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201007863 <br />which has attached to it separate sigiature pages which together contain the signatures of all the <br />pazties hereto or is executed by an attorney-in-Fact on behalf of same or all of the parties, shall <br />for all purposes be de�med a fully exccuted instrurnent. <br />Section 11.$. Survival <br />All represcntations, warrantics, and indemnifications contained hecein shall survive the <br />texmination ofthis Agrcement. <br />Section 11.9. Se arabili of Provisions� Ri 6ts and Remedies� Consistenc w3th <br />Pro ram Re uirements <br />(a) Each. pravision of this A�reement shall be considered separable and if for any <br />reason any provision or provisions herein are determined to be invalid and contrary to any <br />existing or future law, such invalidity shall not impair the operation of or affect khose portions of <br />this Agreement which are valid. <br />(b) Unless otherwise speci�cally provided herein, the rights and remedies of any of <br />th� parties hexeunder shall nat be mutually exclusive, and the exereise of one �r more of the <br />provisians hereof shall not preclude the exercise of any other pmvisions hereof. Each of the <br />parties confirms that damages at law may be an inadequate remedy far breach or threat of b�each <br />of any provisions hereof. The respective rights and obligations hereunder shall b� �nforceable <br />by specific performance, injunction, or other cquitable remedy, but nothing herein conta.ined is <br />intcnded ta limit or aff'ect any rights at law or by statute or otherwise nf any party aggrieved as <br />against the other parties for a breach or threat af breach of any provision hereaf, it being the <br />intention by this pa,ragraph to make clear that under this Agreement the respective rights and <br />dbligations of the parties shall b� enforceable in equity as well as at law or otherwisc. <br />(c) The provisions of this Agreemcnt are intended to iumplement the Scction 16p2 <br />Program in accordance with the Program Requirements and with Section 42 of the Code as <br />applicable to the Section 1602 Program, and shall be interpreted consistently therewith. In the <br />event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and thc Program Requirements, <br />the Program Requirements shall govem, and to the extent necessary, the inconsistent provisions <br />of this Agreement shall be without effect. <br />Section 11.1D. Inde endent ontractor• Indemn3ficatton <br />It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the Authority is <br />contracting with the Qwner as an independent contractor, and that Owner, as such, agrces to hold <br />harmless and to indemnify the Authority and its officers, agents and emplayees from and against <br />any and all claims, demands and causes ofaction ofevery kind and naturc which may be asserted <br />by any third-party in connection with, arising out af, or in any way incident to the services <br />performed by the Authority under this Agreement. <br />Section l l,l l, Conflict of Interest <br />No person who (a) is a Member of Cvngress or Delegate to Congress or Resident <br />Comxnissioner of HUD, (b) is an employce, agent, consultant, officer or electcd or appointed <br />_��_ <br />4848-2332-1094.2 <br />