'y��'"i ..� J�k'ii/t��{rfr� ..,j.. i l.�:�1 , . � ..�x� �I t�L`v'.ii<<1WN1�i21CC�:',�
<br /> ,;� �... ,� ���' �� - _ �„i, ,. __��.�, .,.;..w:," ., ` .__I �
<br /> l' �t, F �
<br /> ��,+ . -
<br /> � i °' "r • :t 6';"►L�VW�u;r,*�h.� .. -_-_.
<br /> 9�.��K.b1{,,. L.,lw ` • _ �
<br /> -_ _ _..�.sv:.� ..�,.,.r.�.w.. . . — .
<br /> � ��+�'�.'�".13. _ _ . . .'__ - --Y o. .rr ���RY�i.--
<br /> e�es--
<br /> � 92--- �o�s�7 ��.�_—- _
<br /> `.. . ' . � � . .y `...�__
<br /> j
<br /> � E;;' .. ;` 17.Tran�ter ot Ihe Properly or o Heneficiol lntcreat in Bomawer. If ali��r any paA af ttk Pmpehy ur�+�ny intcrcw in it ��...:
<br /> �""'" • �Q sold or trnnsPcrn:d(or it a hcnciiciyl intcrest in I3��nuwcr ia s��W or tronwfc�roJ ond�rrowcr f!�n�N a naturul peram)wlthout
<br /> ��"'"'°*�'�• ".• l.ender's priar w�ittcn conscn�, l.endcr nwy. �I itv uption, rcquitc imnx;diotc puymcnt �n fuU uf All �uma �ured by Ihia ��•-
<br /> ; �: Secu�iry Instrumcnt. Huwcvcr. thi�optian Yhall n�u hc cxcrci�«f by l.cmlcr if cxcrcisc ix prnhihhed by icticrNl l�w�s uf Ihe dote
<br /> � ' � �` of Ihia Security I�strumcnt. _
<br /> � � . � If Lcndcr cxcrci�cs thi���ptinn, l.endcr yhidl�tivc H��rr��wcr nntirc nf acccic��tion. Thc noticc xhs+ll pmvide a perfod of not
<br /> H
<br /> ` r °°'• _. ' less than 3U duyx from thc dutc thc nuticc is� dclivcr�ur nwilcd wilhin which Rurrowcr mun� puy ull sums securcd by this --
<br /> '. Security Inxtrument. li Barrowcr f�ilx tu�y thc�c xumx prfur�o thc cxpimtic►n uf�bi��ri�d,L.cndcr may invoke ony rcmedles
<br /> - permittul by�hfs Sccurity Imtrument wit out furthcr mNicc or dcm�nd an linrruwcr.
<br /> .... . . .._ . . �--�-,�T. ---� �—
<br /> •.�.r 18, Bam►wer's RIRht lo Relastatc. If Boirowcr m�xts cenuin canJitionx, W►rruwcr shull huvc Ihc nght to pvc
<br /> � , � � . " , enfarccmem uf thiK Security In�tn�mcnt di�continuc�l ot ony time prior 1� thc carlicr oP: (al S days I��r such othcr perfcxl as v
<br /> ' applicabM I�w may +�pecify f�r rcins�utement) hefore sule i�P the Pmperty pursuant �o uny {x►wer of sala conwined io �his �'"
<br /> •, .� . &~�
<br />�'� � Scxurity Instrument;nr(b)entry�f a judgnxnt enforcing ihi�Securhy Inhin�ment.Thatie condition�ure thal �ROwer.(u)pay� �-� `
<br /> • �. . �•:� I.emter all Kum�which then would ix due undcr this Socu�ity Inalrument anJ the Note us if nu uccelerution hed occurrod;(b) i,°"
<br /> 1, curcs any default oi any��thc�cuvenants��r agrecmentn; (c) pay�;all ex�enses incurrecl in enforcing thin Secu�ity Instn�ment, ���,}::___
<br /> �` ' including, hut not Ilmited to, rcASOnnblc uuornc�s' fccs, und(d) tokes such action us l.endc�muy rcus�mably require to axsure �._..r.:..__
<br /> � ' that thc licn of this Sccurity las�rument. Li:ndcr a rightti in thc Property and Barmwer'S��bligu�ian tu puy thc sums recured by �_ ;:_..�.�,.
<br /> ,,: �:,�i �: >;; � thiR Sccu�ity Instrum�:�t �:hull c�►ntinuc unchunged. Upan rcinstetemenl by &�rrowcr, thi� Securlty In�lnimcnt and 1he �,:_-y
<br /> - _ .. -_ �-_-- obligatinns secured herehy .hwll n�mxin Gilly effuiiv�u.if nn xcc�leration hud ciccurred. However, �hi�right tn reioRtate shall � `� �
<br /> ,,, • nat apply in the ca.tic of ucccicration undcr parugrz+ph 17. �-�-_-_
<br /> �,•—
<br /> 19, 5s�le af Natc; C6ange oP lw►an Serviccr. 'Thc Notc or a partial intcrest in thc Notc (together with thia Secudty _
<br /> Instrumcn�)may b�ra W onc��r murc timcs w i t ho u t p r i�r n a t i c c t o B o r m w c r.A�s a l c m u y r e s u l t i n a c hen ge in thc cntit y(known �,;.-_.__ _
<br /> ; ac�ha •t.oan Scrvicer") �hat collects monthly payments duc uade�the Note and this Security Instrument.7'here alr,o may be one ���-°
<br /> �§`�'�`;�'�'�'���`� ar mon chung�y of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to n salc of the Note. If�he�e is a ebange of'the Loan Service�.8orrower will be _ __
<br /> ;i�:�•1� ' ..
<br /> , .,ta,�� ....; �, _' , given written notice of the change in accorJance with paragraph 14 atwve anJ applics►ble I�w.The notire will stale Ihe nsimme and =•'�'� =
<br /> ,ti�;•r,., sddress��f the new l�►ao Scrvicer and ttw address to which paymenls should be made. The na�ice will alsa can�ain any other � �—
<br /> '� �'� �`•.A- '', inforn�atian requircd by applicaMc law. +r'`��� ,i��—�.
<br /> .� �,: �..;,•' ( y ��.,,. •.,'{�a•i.t�,;:•.;-
<br /> �'� '. '••• t...,,,,:•,1:, .: Z 0. N s v ar dous Su bs t a n c e�. eu r r o w e r s h a l l n o t c a u s e o r p e r m i l t h e p r e s e n c e. u s.:.d i x p o s a l, s l�rn ge. or release oi'An � � �,.,�.�_-_-----
<br /> �1cr;1;;�E��'^�ir,;';t;,�,`:.1�:t,:� �'6�i%Wl�.. , —
<br /> ,' , . � r�}�{.�:,.: :,,.�;;� Hazordous Substanccs i�n or in Ihc Praperty. Borrower shall nat do, nor allaw anyanc elsc to da, anylhing affecting the �;;�•_�;�
<br /> v„ ,.+��
<br /> ��`;.,;;�;e����,;:.•,;.,�,,,.,i�,, Property that ic in vialu�ion aiany Environmental L.uw. Thc preceding two sentcnccs shull nat apply to thc prescncc, use,or �„ '��,e,,,t.;�;�,.,
<br /> >I�:_' j�°�� ���t starage on the Property of small quantitics af Huzurdaus Substances that are generally recagniud to be apprapriate to norn�al •�•A����i x �-"
<br /> ��� ';' � �'���;.
<br /> ,;r�a;;,,,:;:�, ,;;;;,,;,,, , , residentiAl usc4 and lo maiatenancc of thc Property. {�U�,t , —.
<br /> . . ��',,•�,... � �-.� •.:�l�,t
<br /> � �,;,; , !1i,,,.:.ti�.:;.,�y BoROwer shall promptly give I.ender written noiice af uny investigatian,claim, demand, lawsuit or other actian by any ,M����:�ty�;
<br /> `�.,,,..•.: ��{°`;,,., � �� ' governmental or regulatory agency or private purty involving the Property and any Hu��rdoua Substance or Envirunmental I.aw .
<br /> �;.�,°,;;, �•. ,d � ' of which&inow�c�hus actual knowlcdge. If Barrawer Iearns, or is notified by any gavernmental or resulatory authority,that
<br /> ' any rem�►val or ather remediutlon of ony Hur.�rd�u�SubstAnce affecting 1he Property ix�cces!iury, Borrower shnll promptly leke `
<br /> . . • ---___ ---f=- aii n�xxseury�c�i�iial u�ti.in�in accotxlanc:c u�ith EnYiroamental l.aw. `�=�'_- �
<br /> A�:uned in this puru�r,�ph 20, "Hin�trcluun Suhxtunces" are thuse xubstunre,dclined ax toxic ar hazurdous substunces by
<br /> Envlronmentul l.aw and Ihe fnUowing xubslunces: guncdinc, kerosene, cxher Ilummuble ar aixic peemlcum Qrcxlucts, toxic , �� "�. �
<br /> � pesticidez And hcrbicides,volutile uilventx, muteriulx rontaining asbcstox or fornialdcbydc,unJ r�nlwuctivc muterials. As uticJ in
<br /> this purugruph 20, "F.nvir��nrncntul l.uw" mcans fulcrul luws and luw.r• ��f�hc juriulictian wixrc thc PropcMy is Incoted that .;-.�,..�; .,
<br /> . rclatc�o hcalth, sufcty or cnvirunmcotal prolcrtiun. ,Y_;.�'.W.�• :
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CnVF.NANTS. ��rrnw�r ond lAnJcr 1'uAhcr covcnunt uml ugrc�u,ti►Uuw�: '
<br /> ' 21. Accele�ullon; Rem��dle!i. I,ender�hall Rh•c notice to I�rrower prior to wccelen+llon follnwlns Rorrnwer's br��ch ; a
<br /> ot pny covenynl or aRrecment in Ihlx tiecurlty Instrument Ibut n�a prior to �cccicr�tion undcr purAK�ph 17 unkxr .... ..,..
<br /> ' Applicablc I�w prnvldex Mhcrwiu).7'he noticc�hall speciPy: ILI lhc dcf�ull;lb)thc wctlnn rcyuind to curc the defoult; �+�.r
<br /> ' c p dole.not I�.g than 30 days frnm the date the notice iv pfven to Borrnwer.by which lhe detaull musl be cund:�nd �`�- -
<br /> ( ) . -
<br /> (d)Ihal f�ilurc tu cun tUc deiault an or txfore the dAte specified In the notice may result In peccleratlon oP the sums � , : ._�,
<br /> ' secund by lhlc tiecurily In�lrument and wle oi thc Property. The n��tfcc slwll iurtl�r Intorm Burrowcr of thc rlRhl to
<br /> •' relnslpte afler acceleratian and the riRht to brinR o rourt Action lo �+stiert the�on-exlstence ot a def�ult or any other
<br /> � � , dePense oP Borrower 10�ccelen�tion and sale. IP Ihc deiault 14 not cured on ar before the date spcclficd in the notice� �
<br /> I.ender, at its optlon. muy mqulrc immedlate paymcnt in iull of all sums secured by thlc Security Instnunenl wilhout
<br /> further demand wnd mpy invake thc powcr of ru�le and any other remedies permitted by applk�bk law. I.ender shall 6e ..,�;,.
<br /> entltled to collect pll expensc.w incurrcd In purxuinR the remcdies provided in Ihis pars�Rraph 21,includin�.but not Ilmlted �p
<br /> to,rcaronable attorneys'fi�and casts af tiUe evidence. �'��'�`-�-
<br /> � !P the power oP !wle is Invoked� Trustec shall record a notice oP deP�ult In cpch county in which any {wrt oi the •. �_��
<br /> � Properly is lucuted and shall mail copies of such notire in the manner prescribed b3•applicable law to Borrower and to . K"•°' •
<br /> �.,__::Y_
<br /> " the other persons prc:gcribed by appllcuble law.Aftcr the tlmc requfnxl by applicable law,Tru.gtce shall give public notice ,� ,r:M.�y ;
<br /> ' ot eale to the peir,ons and in the manncr presrrllx�d by applicablc law.Trutitee, without demand on Borrower�shs�ll sell �-'�::••
<br /> tbe PropeMy at public puction to the hlRhest bldder at thc dme and place and under the lermx designated in the notice ot - . .
<br /> sale in one or more parcels end in any ordcr Trustee determ{ncs. Trustec may postpone awle of all or any p�rcel ot the
<br /> properly by publlc s�nnounccment at thc time und place of any previously scheduled sale. I.endcr or il�designee may
<br /> . , purclwsc the Property ot any sale. � •
<br /> Fam 3028 f/90
<br /> � P�bull; � � �
<br /> a
<br /> � ., MG3018�NE/5 '
<br /> � ,
<br /> . �•.'
<br /> ..�1 - -
<br />