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; . , � • 201007834 <br />, • . , . • • , . , . <br />Upon reculpt of pa�►rrwnt ot tlM priar bid, Trusls� shall d+llwrto tlw pur+chw:rrTrusY�'s d�rd <br />c:onv�eyin�ths Prop�rly.'{''� r�rcihls In tlw 1'rusls�"s doed shail b� primt� facis �vid�ncs oY tlw trulh <br />of the statemants meds tlw�in. Trus�e� shall apply� th� pt+ocs�dsaf thr s�l� in 11� tollowMq order: <br />(a) tn all costsand expensesof exerdsing�s pawer af rals, and Nrw qls. includin�the p�ynwnt of <br />ths Trus�se's � ac1w11y ihcunr�dand nasonableatborr»ys' 1� as psrmit�[t bll'�PPiicublelavr; <br />(b) #o all sunrs aecurrd by this S�curily Instrurr�snt; and (a) any exa�ss b tfa p�rson or paraons <br />legally entitled to It„ � <br />21. Lisn Priortty. The iull arnourrt secured by this 5ecurfty Instrurr�errt s�ll t�ave a lien positbn <br />pri�ritY subordinate ony m tha tu� amourrt seajred Iyy the First 5ecuriiy Inatnunent. <br />22. AdjustabMRs� Festuro. Under the Seoond Note, the �titlel iMer+�t rate of <br />2.5�7 76 wnicn acaves on tne unp�idp� napa� nalanoe ("�nitla� �ntenest Rate^) is <br />subject �a the c�n�e, as descrfbed bebw. When the int�t rgte ct�arpea, the t�w adjusted <br />�r�ter�sst rate wia 6e appliea �o tna tota� outstandir� p�;ncip�� b�mnce. EaGn aajustme�t m tne <br />IMerest rate wiN be besed upon the average of inferbank ofFered ret�s fw� on�mnnth U.S. <br />dollarileriam�ated depoaits tn the Landon market ("LIBOR"), as publ�hed in The Well SYi+set <br />Joumal, rour�ded �n three di�its �o the right of the deama) pdr►t, ("Indeac") �s a mer�in. If the <br />Index is no br�ger ava{labla, Lender wiY use as a new Index ar�y index pr+escribed �r the Secr+�ry. <br />Lender w�l girre Borrower notice of the new Ir►de�c. <br />Lender vvill p�nrm the ca�ufations described babw �o deterrnine the nsw ad�sted �ere�t <br />rate. The irrterest rete mey on the first dey of �R 2010 , and on thet <br />day af e�ch succeeding yeer x�the flrst day of �ach succeedinq manth ("Ctwnge Date") I the <br />loan is rep�id in iuN. <br />The "CurreM Iridex" me�ns the most recerit Index figure avallable 30 deys be�bre the Char�ge <br />Dete, and ff the day that is 3d days beTore tha Cher�e Date is rwt a Sunday or Monday and not ift� <br />flrst busine�s day of the week, �e Cument Inde�t wili be the Ir�dex s�s pubilshed f� fir'st business <br />day of that week. If the day thet is 30 deys be�r+a the C�r�e Date is a Sunday or Monday and nct <br />the fust business day of the week� the Ct�rrent I� wN be the Index aa p►�iahed 1he ftrst <br />bu�iness day of the immedi�tely pritir week. Before each Chanpe Date, the r�e�w inter�e�t r�ate wiq be <br />calculated� addq� a ma ta the Cumennt Index. The s�n ot the mempm �eted t ir�terest RBte will <br />wiN be ca the "�ala�ated Inte�t Rate �or e�ch Charpe Date. The� Cs <br />ba oomp�red �n the iMere�t rate in effed �nmedi�tety prior to the cxirrent Charge Date (the <br />"Existing IMerest Rate")' <br />� (Mnually A�usting Vaniable Rats Fe�t�+e) Tt►e Calculated Interest Rate cannot be mare the�n <br />2.O�fo higher ar bwer fhan the Existing Interest Rate, nor can it be mo� than 5.Oqb higher <br />ar Iower than the Initlal Interest Rate. <br />Q(Monthy A,djusting Va�iable Rate Fe�ture) The Celcul�ted Intere�t Rat�a wfN never �se <br />above �zvg w+� s��/�000 peroent ( zz . s��r %)- <br />The Calcui�ted Intere�t Rate wiN be adjusted if necessary �o comply_ with tF� �ste limi�aiian(s) <br />and will be in effed uM� the riext Change Dete. At ar�y Chenge Date, if the Cala�ted Intere�st Rate <br />equals 1he Exi�tiny IMerest Rats. the intenest rate wAI r�t change. <br />�3- Rw:onveYanc�-UPa'� paYmer�t of aY sums secured by th� 3ecuritY Instrument� Lender shali <br />request Tn�stee ta reoanvey the Property and shall surrender this Securtty (rwt�vmerrt and aN rwt� <br />evidenc3ng debt secured hy this Serx�riiy Instrument tea Tnastee. Tr�tee s�ll reconvey the Properiy <br />withaut warraMy to the person a� per^�or�s IegaUy ent�led � it. Such persan or pe�ar�s she�ll PeY <br />�ny racordation oasts. Lendew may char�ge such person or persons a Tee i�or recorneyin� the <br />Property, but anly if the 1`ee Is paid ta a thir�d Pa�'tY (such as the Tru�tee) far servicas render�ed and <br />the charyin� of ihe fee is penm�ted under ap�licahie law. <br />24. SubstlWleTrusi�. Lendrr, �t its opflon. may trom time ta lime remove Tru��ee and appoint <br />a succ�sor trustes b any Trustee appointed hereunder by an inetrumeM reoorded in the aourri�► in <br />which this Seaurit�r Instrumerit is r�caded. Without convey�nce af the Property, the succ�ssor <br />tru�tee shaN succeed �o aR the title, pawer and dutles oanferred upon Tru�tee herein and by <br />applicable lew. <br />�r. R�quast �or No�. Bornower requests tt�t copies of the notiv�s af de�ault and ssle be <br />sent to 8orrowe�s addre�s which is the Property Address. <br />Firat M�erloan Lo�r► PraducUon Sarvioss Nebra�ka HECM ARM Sacand SsaurMy Instrumant <br />O 2aaB r•�c �ar, r� � sow,mn� LLc <br />Fn��s # s�ro : oerne pape T <br />na��. �es�aNE �a..r�� <br />