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201007$d3 <br />official of the Authority or of any respond�nt that received funds and who exercises or has <br />exercised any functions ar responsibilities with respect to activities assisted with fiu�ds provided <br />under this Agreement, ar (c) who is in a position to participate in the decision-ma�ing process or <br />gain inside information with r�gard to such activities, may obtain a personal or financial interest <br />or bene�t from a Section 1 bQ2 Program-assisted activity, ar have an interest in any contract, <br />subcontract or agreement (or the proceeds thereo fl with respect to a Section 1602 <br />ProgramWassisted achvity either for themselves or those whnm they have family or business ties, <br />duri�ag their tenure and for one-year thereafter. <br />Section 11.12. Information Re,quests <br />The Owner shall promptly provide ta the Authorrty any information relating to the <br />Project as may be r�quested by a federal vr state agency for purposes af the Section 1602 <br />Program Requirements of accountabilily and transparency. <br />Section 11.13. Amendments <br />This Agreement can anly be amended by instrument in writing signed by the Authority <br />and the Owner. <br />-23- <br />4848-2332-1094.2 <br />