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<br /> b,.`, , .........��.l.i::,_.
<br /> , . ' �S';�.... .'::,'��_-
<br /> � •;� � •� • ��; eeverly Snterpriees - Nebraeka, Inc. A � �/ ��•�-
<br /> � � 1200 South Waldron, # 155 9G�—'� �� pY ���'j��_=___._
<br /> � � ForC 8mith, Arkanea� ?2903•2033 ___-
<br /> .. - �c�re�ai.x.�..-.�-
<br /> � ' � - . Q.yr�..`s:...�.—.
<br /> ' .. !, , �.,-,...�-=--- '--.
<br /> �:�i_��
<br /> .. .. .. . � EXHIBIT A TO ��;�.,5.,..}�r,t+T-:...s.1.
<br /> � wTaaNrTxc3 ATATetNEt�'P {. ��_���;;;,�'"',�:°_.
<br /> ,. • ., r: ..... .:�s�l,.��
<br /> , i. Debtors Bevorly Enterpriaes — Nebraska, Ina. , '.• �' ��
<br /> ' Z. Seaured Perty: Wilmington Trust Compa�ny, ,
<br /> . ' ae Collaterel 1lgent �
<br /> ;: . 3. Proper�y Addrass(es): Lakeview Nursing Cn:�ter `',.�lt;�,„i;�,. .,f ti;1. „
<br /> 1405 WeSt Higl�Wtfy 34 .,i..,,�.: �
<br /> � � . . . arand Islend, NE 68801 i►u;��
<br /> , (2187) �����`���
<br /> Y' ��,.
<br /> � �_�_:�_-_
<br /> � � 4. Thig linancing at�tement ("pin�naiaq Btatya�at") �� � .
<br /> • aovers the following types (or itemsj of property (aolleatively ; ' .
<br /> . . the �Collat�sal") : �•. �, � ��_r::,-�--.
<br /> . �� �
<br /> , . (i) �rovements. Aii right, title and interest of ,
<br /> ' �. the debtor under this finanainq etatemen� ("Dobtios") in, to, i ' ��
<br /> � '�::.�. . under or derived lrom nll buildings, struatures, faailities and �
<br /> � � other improvementa ot every kind and description now or hereaPtor `
<br /> � .located on the land o! Debtor at the address(es) nstedri ewa s� f .. . ..�
<br /> Item 3 ("Lwa"), including all parking areaa, road , Y , t
<br /> walks, lenaes, wall�, berms, recreation faailities, drainaqe ;. ,�:`
<br /> , � '� facilities, lighting laciiities and otheY ai�e impravement�, all t= . —�:
<br /> , Water, eanitary and storm sewer, drainage, eleatriaity, eteam, S _ .,�°�
<br /> � � gas, telephone an� other utility equipment and facilities, all � , . ` ;;,
<br /> p��ambing, lighting, hea�inq, ventilating, air-conditioning, ,
<br /> refrigerating, incinerati�ex�, ccmpacting, fire protectio� a�d ��. ;
<br /> s xinkler surveillance anal s�o�arity, vacuum cleaning, public � ,�;•;
<br /> address and aommunications equipment and systems, ell sareeno, f . ��'�=
<br /> awnings, floor coverinqs, partitions, elevators, escalatore, ► � t
<br /> • ��� � motora, �aachinery, pipes, fittfngs and other items of equfpment _; _ -
<br /> and peracrna! p�operty o8 every kind and description now or � � ►:��;-
<br /> •' ���•� hexeaftor located on the II,and or attached ta the improvemente � � �t---
<br /> '�':'!' whfch by the natwre of their location thereon or attachment � �kti -
<br /> � �: :�;.._�
<br /> �� ttnereto are real property under applicable law; a�d including all � �,,;;,' � ; � ��:
<br /> " materiala intended for tl�e aonstruction, reconstruction, repair, � , .
<br /> repiaae�aent, alteration, addition or improveanent of or tc� �uch I `.".� .�,..:
<br /> btaildin s e i ment, fixtures, atructures and improvements, all ,,,.,,. ,�:�'F"�:;
<br /> 9 . 9u P � .:��1. �
<br /> ot whiah materials shall be deemed to be part of the Collateral 4 ; :�', . . , -
<br /> f�aediately upon delivery thereoP on the Land ancl to be part of . , � . "�r:
<br /> tA�e improvements immediately upon their incorpora�ion therein ���,�•',��,;:�. ��
<br /> (the loregoing being colleatively the "is+provuaen t�"; an d t he • .
<br /> I.a►�d with the Improvements the�eon and F�a�i�ment and Inventory �'�� '
<br /> ;�., tDaerein being co�lectively caill�a7 the �'Proporty") . �, .,
<br /> �.
<br /> .� ,; �
<br /> , ,, .,
<br /> � ,
<br /> '�
<br /> . �
<br /> �
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<br /> . ,
<br /> '1
<br /> . � . � - - -
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