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201007834 <br />75. Succrssorsa�nd Aai�ns 8ound; Jalnt and S�r�ral Ll�bllliy. Bom�wer may not assign arry <br />rights or obliDaibr� under tFiis Seairily Ir�stnament ar the Second Npt�, except ta a trust th�t meets <br />'khe requiremertts of the Secre�ery. Borrower's covenar�ts and agreements sha�N be jairrt and severel. <br />18. Notla�s. Any r�alics � 8arrower provided br in #ds Seairity Ir�strument sh�ll be �iven by <br />delivering it or by mailing it hy first dass m�il unless appW:able law requires use of anafher methad. <br />Tha notice shall be directed sv the Property Addr�ss or arry other address ail 8ortawers joiMiy <br />designate. My notice ta the Secretary shall be given by �irst da�s mail t� the HUD Fleld Offlce with <br />jurisdidion vver tha Prop�rty or any ather addr�s designeted t� the S�cretary. Any rwttce provided <br />for in this Securily Instrurnent shqb be deemed to have been plven to Borrower or Lender when <br />given as provided in this Par�graph 16. <br />77. GoveminyLaw; Sevq�abilliy,This Security Instrumerit she�ll be govemed by Federal law and <br />the law of the Jurisdidion � which the Prop�ty is Inc:ated. In the event that at�y provisbn or dause <br />af thi� 5ecurfty Instrument or the Second Note caMli�ls with applk�ble law, such ooMiict sheM not <br />affect other provisi�ns af this Sec�ity InstrumeM or the Seaond Note whkh can be given effect <br />withaut the caMiictir�g pr+nvisian. To th� erid the provisbns of this Security Inst�umeM and the <br />5ecand Nota are declared �n be severable. <br />18. Bamovrer"sCapy. Bonower shall be �iven ane cor�oimed oopy af tha SeCond Note snd ttus <br />5ecur'iiy Ir�strumerlt. <br />NQN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bannwer artd Lender ooveriar�t and �gree as �ollows: <br />19. Assignnwntnt Rsnts. Bomnwer uncbnditiionaNy assipna �nc! transfers to Lender all tl� rents <br />and revenues of ihe Property. Bomawer autrwri�es Lender or I.endei's apan� � oolla�t the r�s <br />and revanu�es and hereby direds e�ch termr►t of the Pmperty to pay the reM� b Lender or Lenders <br />agents. However� Prior ta L�der's notice to 8orrower of Bortowe�s breach of eny aover�arrt o� <br />agreement 1n the Security Instrument, Borrower shail oollect and receive all 1+enfis �rtd revenuas of <br />the Properly as trustee fi�r the benefit af Lender and B�rr�w�. This assignment of rents aonstilute� <br />an ebealute assgm�ent ancl not an assignment for additio�rel securily aMy. <br />If LerKier gives nottca of br+each � Botrotiver. (a) aN renta tro�ivad 1�1 Bonuwer shell be held by <br />Borrower as trustee i�r benefit of Lender only, � be applied h� 1he sums secured by this Security <br />Instrumen� (b) L.snder shea be entitl�ed ta aallect and recehre all of tha reMs of fhe Properly; and (c) <br />�ch tenant of the Priaperiy shall p�y ail ren� dua and unpakl fi� Lander vr Lende�s sgerit on <br />Lenders wfi#ten derr�and t� tha 1�aM. <br />Barnawer has not executed any prfor as�ignmerit of the reMs and fias not and wili not perlonn <br />any aat that v�wld prevent L,ender irom exe�sing its ri�hts ur�der tFds Para��ph 19, except as <br />provided � ihe First Security Insfiunerrt. <br />L�der shea nn1 b� requlred to er�ter upon, take controi af ar mairrtain the Property before or <br />afler Qlvinp notio� ot bneach bo Borrower, However, Lend� or a judici�lly appoir�ted r+eceiver may do <br />sa at any Ume thene is a br+eech. My app�cation af rer�ts shaN not cure or waive any deTi�uft ar <br />invalidate arry other ri�M or rern�dy of Lender. This assi�runent of rerits oi the PropeHy shaH <br />terminate when the debt secured by this Sec�rity Instrumerit is paid in iup. <br />20, �oroclo*u�rocsdurs.lf I.sndsrroqulresimmediatrpayrr»nt in tull by Par�raph9� Lsndsr <br />at Its optlan may rvquir�s �mmrrcttets peymant in fu�� af a�� aur»s �curoa bar tlNs s.curnar Instrum.nt <br />wHhout turtl�sr dimsnd and miy involc� tl� pow�r of aaM and any othfr nmrdMs p�rmlll�d by <br />apPlicabl� law. L.sndsr shali bs �nlltlsd to callsct �11 exp�ns�s incurrsd In parsuin� �a rern�dias <br />provldsdln th� Pa�ragraphZQ, Inaludiny,but not Ifml�sdto. rw�sonabN�ttorn�ys' f�s costsof �1ls <br />svirlencs. <br />If th� pow�r af �Is is invoresd, Trus�su shall rscord a nMice of dsfault in eech coun�y in vrhich <br />any p�rt ot tl►i Prnprrty is localyd and sh�ll mall coplMS of swd� notia in tlt� m�tt�r pr�scrlbedby <br />appli�cablsiaw to Borr�owsr and to tlr� other psn�ons pnscrih�d by appliqblsiaw. Ai1��r th� fima <br />r�qulrpdby �p�ip�blrlaw, Tn�sMe shall �Ivs puWicnotip► of� sala �!h� psr�onsand M th� rrp�nn�r <br />pr�escribedbl► applic�bMlsw. Trusire. without dsrr�nd on Borr+awK. ahall all tlw PropNiyat publia <br />auctlon to ths hi�hrst biddrrat ths tlm� and pl�os and undsrtla trrms d�slqn�lvd in ths natic� of <br />ali In one ar nwrs pamvisand In any or+darTruste� do�mdn�s.TrusM� msy postpon�saM ot ail or <br />any par�al of � ProPe�''t!► b�► Public �nnouna�ment at tM� tlnr snd pi�c� of ar�y prwlouslY <br />sch�dulsd asM. Lendsr ar i!s d�rlgnM rn�y purchan #�s Proprrly at any sal�. <br />Flrst AmerlcAn Loan Productlan SerWass Nsdr�tka WECM ARM Snoor�d Sscirity h�lnrmsr�t <br />o �.000 �c � � � sauua,. uc <br />FALPS # 9�2YQ : 02I09 � e <br />NMFi. �ABBI4NE (qL.NE7 <br />
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