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201007833 <br />(ii) Be obligated to pay ir�t�+est under the Note at any tfine, whether accrued bafiore or <br />after the payments by the Secretary and whether ar not accrued interest has besn <br />included in the p�incipaf halance under t�e Note. <br />(d) No Du� of rthe Saaretary. The Secretary has no duty �n Ler�d�' to enforce oovenants of <br />�he Seco Security Instn�ment or to Nake actbns to preserve the Value of the Pr+operly, <br />even though Lender may be unable to collect amoun� owed under the Note bec�use of <br />restridians in th� Paragraph 13. <br />1a. Forbearanceby LenderNa►t a Watver. Any forbearance by Lender in exer�isir�g any righ# <br />or remed shall noi be a w�iver of or praclude the exerGse of any right or remedy. <br />7� Successora and A�sslgns Bound; Joint and Several LlebiiHy. The aovenants and <br />agreements of lhis Security InstrumeM shall bind and benefik the sua�ssars �nd assigns af Lender_ <br />Borr+ower may not assign �ny rights ar obli�atbns under this Security Instrument or under the Nate, <br />except to a tnist that meets the requ�rements of the Secretary. Borrowers covenants and <br />agreements sh�ll be joint and several. <br />16. Natices. Any not�ce ua Bortower provided for ln this Security Instn�ment shall be given <br />by delivering it ar by rnailing it by �irst des� mail unless applicable law requires use of �nother <br />method. The nnt�ce shall be direded to the Property Address ar any other address all Borrowars <br />�aintly d�igr�te. My notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail �o Lender's address stated <br />herein or any address Lender desgnates by notice to Borrower. Any noti� provided for in this <br />Security instrument shall be deamed to heve bean ghren to Borrower ar Lender when given as <br />provided in this Paragraph 18. <br />17'. Gvvemin�; 3everabillty, This S�curjty Instrument shall be $ovemed by Federal law <br />and the law of the junsdictian �n which the Prope�is bcated. In the event that any provisian ar <br />clause of this Secu+ity Instrument or tha Note confl with applicable faw, such confllct sF�ll not <br />affect ather pravisbr�s of this Security Instrumerrt or #he Note which can be given efFect without the <br />conflictfng provision. To this �d the provisions of this 5ecurity Instrumerit and the Note are <br />declared to be severable. <br />18. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrower shall be given one canfarmed onpy �f the Nate and this <br />Security Instrument. <br />NON-UNIF�RM COV�NANTS. Bamower and Lend�r aavenant and agree as foNows: <br />19. Asstgnmentot Rents. Bprrower uncar►ditionally assigns and transfers to Lender ail the <br />rents and revenues ot th� Property. Borrower aukharizes Lender or Lender's agents to oollect the <br />rents arxi r�evenues and her+eby dirgc�s each tenarrt af the Properly b pey the rerrts ta Lender ar <br />Lender's agents. Howevar. pnar �o Lender's notice to Borrower of Boimwer's br�ch af any <br />cavenant ar agreement in the Security Instrument, Bomower shaN oaHect and receive all rents arid <br />revenues of the Pro� as trustee ior the beneTrt of Lender and �orrower, This assignment of rents <br />constitutes an a6�v ute assignment and not an assignment inr additionet security oniy. <br />If l.ender gives notk� of breach to Bonower. (a) all rer�ts received by Barrawer shall pe held <br />by Borrower as trustea far bene�it of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrumerrt; (b} Lender shaN be eMitled �n oollect and receive all of the rerr� af the Properky; and (c) <br />each tenarn af the Property shs�ll pay all rerrts due end unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on <br />Lerxlefs written d�rxi b the tenant. <br />Bnmower has not executed any pr�or assi�nment of tha rents and has not and will not <br />pertorm any act th�t w�puid preveM L�der frorn exerc.�sing its rlghts wider this Paragraph 19. <br />Lender shaA not be required � er�ter upon, take cor�ra of or maintain tite Pmperly before or <br />after giving . notiae of b�ch to Bvrrower. However, Lender pr a�udk�ally appnir�tpd receiver may do <br />so at any t�me there is a breach. Any application of rents sha I not cure or waivs arry default or <br />irnalidate �ny other nght or nemedy of Lender. This assignment af ren� of the Property shall <br />termir�te when the debt secured by this Security Instrument ispa id in full. <br />2Q. ForedosuroProosdur+s.lf Lenderr�quirrstmmsdiatapayrrwnt in Tull und�rParagraph9, <br />Lenderat i!� option meiyr�quirs immsdlate peyment in Tull of all wms sscurad by this Sscurity <br />InstrumeM withaut further demend and may invoke th� povwr of ssl� and ar�y other remedies <br />�� �d b Lendershall be entltlsd to collsct all exponsos lncurred in purauingthe <br />p irsdin �is Para�raph�0� including�but not limitsdto. roasons6leattornsys' isss and <br />casts of title eviclence. <br />Irt th� pow4r af sa�le is invol�d� Trustee shall record a natias of deTault In pach caunty in <br />which any part of the Property ts locaied and shall mail �ppi�s of �uch notias in ths mattar <br />prescr�bsd by applicable law to Borrower and ta the oth�r prrsons proscHbsd hy applicable law. <br />Afler the timer r�squiredby applicablelaw, Trustos shall give publienotice of sale to the persons�nd <br />In the rr�unnsr proscribad by applicabia law. <br />First American Laan Productlon Servlcas IVal�ka HECM ARM Senurity Ir�ument <br />Q 2008 First M�ericen Red �sfate Sdutions LLC <br />FALPS # Y076 : 05IOB �� e <br />NMFL �13NE (QKN�) <br />