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<br /> � �,�. . ... .. .. . + . .a...s ,.._ l��ym`�'�=�iM"'- � ...-..r�..'_ . ' —. - _'-_. a--_- .
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<br /> �..� �... . v`�ii:�tp1��.}�..s_�_ •'_' .
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<br /> ��11nrn
<br /> ,:�- .���w�.;,r�:�� 8everiy Bnterpriaeo - Nebxaeka, �nc. ��r �O ���� �+{�.�.�W.���-=
<br /> ,. •'� • �t � . 1200 South Waldron, p 155 '':i� ___
<br /> , .. , �" �� h_��:_._
<br /> �. . � �+ort Smith� Ar1caA�a• 72903-2033 � '���;�r..�-_ �-
<br /> I�`�'�., -_---
<br /> .. �..:.,
<br /> , ^;�. . n.ii,:,, �.�::::,:�.�:--_.--.
<br /> ' (ii) E�1i�me�G. All aetate, right, title and intereet - --�
<br /> `; � � of the Debtor ia, to, under or derived =rom all machinery, `--W��------
<br /> �, ;;..�. . � equipment, lixtures (including but not limited to all heating, --" ,�,�.,.�-�.
<br /> � air conditionin , plumbin , lightia , communicatione and elevaCOr � ��r• �' —y&��*==�c
<br />�:..—: 9 9 9 �w:.��._.�_.:�. �.
<br /> � - � and articlee o! ereonal ro ert and Acceseioas �'~��'� -
<br /> � ,, tixturee1 . P P p Y �•,,�:,.-� :--===-==-
<br /> �,�..,,��.ti.��••w�-- -
<br /> � � ' thereo! and renewalo, replacemente Chereot and eubetitutione ``'�'.•�`.,,;a;;°'��":
<br /> • ' ' therefor (including, but not limited to, bede, bureaue, `' � � �'�`�"�• ;,
<br /> ,;.::...
<br /> '`-.1;:+���.:'�':���.� chittonniere, cheets, chairs, deaka, lampa, mirrora, bookcasee, ,
<br /> �-�"� �� tables, ruge, ca etin , �ra s, d=a e=i°9, eurr.sine, ehadee, �r"�'"'
<br /> ,, s'P 9 I� 8 �"__��..�_::_
<br /> venetian biinda, ecreene, pafntinge, hangfnge, picturee, divane, ,����,�
<br /> �����n couchea, lu gage carta, �u a e racke, stools, �ofas, chinaware, �-°--�`
<br /> . g 99 9 �-,:�_,�
<br /> � °" " linens, pillowa, blankets, glaeaware, loodcarte, cookware, dry �---=--
<br /> � �` �, cleaning facilities, dining room wa ona� ke e or other eat �'�`��"
<br /> ,, ., g Y rI► �`;:�;:;�r.._
<br /> - ,�::,.;:�;:,;.. syatems, bare, bar lixturea. liquor and other drink diepeaeers, ;��:^%��ti,..__-,--r=-==�
<br /> ''������.•, icemakera, radios, televiaion eete, intercom and paging
<br /> \;.,�t� ' �,�...�
<br /> ,�r� :' equipment, electric and electronic equipmeat, dictatiag ��"��� }�'�
<br /> � �,:1�,;>;�` ;..; • equipment, private telephone ayatems, computera, medical �` : p���'._;�
<br /> ��.;•:��`0���'����•�`�� equipment, potted plante, heating, lighting and plumbing � �'�'�
<br /> � :..,o; .. , .^���'i�`T�',:,,-t:�
<br /> �< ��,:, � f ixturea, f ire prevention and extinguiehing apparatue, cooling ,. ; 1_�
<br /> and air conditioning syeteme, elevatora, eacalatora, littinga, ,.-Y,.:�.,;:.:'---
<br /> y...�...Zb1. '_-
<br /> �- plante� appaxatus� etovea, rangea, refrigeratora, laundry , :,..4,!;�.y:
<br /> . machinee, tools, machinery, engine9, dynamoe, motars, boilera� � ,. �,
<br /> � inciaeratore, awitchboarda, conduite, compreesore, vacuum �;`-:'�"�y`c�:��';:�. �
<br /> cleaninq syatems, tloor cleaning, waxing aad poliehir�g equipment, •�,�,��,�f,:?),t��,=
<br /> r.�=- �all systa�s, brack�ta, electrica� elgne, hl��bp, beile, ash and �_+��:r`_.1>�.
<br /> ���?;;,, fuel, conveyore, cabineta, lockere, shelvin9, opatlighting ;,�:. -_,�%:`.':: �
<br /> . , equipment, diahwaehera, garbage dispoeale, washera and dryere), •:�:�i :°'� :., !
<br /> other customary nureing home equipment and other taagible
<br /> .��;,:��;;�;; . propexty of every kind and nature whataoever owned by the Debtor, ;. . �.�- �; �=.�•. :
<br /> � or in which the Debtor hae or ehall have an intereat, now or ` ' '
<br /> ,`,�f.�,. hereafter located upon the Land, or appurtenances thereto, or �� �Gt,
<br /> �.:�;`:,� usable exclusively in connection with the present or luture i
<br /> �� � i''' operation and occupancy of the Land or the Improvemente and all _ ��
<br /> , , buildiag equipment, materiala and aupplies of any nature "�'.` ':,=�_��-
<br /> � • �.� ,, whateoever owned by the Debtor, or in which the Debtor has or • __-
<br /> ;� ;5��,�� shall have an intereet, now or hereafter located upon the Land, r:='�_
<br /> or appurtenaacee thereto, or usable in connection with the � ',. �.i„�.
<br /> . present or future operation or occupancy of the Land or the �����'��w=��
<br /> �,� " Improvemente (hereinafter collectively called the "Equip��at") . `
<br /> ' - If the lien o! thie Finaacing Statement 3e aubject to a secusity �_'�_�,
<br /> interest covering any property described in this clause ae � �;.:;�r.�,�:�
<br /> " . Equipment, then a13 of the right, title and intereat of the . �
<br /> , � Debtor in and to any and all euch property is hereby aeaigned to � �
<br /> the secured party under thia Financing Statement ("S�eur�d ,_
<br /> " party") , tagether with the benefits of all deposita and payments � � �'���
<br /> � now or hereafter made thereon by or on behalf of the Debtor. '""�
<br /> ,,,: � � � ,�:,,
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