covcruFe rrquimd hy l.rnJer lupse+ or re•r.r, �o I+r in effect, Borrower xhull ps�y the •,�`' �- �,�.,_ <br /> prcmiums rcyuired tu ob�ain caverage suBstun�iully cyuivulrnt a► thc mi�nEugc intiumnce prcviuuwly in effect, ut u cosi -•; i-. ,.�;_• - <br /> substuntiully eyuivulent to the rnsl 1��Bonower ul'Ihe mung.�gc in�uraixr in cffcrt,from un alternut�monguge � '>>'�•'.:'.,� <br /> � � imurcr uppraved by Lender. If+uhstanli►�Ily equivalent nutttga�r imuruncc cuvrraEe i,nut uvuiluble.Borrower�hall pay to „'�1'•'.-..'-_— <br /> Lcnder euch month u.wn�yuul to onr-�wclf'th ut'the yearly mungugc in�uruixc premium 1►eing puid hy Botrowcr when the . - _ <br /> . insurancc cav�rage lup�ed or ceaxJ u�Ix in rffrct. l.enJrr will+�rcept.u�r:md rrlain ih�.�paymentti ati u I�i�.rc,rrvc in lieu , , . .^ -- <br /> T af mortgu�ZC inaurunce. L�xs rrscrvc puynxnts may no lungcr tx�rcyuiitiJ,at thc uptiim of L.etKlcr,if mortgu�tr insuranre ^? <br /> coveruge(in the umuun�imJ far Ihc Exriod thut Lrnder rcyuiresl pruvided by un inwrer appruvcJ hy Lender uguin becomes <br /> � uvail�blc und is ob�uined.Borrowcr.hull puy thr prrmium.rc��uircd to nwinlain murtgn�:c in+urunr�in eFtcrt,nr to pmvide u <br /> losx re+erve,until the reyuiremem 1'or mangi�ge in.uri�ncr urcordance with nny wriuen ugrrcmcM t+etween eonnwer j <br /> anJ LcnJerorupplirahlr 1•rw. � <br /> 9. Inspeclinn. l.ender ar it.a�.ni may makc rra.uni�hk entric�upon i�nd innperti�m� ul Ihr Pro�xrty. Lendcr�huU � <br /> give Bnrrowcr nuticc u��hr timc uf or priar to�in ins�xctiun.�xrilying rc��,unnhlr rnu�c f��r ihr inti�xr�i�,n. . <br /> 10. Condemnallon. Thc pnxreJs ul'any awara or rlaim lur damagr..dircci�,r ci,nncctiim with uny � . <br /> . " tiinkle I�rmd�- M'unnle�1wr�Frvddle�1�r U\IFI1R\1 1\�'1'RI'�1F:Y1' -•l�ndunn Cu�.nam. 91911 �pie��d��%n�w¢r.0 � <br /> � GRat II�a Puam�w lmn�.ler ■ � <br /> TnIM�MiP.�ll I�WM/fl.'I60:N1'lil FA11111F7!11•11:11 l <br /> 4 .. <br /> �' � <br /> 1 .. . <br /> ' li�:�. I�11�,' � . <br /> II <br /> I . <br /> I ' . '. <br /> . 1 <br /> ( <br /> � <br /> . <br /> I <br /> • • � _ -- -_=_ - <br />