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fi•I1j[1IIYE:�TCj <br />ATTACHMENT 1 <br />ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE <br />PARTI <br />Tk�e uandersigned, an architect daly licensed and registered in the State of Nebraska, has <br />prepazed far ,(the "Owner"), final plans, working <br />drawings and detailed specifications (and addenda) dated , 20 <br />(collectively, the "Plans and Specifications") in connection with certain real property lacated at <br />(tlae "Praject") far which the undersigned <br />acknowled�es will receive low income housing tax credits under Section 42 of the Internal <br />Revenue Cade and TCAP funding undcr the Tax Credit Assistance Program created pursuant to <br />Title XII of the American Recavery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ta finance the costs to acquire, <br />rehabilitate, or canstract the Project. <br />Accordingly, the tu�dersigned hereby certifies ta the Owner and the Nebraska lnvestment <br />Finance Authority that: <br />A) The Plans and Specifica'oans comply with and canform in a11 respects to the requirements <br />of existing law, have been duly � led with and have been approved by all gavemmental <br />and municipal authorities having jurisdiction tlae�re over, and the Plans and Specificatians <br />are in compliance with all requirements and restrictions of all applicable zaning, <br />environmental, building, frre, health aa�d other governmental ordinances, rules and <br />regulations and the requirements of the appropriate board of ffre underwriters or other <br />similar body aeting in and far the locality in which the Project is located. Further, the <br />Plans and Speci�cations campiy with: <br />1) The applicable editian of the �nternational Building Cade and Natianal Electric <br />Cade; and the local code adopted by the jurisdiction; and the Minimum <br />Property Standazds [MPS] in 24 CFR 200.925 or 200.92G. <br />2) The applicable local energy conservation code, or, if no such code is applicable, <br />then in accardance with the 2003 Int�rnational Energy Code, <br />3) The accessibility requirement at 24 CFR part $, which implernents Section 504 of <br />the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and covered multifamily <br />dwellings, as defined at 2� CFR 100.2U1. <br />4) The design and construction requir�ment at .2� CFR 100.205, whieh ixnplements <br />Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Fair Housing Act <br />(42 U.S.C. 3G01-3G19), as it relates to the following; <br />Accessible Building Entrar�ce on an Accessible Route: <br />4848-2332- I A94.2 C_� <br />