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<br /> � - �.. -t r • � � '3�' . . �:. c V �- . . •.
<br /> � .o .
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<br /> ti. ' . . f -- - ..
<br /> ` �����
<br /> . �J�'��Y co tanger be tequlced.ut tits a�sion+�f Lender,if mort�in..nuaace c�vera�e(�the�nouat�fbr tPio periad �'
<br /> - iiiae L�rxier r�q�s�fivv-i�S�,�aa i:*.��.T�ve�l ap l��d_z sgain t�comts avaiLllsle�W is atstair�cl.�rca��sr sh�ld�sY �.-
<br /> tDe premium�r�equizzd to msint�n�oa�gage ii�swsu�ce in effe�t,crr t4 pmvide a:oss�reser�c.until tht requi�e�em for ano�t�age
<br /> fnsur.�ace ends ia�u�witb nny�itten�meqt bet�een Borrower�d Le�der or applic�te laa.
<br /> 9.��.I,e�d��r irs eoeat may makc reason�b:e enuies upaa and insges¢aans of the�roperty. Lender shall give
<br /> • �=�-
<br /> :. Ba�oc��r ea.i�.�th�tr�ar�Qf er gxior t�an inspectlun spesifying reasonable ause f�or t�is�asQectioa. __ -
<br /> '.� � 8�.Co�tana'ttun.'Ff':e gra�ds oY ahy awncd or claim Ear damages:direct or oonsequeatial,in connerRion rrith any —
<br /> cortdemnz,Fion ar other tadng of Wn}�art of the Pna�iy.or foT wmreya�ce in lieu of conder,rnatian,ur�heieby assigrtesf�rid
<br />�,;� �:�t��l ta�. -- _
<br /> In a3ie eveat of a Wtul taking of the Pro,zerty,the profla�ds shal!b$agAfied to the swns socun:d BY thts Security fasutjmant.
<br /> +�• w�et�ez oz aa3 t�za due,cvith any exs�ss paid co�orrower. In the even3 of a pardial t�king of tha Property in wlnich ttte fair
<br /> ; r taar3cs't v^�3u;,08 t�s PrapErty qmm2diaY�ly�efaie the ta�sin�is equai m os great�r th�n the amoar�t of tha sums secar�by t1�is �
<br /> � Secur�tyt In.s�t immadinie�y befors the t�ng,eui2ess Bosrawcr and t.ender othecwise ag�res in writit�g,the sUats seai�d by
<br /> �:,;�, diis Ss�uxiiY I���nt shult ha redu�ed 6y �he�aoum of Bie p�s�lied'oy tha fallowing fraction: (a} t�e t�tQl =
<br /> atnouttt Qf t�,z sams�tt�d�.cIiutrly befmre the taking.dfv#ded by(Y�l the fair martcet vatue af ttte Froperty imiaed�a2ely
<br /> � r.', �efare tJie taSang. My b�se s5�ll 6e puid 2o Bor�owzr. Iu ti;e evem of a p�atial ta�tflg af the Pt�spErtY ia arh�dn t�o fair
<br /> a��tei vslp�af the Ptoperty immedis�ely t�efdre the taking is less than the amouat Qf tit�sums secuced emmediately�efor�t�e
<br /> r�itig,unLess Baicowes aad Lender othenvise agree ut arriting or unless apsplic3bte Ea+u ctiteirwis.provides.the groc�ds s�a1b
<br /> �4,�PPli�.:W t�e sams s�cvred 6y thLs Security in..<train°.at cvhethsr er a,at ti�e��e s�ea due.
<br />. ' �f tho Pra�y is abaAdaaed by Barrower,or�,after natice by i.eader trc IHRSr��z.tflat the condeffinur offers ta�mnk�aa
<br />- " awat�ti os�s�tis a claim fa�damages. Botmw�r facLs to respoud to Iend�r v�i��'dr�s after the d3te the natice is givea..
<br /> � Lcadep is ssrt�ioriz�to oollect and apply the pzooeed�,at its aptF�.either ta�1.�ia��r mpais of tlte Frogerty or to t�e s�s �__.__
<br /> s��Y tt�;,s S�uritf�n�,,•,°�,t,vrhexher or.nnt thm due: =":. , –
<br /> • iJa2� �.e�nr aa�Harrawer othenvtse agr�in vrrit3ng, a�Y �ali�r�i of prc�azxdn to pr•nc�gsil s1u�lI not ext�ad os ,
<br /> ' PQSr�nue tlsa dne datE af the monthly payme�s rei"�ssr.d to iti P�S�P�Z a,�y`��r c6ange the amannt o€such paymen4s. `�..�
<br /> ' �1�Burroreer Not Reteased:Fasbearar�e I�_r l.cnder Nat a Waiver.�siaa oE tita titue for paym�at ar mndif�tioa
<br /> af amortization of.the sumg sec�tred tsy t8is Secvrity Instrument granted by Iender to eny s^..coessor in inter�of Bo�sare�s�
<br /> nat openie to rzfease the Ga'$ility of the ori�l{�urrower or Borravr.,r's successats in inte�f.Icnder s6ull uat be�¢to �-
<br /> � coam�ence proceedings against azry succes�or ia ur�ere4t or tefuse to extei�time for paym�nt or othervri:ye modi�'y a�us`.s:�.�'tio� .
<br /> e4
<br /> . of thc sums seca�cd bY this SecuritY �rsm�►i,`fiy reason of any dama4d raa�e �y.the originul Barm;ver or�o*rower'.s �
<br /> suscessois ia int�rest.Any furbeaiance by�..�r in exerrising an}i�ght or remedy�5�1#.:aot be a waiver of or pmcl;:da tho
<br /> � exer•�ti�of any te�6t or rertc��r. :��` ;'`:,: �
<br /> flZ:Su�ss�is and Assigns BonnB;dada3 �fl�er,c-�stf;��������• T�e covenanm and a8reetne .�°;ae�'.�ais. .
<br /> ''r:..; � Se�ri�'[nsdrurretti,s�ll bit�d and benefit i�e�socs zaf,k;�igns of�der and Borrawer, subject tm itte pr��`�s�bf
<br /> `t ', , P�vg�pp,.'� I7:D�iirozvei's cove�ants and a�i� stial!`��;�,^ic; �-sd:,�r;r�l. Any Bar�ower who easigns thi�Sec�unty
<br /> � �. "�F��'� �In..�'i�uzpc�t but do�s aot execute the 1Vate:�a)is`�si8uit��#�,Se�-�e3►��.��r�nt only to mort�uge, Er.t�►t:.nd ca�..+�y t.hsi ---
<br /> � ' � �onawer's i�:z.-.�t in ihe Pm�ztY andrs the t�rms ui:this Se^.t�;ptS'Insuument;(b)is iw�t-�?ersonsilly ai�ligated tm��tq�I.�e sams
<br /> ssxvreQ by this Securiry Insuument:snd(c)agrces tt�Lender and any ather Bon�ow,er�iiay�',r�to extsnd,modify.�orb2ar oF
<br /> . � �. maSce any z000m�odaaions with ragard ta the e�.af tLis Secnaity Iasuuzm�nt or the A'ut���+^faout thas B�r~owEr's cansent.
<br /> , �" .:.;� 13.I.o�n Ciu*8es.I�the toan s�un.'d,��:u�Ix`s Secarity Lnsmiment is subject to o��3 wbica:sE��s����n loan charge3. _ --
<br /> � � and that 1aw is fu�ally iateipretaf so;sd#�t th� i�iTC�st or other loan charges�,t�eJe�e�cr_A�.be collecaisS:fi.�cuane�ion with tha
<br /> ' � laan��cced the pemutted limits,d4�r�(a)aay such loan cUar�e�hati be redaoed Dy Uts.2n�i�ant neazssaxy w rertuce the chur3e _
<br /> •� �'s to t;Sro7k?�mitted Iir�it;and(ti)am���raiins already caIIeded f�rifp:gornawer+which exceed0�.fper�itted litnits wi11 hc re��r�dcd eo
<br /> ,r.,..
<br /> _ . .:'`,;":,. . � B�;t�?�sr. i.end�er may ehaase to malce this mfund 8y r.�Stu�i�cg the prineiyal aivcxt �ndar the Note or by uu�Scing� d'ar�t�
<br /> i��?;;s�:• �2Y�:� to Bomawer. !f a refund reduces ptiacigai. the �ed'actian wit,�i;)�'� treated 'es a part+�l Frt�Ym�nt antDout uny� .,,�;.. , --
<br /> � ���`� � nre��T,t�knt charge un�cr ths,Note. ' ' �
<br /> .i(j.;i. '(
<br /> . : . �Y /�a...., . . �
<br /> '•,� .,�; , . :.�,�,f�;;�io�key.p�y noticx:to.Borrower provided for in thi¢5ocurity instniment shall�be givea by delivering it or 4�y mailing
<br /> ' . � ' .it�r.�fjxi�class mall anless�ppticable Qaw reqirires use of�t3��o.�,ec meihod.The motic�sliait'6t�dinxted to the Pruperty Ad��ss
<br /> . . .. ,Qr.��' ���her eddress Borrower desi�aatss i�y notice co Lei�'ei-A►ny no6r.e to Lentl�r•st�QJl be givea by fi�st class mail to
<br /> '. ih
<br /> :�,.::: . .•. Lei�¢4i''s addsess stated herein or a�y other ad�(35s Lender desiauuies by►r�uoe to�1Burraw.;z. Atry nntice pr�vided for in tlus —
<br /> '' �<';�::"' Scve�i¢w Instrumeat shall 6s deer�ed to have ixEe�'�ven to Borrower os Ler.der w�ita gven t�s providc�In this pamgraph.
<br /> %:`.. . ���.:�1��'!Govev�t3ng Lavs; �evet,�AIIity. This Secsuiry �nstrutaent shall be goverur��r.f:y fodernl taw and Wc ta�u of thc
<br /> ` � • us`" �.;],.on i�n wbic'h the P�'o e �3�s�docat�. In the event tRaz tmy provision or clttiv�af'�lk3s�xvriry Instrument or the Note
<br /> , .� �`" p �!''�..
<br /> � ��' ;�; con�l'rcts with'epplicabIs law,suc�:�pnAfYlCt G�II IlOt BffCCt Ot$Ci QIOYIS10I13 Of tIl15 S0."i3i�i:;'nt!nstrnm�t or the Note vl�ich c��
<br /> '�;:�: :
<br />� -: �;,;;�;,;� .- gAvrn effect wit�out the conflicting pravisiors.To this end the provisions of tbis 5e.^emtty Instmment and the PTote a�e Qcxlered�
<br /> �;�`�;;;';'"' eo he severa6le. � .
<br /> :�,��;';.•.{} "' 16.8osrosser's Copy.Barrirxer r.h�ll b¢given ons confora�d capy of the Nat4 an�.�z ttds Secvri�j Insamment. —_
<br /> -i•,�:;.� � F«m:stlLa 9/� _�
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