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_ <br /> ��E;._�----�---- �...r.- �-- - - - --- - -- _ _ <br /> . . •_�.:%:, <br /> � • ,. � •. ..:•�,'?$?��e:b�ii!s•� �r - — _. <br /> . <br /> �•. �;:raialj�c -_,. <br /> - . - -.-.—. -_- � � -.--- - <br /> f - <br /> � - <br /> � • <br /> � 92- _. <br /> .-.�'.��, � lO�B04 <br /> ---- � cond�mnation ur othcr tufcing uf cu►y pyu�t uf�h�PruFx rly,at fa�cunv,cyanrc in licu at'condcmnuti��n.ure hcrchy urri�{ncd wx1 <br /> ''� ahpU bc puid ta l.ender. - <br /> In the event of a total taking of�he Propenv, �he pmc��sh�Jl be appiicd ro �hr, .rums r,�tiurc�!by �hir. Sc��urity <br /> " °"'� instrument,whether or not ihen due,wi�h ony cxcr,s p:�id lo Hurn?w��• In�he event of a�rtiul rrking uf'th4 Propeny in <br /> _�;���g�,�..-�;;4 whicb the fair merket value of the Pruperty immcdiutcly befa�n thr 1s►kang i+eyuul w or grcuter thun ihe unwum of thc sum�: , - <br /> -���r� r;ecured by this Securily Inz�rumrnt immediatcly bcfura Ihe tulFing,unk�s Borrower uixl l.c�xlcr othenvi.r ugrec in wriling. <br /> --...�,ro. tho Rums secured by this Security lnsuumcnt shall he rcdusud f►�;.thc amnunt uf thc pnxe��iti mul�iplicd by thu Wllowing <br /> --=--- <br /> ,•�r�-- -.�'...�.� frxtion: (al the totul umount of�he+um.krurcd immsr�ia�e{y�*ti���e�I�r taking.dividcd by Ib)�hc 1'air murkct vulur u ��e <br /> -��.��. <br /> - Prupeny imr�dintely befo�e the wking. Any bal:ux� hh:Jl Ik.�aid ta Bnrrowcr. In �he �vrnt af,� parlfnl tal:i�g o �he , , <br /> :, -�.. propeny in which the foir market volut af Ihc Piropertv imnN4�+aJFly before�he taking i,Iccr Ihnn tiu�amouM uf'tha num* <br /> '�� a:?:'��� secured �mmediately before�he u�king, unle:t�. Butrowe�an�d I.urKirr wherwi+�r agrec in wriiing nr unlc�. appliruhla law <br /> _ '";,h• otherwise pmvides.the proceedx�;hall be s+ppli�til ta tfx sum�F�'�w�d by this Securiry Instrumcnt whc�her ur nM the wmx arc <br /> i�'.�;��►t','�;', �', then due. <br /> . ,,._��:;5,�,, �(��e praperty ix abandoned N�• B��rn�wer,ar if.uflar rnNice hy LenJer�a Burruwcr�hut ihc cundcmnur uffen w mu c <br /> ��:=_�.�.'.�.� an uwurd ar setUe a cluim fot dumoges.Bntr�wer fuils to rc�p�nd to Lendcr wiihin�0 duy�aticr th�dutc Ihe nuticc i+given. <br /> �;. �4.9 f.. . Lender is authadzed to collect und upply the pmcerJ,,at its uption,cithcr to rexwrv�iim or repair of�ha Pmpcny or to ihc �___ <br /> __. . <br /> ,:au�o����i•''; sum�accured by this Securiry Instrumem,wlxtht�o�ncN thtn due. <br /> r --�=��":'!!^,Tei'�`"'• UnM�s Lender nnd Ranower uRt�ae in:wn�ioR•any upplicuiian of pruce�d�w prinripul �hull nut ex�enJ��r <br /> ;:;�T, •"'�"�3'�'� ne the due da�e ot the momhiy Fwy��R�ts rcfc�Gd to in p:srugruphR I �m�1?��r cht►nge the u»wunl ot�uch p��yment�. `_ <br /> ` � ' �w�;���,. � ��Il. Borrowe� Not Releagedi F'orbaa��nae Sv l.ender Not s� Waiver. Ex�cn+i�m of Ihu �imc tor paymem ur __ <br /> ��.�v�"�,� .. .. )' �:_-- <br /> ;�ti_,_�;,t,:;�,^,...4 modiCicatian of amoni7atian of the wum+secu�d h ��is Security Inxtrument gromed by l.emler ta uny xuccr.�or n in�ere�� -� <br /> : �.i,:.>;-yn ,, af B�xmwer shall not�perute to rele�.�e the liubililam t�an �sucre'sar np nte�e t or rcfuu t eatcnd time,fnr pay en aor er <br /> _-".=::�=:,�.i�::iv� ' shall ncu be sieyulred to commence pmc��edin�� ug ' Y �*;- <br /> --- "-''`" a�herw�ite modify amctiti�atian of 1he wmy t�cunxl by�his Security In.trument by mctson of amy drn�und mude by the originul � <br /> --�M1;... +. , : � �A,.'�. <br /> �•�: <br /> � , � Borrower or Borrow•��rE succewr�ars in inlereYt. Any forbearance by Lendcr in exercising nny right or remedy xhall not hc a ��. <br />-_;��� � ' wuiver of or preclude the exerci,c of any righ��x t�mcdy. <br />- � .s 12. Suceessarx and Arsi�ns Boundc Joint end Several l.iability:Casigners. Thc awenun�+:uid ugrcement�cif thi� <br />--�;��� , . Securih� ingltument shall bind und benefit thr�uccesxon und ussignti of Lcnder und Borrower,subject to the provisions uf �`,.; <br />="'�-� paragraph �7• N�n���er's coveaants und u�reement+shull be joint and severul.Any Borrower w�ho ca-sigm thi� Securily _. <br /> -��" � Instrumen�but dc�s not exerute�he Nae: tal is co-si�ning thi+Securi�y Instrument anly to m��nguge,grnnl imd convey thut �3� <br /> _—= ' Borrower4 intere+t in ihe Pruperty unde,r.lhe terms of this Security Instrumcnr, (b)ir:not personnlly obligutcd to puy�hc xum� <br />-_��'r . � +ecurcd by thiti Security lnstn�menr,und lc1 agn��thut Lender nnd uny other BoROwer muy ugree to extend,mcxiify,forl►esu� �;; <br />-.,c�� a-- <br /> _--;�� ,�. .' or muke any uccc►nunodatians wi1h�regm'd w thr termti �f Ihis Securiry M�trumem or tho Note without thut Horrowert <br />�;�� ,�. � , conxcnl. _ <br /> �� ��, Gpa�(;bpry�eR, If tho Ioan s��uRd by thi� Security Instrument i. rubject to a luw which ,ets muximum lo�n �: <br /> —° - -- -- churge+.and thai iuw:.Jir►a��y intcrpreted so ihat the+ntPr�.r or o�her loun ch:vger collected or�o be coUected in conner.tion _ <br /> r <br /> - with Ihe loan cxcced th�c*erm�ued limit�.then: la1 uny such laun churge shull t�e reduced by 1he amount ncce�sury to reducc <br />�"' , Ihe churge to tiie(�ermitteJ Bmit:und(b)uny.ums almudy collecled i'rom Borrower which exr�eded permitted limi�x will he —_.. <br /> � reiunded to Bormwer. Lender muy cha»r tu muke thix mfund by reduring the prinripul awed undrr the Notr��r by mUking a [,7. • <br /> � �� direct payment ta R��rruwer• If u rcfund rc�iuces principul,�he�rduction will l�e trcuted ati a puhiul prepaymem without uny _ <br /> �' prepaymen�char�le under the Nae. <br /> • 14. NuNom+. An�• nuticc�u BoROwer pm�ided 1'or in Ihi+ Scrurity In�trument shull be grvrn by deliverinF it or hy <br /> mailing it by fir�cl•r.s mail unlesx upplicaMc la�� reNuire.u,r uf unother methud,Thc notice shull be Jirected�o the Prup�ny <br /> , b Addresr ur t►n�•.other addresr Bonowcr dr.i�enutc,by n��ti�e�o Lendrr. Any nairc w Lrndrr,hull hc;;iven by tirst cluss <br /> m�il to Lendrr's nddre.s,tated her�in or uny othrr udJrez,Lendrr Je+ignatr,by notice to Burruwcr. Any nutice pn►vided for <br /> .�,��„ ' , � � , in �hiw Scrurity Inctrumrm shull lx decmed to huve Meen Eivcn ti� Bc►rrower nr LenJcr whcn �tivrn uti provided in this �� <br /> �, ; . . , purugrrph. Y�- <br />°•�•�' IS. Go�'ernin�L�w: Se�ert�bflity. Thi� Sccuriry Inslrumcnt yhall lx �t�wemed by federul I�w und thc luw of the <br /> . jurisdicticx�in which thc PropertY i+kxuted. In�hr evrnt that any provi�iun�►r clauu uf thi.Srcurity Inx�rument��r the Nute __. <br />_ conflictn wi�h�pplicublc law,,u�h rontlirt.hull not�ffc.t uthcr provisium��f thi+Sr�•uriry In.trumrnt ar�he Nn[e which cun ar;,, <br /> - � bc giv�ra effixt without thc conilirting provi,ian. Tii this enJ thc pmvisionti af thi.Srcurirny Inttrumrm c�nd Ihe Note ure � <br /> � dec:lun�i ta tx�cvrruhlc. -- <br /> 16. Sorrower's Copy. gurruwrr.hull Ix�ivrn unr runfomxJ ropy��f the N��tc anJ oF thi�Sccurity Imtrument. <br /> 17. 7Yansfer ot the Propert��ar u Reneflcfol lnterest la Borrower. If ull or uny pan��t'thr Propcny or uny interest in �'_`_ <br /> ', it is auld ar trnn.t'rmed l��r if a Ixnrlirial intemtit in BuROwcr i, ,old�►r uan.fcrrcd nnd Burruwer i�not a nnwrul per�nnl =- <br /> ��= withuut Lrnder+prior wrinen ron+ent. Lrixlrr muy.o� i�.��p�iun,rryuirr immcdiatr payment in full��f ull sum�secured hy �__ <br /> �hix Securily Instrumrm. Nnwever,thi.optiun shull not tn rxerciseJ by Lender if exerci�r is prohibited Ny teckral luw as uf <br /> • . . - thc dut�of thix Srcurity In.lrument. °- <br /> ' It'Lrnder exerrisc.�hix apti�,n,l.end�r shull givr H�irruwrr notirr at'urcrleratiun. Thc nu�icc.liull pro.�iJc u periocl ot' }: <br /> ,�� • not lea�Ih�n 311 days from Ihe dotc thc notire i,delircrcJ or mailyd within��•hich Hurr�i�vcr mu.l p:�y all wm.sccurcd hy thi+. _ . <br /> � ' _ Srcurity Instrumcnt. It' Bnrr��wrr fuil. tu puy thr+c ,um, prior ro the rspi�c�tion �N' this�xri�►d. Lcnder muy invakc un�. <br /> , rem�sdi�,�xrmitt�d by thi+Sccuri�y In+�niment wi�hout funhrr n�,ticc or dcmanJ un H�►rc�►wcr. <br /> 18. Borrower'x Riuht to Reinstute. II' B��rn►w•rr nnct. ccnuin ci,ndi�iun,. Burcou•rr �I1:II) I1:IVC thr right to have <br /> � : enfcm.�ment of�hi.Security Imtrumen�di,cuntinu�d at:m� iimr priur tu�hr�arlicr��I�: (ul 5 day.!or+urh ulhrr Fxriud nti <br /> , . tiinglcFamd�•-Funn�c�luc�FrMldh�lucl'\1611RN11tifNl•►1t.r1 •lnd�am�'���c��+w. 4'►�I r�w�;,J.,fnp,i.4n� f <br /> . r <br /> • :r:•'��': ,. ,. . . . • , . ... .. <br /> � <br /> . , i <br /> . ► � __ • <br />