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����. ' !L, . �-a. 'i ' . t�'_------ ... _— _ . <br /> . . . . '-'�•. . .• . . — <br /> �' - .: ._ .. _— <br /> , . .. ¢ _ ... .-� . <br /> r6MRr,� .f����1- . � �� '' � ` .- . . <br /> -��u�hi;.a�.:f`u:.�..2!�.�' � ��� <br /> „��'��y:l"��.`w- � <br /> '`_ p:ri�da�hut LcnJc�n�yuircw. Thr in�uroncc curricr pmviding�hc inhurancc tihull hc chu`cn by Barrower�ubject�o I.anc1&r� <br /> `��`'��'.- oppmvAf whkh shall nW 1x unrco�onably wi1hh�IJ. If Bonow�r fuils to maintain cnvcrnge de�ribed Lbove,Lender m@�y„at�• :r. <br /> !.�;:,,`.� �z,`����, Len�ier�u�Nion,ohlain coverage to pm�ecl LenJer ti ri�hts in ihe Pro{�eny in uccordunce wi�h parugroph 7. <br /> ��5 ::: ,,,�,,,,,.-. �..• All inxuruncc pnlicie�and renewulx�hall he u�tirp�uhlc tu LenQe�und nhall include u ntundard mongoge clauye. L+tndc� <br /> .±� ' nhu11 have tlx right lo huld Ihe�dicie� iuiJ renewols. If Lrnde�reyuireK.Bnrrower rhull promplly give lo l.emter ull rec'ciplK <br /> '�:,�-�,�P: :'�• ' nf paid premium�unJ renewal n�nice�. In �he event uf lu.,,Borrower.hull Yive prumpi n�aice to�he inaurunce currie�and -- <br /> _,►`��e� LxMlcr. L.cnder may mukc pnM�f iil'I�w ii n�N m�ule pnNnplly by Bimower. <br /> `��..:�:-T.- - .'-A -. l Inlrtis�der und Burcower�eherwiux ugr��in wriling.imurrnce pnxeeds shall t+e applie�l�c restorA�ioo o�n�pair of <br /> �'��;i•^ `l �'t�: �� ' �he Prc►�ehy dumuged. if Ihc rc�tum�ion or repair iw econumirully fcu,�blr wiJ Lendar�. +�:cur;l� iti uut Ictisenecl.. !f the �- --q <br /> '�,�""�"�" ' re�toru�ion or rcpair�� not econnmicully feusible or Lenderk ,ecuriry wauld tx: Ies.kned, tlx� imunu►ce prc►ceedK nhuU be <br /> �";�,; : " �„ applied lo �he wm�r�ecured by �his Securny In+�rument, whc�her ur not the��due, with uny rxces, paid ta Borrow4r. If <br /> •-. • • Borrower ubandons�hc Prapcny. or duew nw un�w�r within ?N1 duyr u natice t'rom l..cndcr�hu��hc insurunce cur�er hus <br />� ' offercd��tieidc o cluim.�hcn Lendcr rnuy caUcrt tlxr in�urunrc pnx��ed,. Lendcr muy u�e thc praceeds to rcpair or res�ore _ _ <br /> ' , �he praperty ar to puy sum.+ecured hy thi.r Securiry Inxtrumeot.whether ur not then due. The 111-doy pericxt will t�wgio when �wL— <br /> _ ` the nc►tice iz given. _ _ -- �—- <br /> . '" � ,;�;� Unlecs Lender and Borrawer ahenvi.c ugrec in writing, uny applicutiun of prucceds �u prinripal hhull nm uatcnd or _..�.,_ <br />,y�' �j,., .,,y;,�,..';;;�,�:, ., pas�ponc the due du�e of'thc monthly puymentc referted�o in purugmphs I and 2 ar chunge the umoun�oi'Ihe+paymenth. If — <br /> -, -�--�.d-��-..r ander parngraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender. Rom.wrr� right to nny intiur�+nce �x�licic. und pmceed,rezuUing =s�- <br />;�" � from damuge to the Property prior to[he aeyui�uion.rhnll pasx to Lender w�iia rA�cut�f th�:.ums�:ccured by thi;:Secoriiy <br /> � � '� Insuument immediately prio�to ihe aryuisition. �`" <br /> �-�.�__.. <br />��, ��;�,;,�}�,�,,.4,� 6. Occupancy. Preservs�Non, Mointenance And Protecllun of the PropeMy: Borrower's LuAn Application: �..•..___ <br />�� i�: : ' . LeAS�holda Sartower tiholl accupy,estoblish,und u�e ihe Propeny a�Borcower's principul re�idence within sixty dnys after ����. <br />�;R ; .� - - ihr rxc�:ution of this Sccurity Inhtrumem und shall r.ominue u��rupy the Propeny a, Botrawcr's principul rcxid�nce for a� ��_� <br /> Y..� leusl one yeur After �he dute of �wcupancy, unletis Lender othenvi+e ugree, in wriling, which conaenl nitull not be <br /> u <br /> � , • � unreusonably wilhheld,or unle.s exlenuuting circumxlunces exi�l which ore beyand Bormwer.control. Burmwer shall not � `� <br />^ de4iroy,dumage or impuir the Property.nllow the PropeAy lo deteriorutr,ar commit on the Pmperty. Brnrower�hull <br />� ' be in defoult if any forfeiture uction or proc��eding,whe�her civil or criminul,i.r•begun thut in Lender:good f:�ith judgment <br /> . � ' rould result in forfeiture of'the Propeny m i�thenvir�c muterially impuir th� lien created hy thix Securi�y Instrumem or �ya�..�u:,,.-'- <br /> • l.ender w securiry interest. Borrower mAy cure tiuch a defuuU und reintitate,a.pravidcJ in parugruph I R,by cuus+ng the uclion �-'k�'• „_ <br />} • or proceeding to be dismissed with o r-ulfng� Lender:guod fuith determinntion,precluJen forfeiluru oi tho Borrower'.s �V�t ' � <br /> , � imerest in the Property or o�her rnuteriol impairment af Ihe lien creuted by thix Securi�y Intitrument or l.under's security �^s;y�'�i:;_ <br /> � interest. Borrowe� sholl ulxo be in default if Bam►wer, Juring �he loan uppliculiun practi�, gave materinlly fulse or �`'_����'="� <br /> ��,—.�: <br /> ' ' inaccumte informulion or+tatements�o LrnJer(or fuiled to providc Lender wiih uny muteriul informutionl im m�necuan with r�---- <br />� �he loan evidenced by the Note, inrluding, but nrn limited to. represemu�ions conceming Borrower: occupancy ot�he �..�=••`- <br /> ,�..� Prapehy ns a principal residence. If�hi�Security Instrumem i.on u Icu.ehald,Bo�rawer xhull comply wilh ull Ihe provision�: <br /> -- — of the IeASe. It eorrower acyuires iee tide ia�hr Pn��,e�iy.tha leaschotd and the fcc sitle sha!!r.ut n�er�e un�evK I.�mcler agrees �-�,� <br /> • ' to�he merger in writing. � <br /> �.._.�.-.__ <br /> 7. Protection of I.ender's RiRbts in the Properly. It' Borrowcr fuils to pertorm �he covcnanu und:+grcemcnts 1-,--�-=�-'' <br /> �� contAined in this Security Inxtrument,or �herr i+ a kgs+t pnx:eeding �hut muy significantly uffi�ct 4ender's ri�htx in tho <br /> �� , <br /> Property Isuch�.s a praceeding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemoution or forfeiturr or ta enforrc luws or rekuluti�m+1,lh�n �.--���-1 <br /> q — � .�f.- <br /> Lender muy do und pny fbr whatcver i�necc.�ury ta protcct �hc vulue of thc Pmperty and Lcndcr:rights in.lhe PropeAy ".'�-:'. . <br /> Lender+uctionx muy include payiog�securcJ by u lien which hati priority ovc:r�his Securitp Inx�niment.appe�nng •- <br /> in coun.puying reasonublr uuorneys'feex sutd �nlering on ihc F'm�xhy lo muke repui�s. Althoegh Lender m�y take uclion -:r.:,., ,•. <br /> umler this par.�gruph 7.Lender d�x+not huvc to do so. ���a}Y. - <br /> • Any umounts dishuned by Lcnder undcr Ihi� parugruph 7 .hull txcume udditionul deht of Bi�rtower.recu�d by this <br /> ., ,. � . <br /> . ' Securi�y Inslnimem. Unlc.s Borrowcr und Lend�r u�;rce to rnhcr tcrni+ut'puyment.�heu umuunt,shull t�ear intare�t from Ihe <br /> dAte of di.bunement ut the Nnte ru�c und shall he: puyuMe,wi�h intcrw.l,upon no�ice from l.ender�o Barmaer�yuvxting <br /> . . puyment. - <br /> � . S. MoMgAge Insurance. If LenJer reyuircd mortgugc inwruncr us u cunJi�inn uf muking the loan�eecured by thix ��� <br /> Securiry Inxtrumen�. Borrowcr yholl puy the premium+ reyuired to maintuin thc mongage insurunce in uffuct. If, for uny ���.f4 _ <br /> �• reasnn, the mortguge insurun�r cuvcrogc rcquirrJ My Lender lup+e� or cra,r. tu lx in effec�. Bnrm�ver �hull puy the �' `I�,,,F • <br /> � • . premiums required w obtain mvcra�;c tiub�tantially ryuivalcn� �o �hc mohuligr inauruocr previou+ly i�affect. •rt u wsl . <br /> , substuntiully eyuivulent to the cost io Borrowrr o1'the previou.rly in effert. from iin ult�rnut�morcgage <br /> insurer uppmved by Lender. If substantiully equivalcm mnnRuge inyurunce c�wrruRe i�not•rvuiluble.Bom����.:r nhall puy to ��:-��`- <br /> "w�:a+ff; <br /> � Lendrr each moMh v xum eyuul to onc•twclfth��f thc y�urly mungi�gc in.urancr premium Ixin�z paid b�' B��m�N•cr when the �t <br />' �' � . insurnnce coveruge lapscd or ccu.eJ to Ix in effrct. Lendrr will i�ccrpt,u,e and retain the+r prym�ms as o loih rcxervr in lieu _ <br /> ' � of manguge inwrunce. Losz rc+crvc paynknt.muy n�� longrr he requircd.m �hc��ptiun o(Lendrr,if+n�m�ogr inwrnnrc �,,�_-���`� <br /> : coveragc lin the nmount und for the ExrioJ thut Lcnder rcquire.l pruvided by un in�urcr upprovcJ b�•Londer:�guin hecom�'� - .:�;,;,,�_ <br /> .. availublc und is obtuined.Borrower.huU puy the premium,reyuired�o maimnin murtg+�gr in,uruncc m eft'uct.or to proviJe u -�%'' ., <br /> ' � loxs reservc,un�il�he reyuinmene iiir mort�uFe in.uruncr arcorJunce u�i�h,my wriuen agrtrnxnt.httw�een Horrowrr <br /> �' and Lender or applicablr luw. <br /> � 9. Inspection. LcnJcr i►r il+agcnt may ntukr rca��anuhlr cntrir�upun itnd in.p�rtinns iil'Ihe Ropeny. Lencler shull <br /> �!ive Borrower noticr at Ihe time of ur pn�ir lu un in��xrtiun.�xrifyin�rr�i�onuMr cau.c li�r Ihe in,�:c�iun. , <br /> ` 10. Candemnation. Thr pr�korJ�of any u��ard ur cl;um t„r d;�magr.,Jireri�n �«auwciiun u•ith uny � , <br /> tiin�k I�.�nfh -•Fannk�tue/FYiddie�tuc fNIF11R�1 I�tiTRI'�IF:\'1'•-Und„mi('n.:n��u, 9r'N� (I��;..?I^IHi¢�•�� 4 <br /> ��rtA(.ta BuN�F�Mn..Ux ■ � . <br /> To�MIMtVYIE t�/AI►SdR14U:f�1MAfe1H�771•IIJI • <br /> � <br /> . � <br />� <br />� ' � —�----.._.. .. <br /> i , <br /> ' <br /> � n f . <br /> i <br /> . . � - - -- —. . ...—� ---- <br />