... n u: .I�',..`j^ .. . - ,-{ .a`.. .`; `.t.. . , .� :F v�. . G. . .
<br /> � . '��• `.r .' � � ",s ` ,. ' 3`. - � � 5}I.. ^pG!
<br /> .y ' '• !� ..' 'S� , ta. 5... Y t _ _ —_—_ __ __—_ _ . -- -
<br /> Y L�.
<br /> �� —
<br /> � ��� ���� �.—.'..
<br /> ' !'!.Tesn�fer oi t��a�etiy�s���t�ct�i Ynter�t�n Barro�er.If aal or any p�rt af the Fropezty oz any inter�t in it ",�„�:
<br />'��� is soid or tt�sferr4d(or i�a fs�rteR�iniarest ea tiaaow�t is stiid or tFaasferred�nd Bwrower is nvt a n�tirrat peiso�►1�ithnut ----
<br /> ���3� Lcnder's priar 4�rei�en��as�at. t��r m�y. at 6ta oystian..r�ur� � �f�s.;nt in ��11 ef�ll s�ms secur� by this �:.,-
<br /> S�svr$rf Instrum:at.D{ous�eve7.tbis�ion al►�ll noa 6e exe�ired by 1P�cr if cxercise�s pmhib�ted by fedcra!!mv as af the daie �_�_
<br /> af thiu C"esuaity YnstrwnYss� �t
<br /> ll�.°LCIKYEP CR.mises Ehis e�stion. Gf[1t�&T 6I19II�''1V8�T'[OWEI Fi413C4 Of 8C�t1C1111t4�.7'he natIce si�ap Fr°vids a perifld af not r,��..:_
<br /> ie;s tE1an 3Q dq}s f�om �a dd'.a th�nalice is deli�veted ot m3ited within whiri�Sorro�ver mv-n pay a11 sums s�ured'by tlus �
<br /> :'. Secarity Ms�t+u�-�i.iF�urtotiv�r fails to gay t�ase sUms prios to the eapuution of this peiiod,Lend�r may in��ake sny reu�iea ��_
<br /> pe�ttod b,�titio Serurity U�secume.�t without furt6t�r notiee or d.mand an Eorro�ver. �.,..�,
<br /> !S. Bot�s�r�r's �6t t� RgInumtc. If Barrower �ts ce�tasn condIt'sona. Burrower sha11 have the ri�ht tu have
<br /> ' enfarcement af this Sc��tEr:r,�Ia1�Etttm�n!diESnntinu@d at any tis.e prior to the earlIer of: (a)5 days(or such other�eziad as
<br />��'`.] apptica6le taa� rnay specit� for r�in�u:eitent��efora s�Ie of tfi� Pro�s�+ �wsua�rt to any powe�af sate caittair.� u� ihls --.
<br /> ! Sewrrity Ins¢�ument:or(6)entry of�judIIm�t enfarcing this�eEUSi�},jrCus�eni.l7sase condiiiostis are that Borrawer:(a?�YS
<br /> . E.ender uli�uns wluch then xauld i�e dita under thls Secerity Instn�.r�:an,d tI�s Note as if no aaceleaation had occvr�ed:(b) -
<br /> curs any defautt of any other cave�nte or agreements:(c)Fag�a�J e�ses iarurred in e�forcing this Sezuritp.I��tr�ment. ----
<br />_ includirtg,lsut nnY limit�co.eea;o�ble attonzeys' fees;and(�)�s.sm�i.t.ction as L�der may r�onab{y taqu�m ta assuts:
<br /> dept tha iien of tius Secur�t;t�,Tnftrunau.i.ea�e'r's ri8nts m the Pta�`�'��S'sr°Wer's o6ligation to pny the sums secured by
<br /> Wfs gec�r�ty Ir�Rumeni sIlt�i,continue nnctmnged. Upon m�s�tF.�.�c-rt.4xy:Borrower. chis Securiry Ins:eYummt aEd tlte _
<br /> obGgauans s�nr�hereby slsnll re�ain fuUy effective as if ao acc�e�sttitna S�tr�:axurt�. Howeves.this riIIht;to reiastate siinll
<br /> not apply in tl�e c�e of a�l�ration uader parag�a�b 17.
<br /> 1�4.Sutcs cP Nate; ��n�go o'�YnAr� S�vlce�'. The Note or a pazlisA in'Rrest in the Note (togethcr with ihis Securiry
<br /> In:�vmeutp may ise sotd.ana ar mara tim�witftout prior aofsoe t�Bozrosties. A etrua may result in a change in tbe enrity(kimwn —
<br /> as the°i�n Servieer'}Y3�tet cvtto�,s monthlY PaY��due unc!er ttr�Na;�a�i thti,SecuritS+Insuumen�Thsre alsa[rtay 60 ons
<br /> or mox�ch�nges of the Louu�viasr exnn:tsued tca u sale of the No�.If dvete is�stirtage of she Loan Serricer,Borrower w�I be
<br /> na
<br /> givea writt�n natice of t�ro ciuuiga in acoocdsiaoz with paragraFh 14 abave az�l a�Sitable 1aw.'�e nntice wil!sYate the nume and �"�
<br /> uddres3 of the nesv Eaan Senriczr and ahe addmss to vrlricb payr�ts s�ld bzr a►�d�.The aotice wilI also coIIi�vn anY othcr
<br /> •` infor�abian r�uimd b.�uPPlicaola I��v. �
<br />,;;�� 28, �r8otts Su6�uo�.ISar�r�r shul! nat cause or p:s�airi the pzr.�esa�r�.,use.disposal, stordge,or reiease of any �:�
<br /> IFazardous SubsWnoes a�.or•in.the Fnrperty. S+anower shallll aot do, a�r a4lnv.•,a9ryon�.else to do. anythiag a�'�g the �
<br />',., Property that is in vinYacina a�f an1 F�ui;vmaental Iaw.Th�preoedieg tw�s�Y.a��Rb s4�ll not appiy w thg p�esenoe,use.or _
<br /> �i:�.: starage an che� j of�culi quw�tities of H�rr.'aus Substauces ttw�t a�e g�f�4y�cagnized w ise appmp�ite to normal �.�'�.
<br /> f�,' residentiat u�s ta nuainiecu�noa ot`the L°tuperty.
<br /> gar�;v�.s.�,uU,pc�mptiy give Iaaster�vz�tten notice of any uavestigation.clrt�itA.�maad,tawsuit ar ather actian by sny � .
<br /> governman�ez reg�In.'�ui7 m$eacy or•pr��ate pun�y invalYing the Pcop�sty aa�i at�=-f�laardons Snbstaaca or Environn�ental Iav�
<br /> Of WIIICII BOT[llWEt S1Cr�""`.a.tII��ilOA'le3ge.IP Baravwea teams.67 IS mptlFlE%�I)�'.8h���ovemm�nta!or regal�ory authority.that
<br /> any rcmoval or ather r�i�an:og cwy 4Hazardaus S�is�e affc�a�t1n�Prc�p�t�t3s n�s�r,BQrrower sha1Z.pmmpdy take �'
<br /> i'�: 8]j U�C$g3�/T2�1Qf�li1�Q""'...�QG��II IIR�Dtda11GZ Wltll�IIV![OIIIIICIIL'!j�.AtV. , .
<br />>,rr� - As usr�in•this P�rsgt�ph 2(D.�°Hazardaus Su6stafloes" a�thase s�zb�taa_i,.-ca�dr�ned as taxic or hn�ardaus su6stance�by . ..,.:
<br />��F��� Eaviro�entul Iaw and the•fapae�n� substano�s: gusoline, ice3ose�r:. otb:u�1iit�.�aDle ar to�3a petroleum products..taxia .
<br /> � .}�.�-iiaid�s and herblcid�,�Iatilo salventa>IIlAtB[II3I9 COIITAtR1II$�S�lv.'S��O7 fdYTa�i�bYde,aa3 radieacdve materials.As usEd in 6*;
<br /> l�v,
<br /> �:t1:ls patagrap�►20.�"Fra*�*��tal LaN" means federal taws and lacvs of�te�jc�rlsdicrion where the Pm�:+rs-y is lacated thnt �*':
<br /> �;;;�late to h�ith.saf�ty cr����am$ntul protectinn. ''•:�
<br /> � �eeasfollows: 's: �`<`��'--
<br /> ''�;;; NQN-UN[F4RD+�COVE�iA3ei t'S:Boro�rer and Lendet funh�co��FUt ezY,1�
<br /> 21.At�irratfani F.�►ue�#E�.Lendsr.s6u11�ive notiae to IIo�rn�sc�r{�¢�Ea aoo�erat�p��'�it��ving&�rrouPr's bstach
<br /> a6•s�n� cbven�t or s�ea2 W•tBW �eearit� Iastr�ent (t�!iaG`tc�i���'F'��r to soce3e�nm gader piu�graPO i� anic4s.
<br /> a�P�i��tla I�w pr�vtdc�oti�extv?n��.+'f6e natfe�sbulIl sg�rdfr'Ys Qa�:#�S�tit�te�1'l;.N)Utc nctian�eqW►�.sd eo ear�tBe d�d�;
<br /> sbS ze :
<br /> (c)�a dnia,�ot iess tlwa����,d1uq�8��m�aho dute t4�e Qotice is g�i•�o t�+IIaorrrxi�ccn.bF whtcla tF�e dd'uait m�s'?9x�cars�T�' � . . : ��;�
<br /> (�3�t[or+t S�iiur�r to c�orP�rc+�+�etnnib on.mr bcYor�x tl�e date sp�flmc�tn drtr�..^e nit�y resolt in�c�le�an of ti�e s�5
<br /> .�; ; se�urut 6y►t�ts'Seeutv3*�t Yctt�ranimt�nd:r�ts og the P�perty.Zfle nc4itic!+•s�thrt&es infor,m Bora�er of the r��3 to --.
<br /> , ;� edas�utc uPu�vt�fop�,nd�4ite�^'tt tm 6t�ng a coust.a�icm fu a�ts��tI�e noa-esistenoe uf a de�autt or�nY cstff�
<br /> deYease�7�.t,t�rQ..�vez,td,�t�e3ermt►ct�{;�r�sato. �P tlae dets�ull is nc�•rt�rr.c4Ean oe 6efare ttvr data s�tc�ed in tEte r�lt�i3e, �;.:.
<br /> : � l�ucTrr,a4 i�t�ic�i�iod,�mW�.�rqqLr2 i�dtute �.eM im�f�c�D.od a'�1.s�sm€CSecared by tULs Sac�rity.Instransent vritbbut ' �..•
<br /> ii�rther demu►d t�ad�uip i�oof�e the�p�r�e o�saIe.un d aay M Y��r m.c�►c c�3 1 a!:�er�itte�l by a p piieabla E���:�shaU b�e. :,{ �,,-..::
<br /> '� ecRttIe�to an�Ias�;itliit:���iu�tr.tet�I���K1�h:re�toc�22a g�jrs�tlia�.d`is�Kils P�I�1►2A,tut4ttdji��ut t�u2lusfiec� ;,.yi,, _ :
<br /> ' to,ressal�IaIIt2tiiticugs'.`ersnn�➢�r�a�€�itte�.!{�rr� .•, .:,��: -.�.
<br /> , It tka��v�r aF��la i�d�v��s�edio,'IIhm�ee sHa�l.iec�r�b�nr�hia�•�?���ault i�o eacbi iu�a�►i� safilcL any part of the r�v :
<br /> 'f &4�ogertf�fa toc,�Yed:nnd.o�u�1���nil�Ga��oPtiuch no�ice i�4P���iam�inea���p�bY nD�t9�ble tnw W Borroa�er anuE to- '
<br /> ���•' tfle atP�cr pc�on���cs��'�:�-t�p agpltcn�sl4 tawv After the tlms�►�;a4{p;►iea'Y��y appUc�le ic�:i�,'�siee shall gtve gablic rsattce �':
<br /> ��,,.�, o�s�de'to t[ie pe�cas��mdtf�n�tjm�mndncr pt�sca�b��b����3e�+N':So#�:T�'�GCa�,tivit�st�demand on Boremwer,s�11 seI! �.,
<br /> � the Pfmpesty at.�u61i��iac�inn�to tIso lilghe34 I�t�Y�er�:ct dr¢daui:�i��p�ace ari,�!l��iix�er the terms dcs�gnste�in tl�e uotice of —
<br /> �to in ane�rrntnnx�n�e'�und�En o.���s�er Tru�tee d2t¢rr�£t�c�ifi.'j'���i-ti i�P�II�saIe of all�ar aey pwrrel af the
<br /> �?.
<br /> . �M�Y�9�a bliu'annonnot�ne�t e�:��Tte time an� Qlasc o��t�#X�'prevtoasIy schedale��hte: I,�ndca�or it�d�igncrr may r
<br /> . , puc+ctw.�c tko Y�pa�¢y at any�sal�. , °��,, .
<br /> i ; ., . . . S
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