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��� .� •y��ew,r � ., . i'..�i� � --- '--- �� - . . ...T ...���.�...._._...___.-� _ . ... __ ---.--._� ... <br /> ' __ _ .�-� ,�..,,.�.� : �� ^•� . _ <br /> !r w - - 1.�::. .,, <br /> i <br /> � G'�'���- 7 ,`'*�y ,r.r,+.= � .�•r` -- <br /> . .'_.,.. `..4�� _. . .�.- —. . <br /> - �� �-- � '-- ' ' -- - .�_ - -- <br /> , ... �L�+Yk/�U:+. _ - -- _---- <br /> r�� - <br /> �, . . ` 92-- io�so7 �. <br /> .:,. i.. ,� .,a:, . : <br /> ,� ' � ' " p�ymcntr mny nn lon�cr ho rcqufrcd,at tha op�ion of l�endcr. if nwirtgwgc in�urom:c cavcragc lin�hc am��uM und fur thc pc�fc�d _� <br /> ,��' "'~,•",.. '•�' ' � th�� I,cmicr rcyuireH{pravideJ hy An in�;urcr uppruvrd by l.�nder aguin h�w�►nxs avAilablc und i�e�bluin4d. H��rr��war khwll My <br /> !'�"'''"';' ,''•�'. • • " tho prcmium�rcquirod�n maintain mortgaga insura�x:c in el�fc�t,��r���pr��vide A lor�rerervo, until�hc requiroment for mari�{a�e <br /> �'� • � • Inruronco endx in oca►rdonce wflh uny wrf��en ag�ccmem tk:�wa:n B��rr��we�and l.cmier��r upplicublc luw. - <br /> � 9, l�wwpectlon. Lender o�i1w ugent moy muke reusonuhle entrics up�m and inspcctione oi the Property. Lender ahwll �ive <br /> � �, � ar : � Barrawe�notice ot the t4ne of or priar to an ins�x:ction specifying reu��muble cuuxe for the inspectian. _ <br /> •' �' ' � lA. Condemnpllan. The prcxeedx of uny nward�r claim for dumuges, dircct or cansequcntial, i�a�nnection with any <br /> ��_ .. �_•_�..�•�;.r . _ . condemnatfon or other�aking of any part af the Pmperty, ar for runvcyance in lieu of condemnution,a�e hereby assigned and <br /> �.---- :_---z.�...--,,_.. <br /> :� whall bc paid to L.cnder. <br /> r •< • ''.�+� In the event of a totAl taking of the Pn�peny,the pruceed�;shall be applieci tu Ilx sum�s�ur�d by this Security lnstrument, <br /> -' • � whether or not then due, with any exrrsw paid tu Burrowc�. ln the event ui'a punial tuking��i'the Property in which the fair _- <br /> '" '��`"u���� market value of thc P�opeNy imme�iiately before the ta�;ing is equal to or RrcAte�than the amaunt oi'�he sums secu�ed by lhis :. <br />��•, . . <br /> Security Instrument immediatel;•before thc tuhing,unless Borruwe�and l.ender athenvise agrcc in a riting,thc sums secured by �';_ <br /> � � this Security lnst�ument shnll be rcduced by the amaunt of the proceeds multiplied b}• �he follnwing frnction: (al the total E.,`� <br /> ..r. , , . <br /> , . .. <br /> � amount of the sums se.cured immedietcly beforc the toking,dividcd by (b) �he fair murket value ai the Propeny immediately '�.�r. <br /> ;�'JI-i...� —"� <br /> •:, :•• ti ;��i;�i�.. before the wking. Any bsilance shall be paid to Bonower. In the eveM af u partial taking af thc Praperty in which the ftiir R'�- <br /> '�:. ., .+�'lA��.' ! 'r.�,a - <br /> � . • -�=�-�=.:�---�-� , maslcet��alue oi the Property emmedintcly before the talcing is less than thc amMm�nf ihr sums �eri�m�i �mmediately hrfom Ihr —_--_,.---_______ <br /> .,',.',.,'r.: ,;:---��;;�;.;;�y�,,�. .._. �'_..� -' <br /> ,. �.�:.� :, .y,.�..„. ?, <br /> .;!� ;�y,�;:;;����., taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwire agrce in writing ar unless applicuble Inw atherwise provides. the praceeds :twll `,.-�:_ <br /> be applicd to the sums securcd by this Srcurity lnstrument whether or not the sums are then due. r"""' '��-` <br /> �t . ;;1.r.k;,`"` - <br /> �-� �• If the Propeny is abandoned by Bonawer,or if,after notice by I.ender to Borrower Ihat Ihc condemnar offers to meke an , .,;;,_,_ <br /> -t��i " .n —.:_��� <br /> .� award or settle a claim for dAmages, Borrower fails ta res�nd to L.ender within 3�days after�he clate the notice is given, nr�••� ._.._ <br /> , 7 n,L_ <br /> `� ° Lender 1s authorized to collect and apply thc praceeds,at its nption,either to resturation or repair of thc Propeny or to thc sum� :���' �,�4:�•�- <br /> „ �'`"'•i�?��'' ..- cecured by thia Security Instn+mer��,whether or not then due. °}��,,.- <br /> ,..'';.,;-..,��.,:,.. .. j�`S,� ' <br /> � �::�.•• Unless Lender and Bo�rower othenvise ugree in writing, Any applicutian of pnxeeds to principal shall not eatend or y-.:���:���a:'"� <br /> , . ;',.,•,::_i4•• , �;.s'-- <br /> . ��,;,.���{1' . Iy::c--- <br /> .,, postpone the due date of the mon�hly payments referced to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amaunt of such papments. ;�+�.-:.__- _ <br /> ' � ' 11.Horrower Not Relesised;Forbearance By l.ender Not a Walve�.Extension of�he timc for payment ar modification :�.,�.�: _ <br /> �°� �,• of amortizution of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Horrower ahall �-��_°_, <br /> � � u � <br /> ' r,�'r I' ' ,r�:;� !;.,;�,,,�•'. ' not operate tu release the liability of the originnl Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to �=75f—'•""-��"�'" <br /> �!�. <br /> ', ..'��,s;;,�i�;'�.'�i,':;�.,,�.; commence proceedings against nny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or othernise modify amortizatinn ;,:��' ��� <br /> ,� , (; S .,, , le' .� <br /> of thc sums secured by this Security Instrument by rcason of uny demand made by thc original Borrowcr or Borrowcr s �:�n� ' �q <br /> �' , >;s�, 'S5`¢i�r ',`�;' successars in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a ws�iver of or preclude the ��',• <br /> •.��►. �:,'�4a�:;;,;:; •� <br /> ,�_""1�;;,;�;�"��;_ _ txetcise of r.�sy r�ght or tcme�ty ��i;`,l.�;r;;�,:`;.,o.�:--- <br /> •����:,�p,�� 12. Sueeccsors and Assigns Bound; Joint ond Several�l,ipbility; Co-siRners. The covennnts and agreements of this � � : � <br /> '• ;��'�i;�: �' � Security [nstrument shalt bind und benclit the succeswn and a�:signrz of Lender and &►rrower, subjcxt to the provisions of �ti,����;::�.��,.•; � <br /> . . parugm�h l7. Burruwer's covennnte und agrcements shnll be joint nnd several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ,�'•.:�rr.�,n; ••, <br /> • Inst�ument but does na exerutc the Ni�te: (a1 is co-signing this Security Instn�ment only to mortguge. grnM nnd convey that •"�Yf� ��w.�. <br /> ,., ' , Borrower's inte�st in thc Property undrr thc ternis uf Ihix Sccurity Inr�trumcnr, (b)is nw personally obligated to pay the sums '` � `� `-n <br /> secured by thi�s Security Instrument;und Icl ugrces thut l.crulcr and uny othcr&�rrower may agrec to cxtcnd, modify, forbear or ���'.}'� '• <br /> � make any a�cammcxlutiom with rcRard tu the�crmx of�hiti Scrurily Instrumcn�or thc Notc without that&irrowcr'z conscnt. � •� •�°•'��• �' � <br /> 13.I.oAn Chqr}Rev. If thc luun.rrurcd My thi� Sccurily In.trumcnt is suhjcct U�u law whirh ticts muzimum I�un charges, ` !t <br /> anJ�hut luw is finully intcrprctcd s�i that thr in�crrx�or�ithcr luan rhorges collrrtcd ar�o bc collcctc�i in conncctiun wilh thc F ,.� `,-?� <br /> " loan exreed the permiued limit+, then: lu)uny,uch laan churgc.hull tn nduced by the amnunt nerrswry[u reduce the rharge ' - <br /> to the permittai limit;and Ib)any �um,otready cullcrtcd frcim Borcuwcr whinc �xc��wicd permiucJ limits will be rcfundcd to • <br /> • '� � Bormwer. L.ender muy chiK�x tu muke Ihi. refunci by rcYlucing Ihr principal oweJ under the Note or by rtwking a direct ; • - .�. <br /> payment to Borrowcr. If a rcfund reducc. prinripal, thc r�Kluctii►n will I+c trcated ati a paniul prepayment wilhout any � r.,_��__ <br /> prepaymem�hurge undcr the Nutc. � • -a T_. <br /> 14.Notices.Any nuticc�o&irrowcr proviJcd fiir in this Sccurity Instrument tihull hc givrn by dclivering it or by rtujiling � .r'�``�. <br /> :i,;-:�;,; <br /> it by first elnss muil unless applicablc luw reyuires utie oi'ancithrr meth�Kl. The n�xicc,hall 6e directed t�i the Propeny Address i . <br /> • or any athcr address &�rrawcr dexignutcs by nrnirc to l.�:ndcr. Any n��tirc t�� l.enJrr sh•rll be given by first class mail to , +_�-�-*•�� <br /> • Lender's addre�s stoteJ hercin or uny othrr aJdres.r L.cnJcr Jc�igna�es by n�i�icc �o &�rrower. Any notice provided for in this 4 - - =��� <br /> Security Instrument shall be deemcJ tu havc t+�wn givcn to&�rcowcr or l.�nder w�hcn givcn us provided in this paragr�ph. �� • .: "�'��"; <br /> i::;.. <br /> 15. Governing;SeverAbfUty. Thi. Sccurity Inrtrumcnt shall t►c governcd by federal law and the law of the � " � <br /> • jurisdictian in which the Property ix I�xu�eJ. M the ev�nt that uny pr�wisiun ur rluux ai this Security Instn�ment or the Note ' <br /> conflicts with applicablc law, surh ronflict shall n�►t uff�wc othcr provi,ion,uf thi.S�ruriry Instrument or thc Notc which can be � <br /> „ givcn effcct without thc cunflic�inE pruvi,iun.Tu thi,cnd thr provisions of this 5rrurity Imtrumcnt und the Note ure declared , <br /> to be sevcrnblc. <br /> l6,Horrower's Copy. &►rrower xhall tk�:ivcn one conli�muJ ropy ol'the N�uc anJ of thi�Security Instrument. <br /> , . Fonn,OZ� fll0 <br /> Plpr 9 a�U � <br /> MC-3018-NE/4 <br /> , •, • <br /> � <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> , � ' <br /> � � _ <br />