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_.�1I�1`�-�����.� � �4.sr1PF j},r'�f�� -.:.r �'!q[e.f� �.� � -w, _ �;�c:'��- �,P��v.+r�4��.�a. -....�- �..�i5_�Li��� �s .na��n�.- --- <br /> 4 .�1 ^ vY 4 S7Kn�r�u <br /> .:. r ' . : <br /> � •�,:..,,�. . cfi•�. � l: � <br /> , �. <br /> . ��� " ..v r , . -Kw.w�wa.f � � ' . . <br /> �wr� <br />_ _-. .. , r.�, uu,.R C__aat�a^`3tYlI�ri ' -_ <br /> —� — - ��� '- . . ��� � --� — --- t �- - <br /> � ,.����� � „ ,. . <br /> � - -----,�'�..� _ _ _ - - <br /> --! �� .. +`{� .�'• A �I �R,�� <br /> � �, �:�. � 92- <br /> ^�$�`=-�-�-�`--�- TOCi�THEIt WITH uU thc imprrvcmcma�n��w ur hercuf�cr crcctcd on Ihc pr�rty.nnd ull cascmcni�. uppurlcnanccs, — <br /> — �"''`��� pnd fixtures now an c�rcoUrr u part of Ihc property. All replo�cmcnts und uddiUu�r shall ulxo bc cuvensJ by Ihix Securlty __ <br /> '�� -���'�-... <br /> ���'�_� <br /> ���'.._,, � Inrtnamcnl. All of Ihc forcgoMg in rcicRCd to in ihix Scrudly Instrumcnl ax thc"Property:' <br /> ,.. ..•� ,. ., <br /> ' ` ��` 901tttOW@R CpVFNANTS thut Borruwcr i.luwfully +ciscJ c�f�hc c.rtatc hcreby amvcycJ and huy Ihc ri�ht In grAm = <br /> �; �� �."}��� "' and cc►nvcy Ihc Rnpcny And�hut ihc ProFxny 1r:uncixuml+crcd,eKCCpt for cncumbruncc�of rerord. enrruwcr wurr•rnts and — <br /> ��"`�.� ``����`'' will dnfeixl generally Ihe tide to the Pmperty aguinct all clafmY und ctemund�,subject�o•rny encumbrunceti of recaM. <br /> ,�:..:.':�.�:. �. --- <br /> ,'�i;�r,�,�,:�-. ..: THIS S�CUtiITY INSTRUMGNT cumbinr. unif�omi covcnantti for national u,r and n�►n•unili�rm crnenanl� with �__-__-_-_ __ _ __ <br /> .. limiled vuriatianti by juri�.diction to c�N�x�itute a unifi�rm xecurily im�rument cuverinB real property. _ <br /> . ^ ° ' �� UNIFnRM COVENANTS. Sumowcr und 4cndcr rovenant and agrcc ay faUawx: = <br /> = .�� •:�• .• � 1. Pnymem ot PrincipAl and lnlerexlt Prepaymeal nnd Lnla Cho�ges. B�xrower nhall pmmplly pay wh�n duc the — <br />�-- . • � . . princlpul�d und imercst un thr dclN evidenced hy�he Nutr und any ptapaymeM und late charges due under�he N�HC. _ <br /> ,r E. Fueds tor'Ibxes and lnwrance. SUI1�l'Cl lU il�lpI�C:1bIC IAw�ir ta a wriucn waivcr by Lcndcr,Bntrowcr shs�ll pay to �_ <br />� . L e n d r r un the du y manthl y pu ymenl+.ure due under ihe Note,unlil ihe Nwr i+puid in fuli,a sum("Funds") fur: lul yc•rrly _ " <br />,�.. _ _. <br /> luxes und a��e.r.r•ment�whirh muy nlluin priarity over�hic tiecurity Imtn�mcnl uy a lien on the Propcny:(b1 ye•rrly leaqc h n l _ <br />�� � ps►yment���r graund renl+ on the Praperty. ii' any: lc) yearly hnrard or prnperty inYUtance premiumx: ld) yearly flcwd = ��_�__ <br /> - -� _ .._ - Inxurancc. promiums, if uny: lcl yeariy nluilgagd iqyurdli:c prcmiums. it' �ny: and!!?an}� sums pay�sble by 9�>rrowPr �o �-__,_., ,---- _ <br />�:.,�y � . Lender, in uccardunee with the mvi+iom of un► ra h R,in lieu of the pu ntent af mongage insurunce premiums. These ,:•.-_ <br /> p P 8 P Y �"�L <br /> �; itema�res called"�+�mw Uemr." l.ender may.ut uny time.callect and hnld Fundx in an umount nrn ta exceed Ihe maximum r;.�7� � <br /> `• ' " amaunt u lendor far a fcderully �clut�d mnrlgoge loan may reyuira for Sorcoaer�s escrow accounc undcr the federel Rual ti,��:� <br /> � '' Estatc Seltlement Pracrduros Act af 1974 us umended from tima to tima.I�U.S.C.�2bt11 er sey.l"RFSPA"),unless another �-' <br /> •• •- luw�hnt applies to ihe Funds+eu a le�xr amaunt. If�,l.ender muy,�[uny time,c�llect und hold Funds in an amou�x nat ta �'„�-'�°°_ w <br />' � • excecd the Icsser ume►unl. l.ender may estimute Ihe nmounl of hlnds due on the busis af curtem duia und reasonuble <br /> '' ex�imutes af expendituros uf fu�uro�+rmw Uems or olhenvise in uccordnnee with xpplicable law. ��, <br /> � '' Thc Fund�� ahnll be hcld in an institulion whoxe depositx n�e insured by a iederul ugency,inatrumentulity, or entity „�,�:� <br /> �, „ ° 1 including l.ender,if Lender is.r•uch un imtitution►or in ony Federul Home l.onn Bank. Lender shull apply�he Funds tu pay ��_� <br /> � • the Escrow Itemx. Lender muy not churge Bonower fw holding und Applying tha Funds.annuully analyzing Ihe escrow -- <br /> uccount, or vcrifymg the �+crow ltem�, unlc+s l.endcr pays BoROwcr intcrctit on �he Funds and upplicublc law permils <br /> Lcndcr�o muke �uch a chargc. Nowcvcr,Lendcr muy requirc Rorrawer lo pay u onc-timc churgc for un indapondent reul �� ..�<<�..����- <br /> � " � es�ate tux r�portinF service u.c�i by L�nder in conneciion with Ihi+loun,unless applkuble luw provides otherwice. Unlexs un �;;:7;�. <br /> � agr��emcn�is mudc nr upplicu6le low nquitu►imcrert to bc puid,Lendcr�hull not bc required Io pay Bonower any irxere.t or ��;y�.a <br /> �, � � eurnin�s an Ihe Fundti. Borrowcr und l.�:nder muy ugrec in w�ting,howevcr,lhut inlerer�t shall bo puid an Ihu Funds. Lender ���-- <br /> hhull givc�o Bornrwcr,wiihout churgc.un unnuul uccouming of thc Pundx,.howing credits And debith ta�he Flmds and thc <br /> o:—�:-r:��'.k.- <br /> ° u tie for which euch debit to Uw Funds wAZ mude. The Funds ure pledged as Additiawl security for all sums sewred by �-�-�^• <br /> w�ivcrer�.••_- <br /> . _ p T�►: ��.._ _ <br /> --' tnis Security inurumcnl. <br /> ��=�-=,_ <br /> �� ' If the Fund�held by Lender rxceed the umount+ permitted to be held by upplieable law. l.ender shull uccount tu �r,r�er��- <br /> . Borrower for�he excetis Fund� in urcordancc wi�h Ux rcyuircmen�s of�ppliuuble law. IF tha amount of�he Funds held by —;,,�,�,; � <br /> , Lender at uny time is not sul'ficient�u pay the E+crow Itom�when duu,l..endor may so notify Borrower in wri�ing,and, in •..:% <br /> such cuce Burruwer �hall pay to l.ender �he umounl nocexwuy to muke up �hu dnfi�siency. BoROwer sholl muke up th� �� - "�� <br /> .�;�",�;:,� <br /> daficicncy in na morc Ihan iwelve rnonlhly paymenth,ut I.endor's�alc di�cretiun. :__;�,.;_�-- <br /> ' Upon puyment in full of ull.ums scrun�d hy thl�Sccurity Inntn�mcnt. Lendor shall prumpUy rel'und t�Borruwer any —�_-�_�-= <br /> Funds hekl by Lemier. If,undcr puru�;ruph�1,L.endor shull ucyuire ar tiell thc 1'ropony.Lendor,priar ta the acquisition or �=�__ <br /> sale of�he I'tapeny, �hall apply uny Fund�held by Lendor at thu timc of ucyuir;ition or sula •rx a credii s��uinxt ihe sums ��y,.__- <br /> : sccured by thic Sccurity ln�trument. �'�'�.�s"�'�-— <br /> „ . 3. Applicalion of Puymente. Unletis applicablu I:�w provide�atherwis�:,ull �paymants rcceivcd by Lendcr under ,�.��.'_� <br /> . parngraphs I and�shull he upplied:tirvt.ta uny prepay�mnt churges due unJer Ihe Nute:sccond,to amountx puyuMe under ,, ,.�,�. . <br /> paragruph 2;thirJ,to imcrcst duc;Founh,to principul Jur;and la�t,w uny IAtr chargc+duc undcr the Note. ''��"'" _ <br /> : .s,.,�t»a�,_�- <br /> ' 4. Charges; Liens. Burrowcr shull pay ull tuxc+, u+xe�,mem+, rhargeti, fines und impositions uuributabk to the �- � _"__":_ <br /> . Property which muy ulluin prioriiy ovcr thir.Security Imlrument,und Ieu.ehold paymcnts or ground nnu,if uny. Borrower � ,'' �,__ <br />� �. , , ' � tihall puy thesc oWiguti�n+in thc munncr providcd in purugr•rph ?or if not puid i��that manncr,Bonnwcr shall pay�hem on :��`- <br /> ,,,,,, � time directly to thc penon owrd payment. Borrower shull p�omptly t'umish io LcnJer all no�icr,of�mounls to Ix paid under `� <br /> . thi�parngruph. If Barmwer muke�thexe puymentr+dineclly,Bum�wer+huU pmmptly fumish to Lender rereipts evidencing , .,_'i,t <br /> I the puymen�s. ° .-- <br /> Botrower shall promplly discharge uny lien which hu.priu�iry uver�hi+Securiiy Instn�mrnt unless Borrower: lai ngn:es - ��,;..�u�.�_ L <br /> �� "'' in writing to Ihe payment of the ubligu�iun nccured by thc licn in u munner accepiable to Lender;�b)contes��in good fuith the �=;�e <br /> licn by,or defends vgainst enforcemunl ot'thc licn in,Icgal �mxceJin�s which in Ihe Lendcr�opinion operute lo prevcnt the :i::F�-'Y,� '- <br /> � enCorcemenl of the lien;or(c)s��curcs from lhe holJer ol'Ih�licn un ugrermrnt satisfactory to Lcnder subordinuting the lien .'�� _ <br /> ° to thls Security Instrumenl. If Lcnder detemiines that any pan of thc Property i� subjrct to u Ifen which may attain priority � �' <br />� " • , over this Security Instrument,l.ender muy givc Borrowrr a n�xicc iJentifying the licn. Borrower sh�ll sAdsfy�he licn or tuke - - <br /> • one or morc af the uctions,et fonh utwve within 10 duys ot'the givin�uf noticc. :, <br /> �, � 5. Ha�rd or Property Insurance. Burn�wer.hall Mcrp thr improvrmcnls now exi.ling or hercuRer erected on thc � <br />, Property insurcd against loss by fire,hazards includcd wilhin thr tcmi"cx�endcd ruvrruge"nnd any olher hutard�.includin� :• <br /> � Ooods or tlooding, far which l.endor rcyuin�� inwrancc. This in.rurancr �hull lx muintuincd in thc amounts und for the � <br /> , t <br /> Eurn�02lt 9190 r�R�•2�qn�r,pe:1 ' <br /> f ' . <br /> . i . !. <br /> s � �. <br /> , �• <br /> ,:�;, . . . . , . . . <br /> . � <br /> . ` <br /> . . � _ _ � — <br />