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<br /> �� . .--.:F;`....<� ` uw�OFiM COVFJ�llrNTS�eorrawer and`L�neer covanant sna agree as toltows ot an0 irnereat on the � � `..
<br /> . .. � �.'�y�Mt�1 ht�elpd aed MWrl.8orro�rar sh�fl P�ati1!MY u►�e��IO�e.an�dth�spnneiPalotandintere.ston ` � _
<br /> -�-- . ` � irxi�Eled�N�ssYidar�M6ylfNNo1R �me�tandtstaot�c�esasProvld�ed' - r. ,.• • -- , �< i
<br /> • �`�` ` � alnrFuM��AdwncMS�cun4•tilf���dTnat. - ,. . •. ,
<br /> . . �F�/stoeTssMaidUwa�e�.Su�b'ea�oa�pl _ieabbtawortoawritlenwaire�QYLender.BorrowershaQpaytnLender _
<br /> _ ..',,:'_�_. onHl�drytnaNh(yk�Ot�i an0in�re�utO�Y�undKlhtNols.undlthel�otsisp�iatntull.asum(heraire _
<br /> — - -- °Funds")�wYb onrtwalilh aiNw riMfy�x�s and s�b wl�cii msY+�miR Vriorihf ow�lhis Oud ct�rwx.and — =r - —` .. _- .,.
<br /> , , .. . . ����pn���ny.D�.ona-twMlrhofy_MAyP�iumiraWlmentstarbarardmsuranceausone-twaiMof . • . •' '�'
<br /> y�ty iMUrance.K�nY•ai��resso���y e���initialfy�nd hom time�time b�t' �
<br /> - � . C��,ni�u.w a.w««n«ir"10,��i 'oi�.ana n.son.as . � � ,
<br /> . •� ThsFu�ORShWbitNldiaaninsUAAionlMdrP'o�ilswaccouMsof�rhichaninsuredor�uarantead.bys�eQaralorstate t� ' ( , .
<br /> ' • ' ' ' �'►�y(�g�M�d�r if L,�ntl�r b sucA an M�sfikkfiaf►?.L��du sh�il appty tA�tunds topay s a i d t a x e s.e s�e s s m a n i s. . . .
<br /> � �rud tlssEucbs.ansl!►� �sidaaount
<br /> . .. �nsurl�0��and�otM�c�net.l«M�r t�otch�'Qatorsohoidin� ; . • f,
<br /> -_ .,. . , • ���g� dd�������'�payaBortoWar��istonlhsFwxlsond���fooiicaDielaw , _ . • `
<br /> . �: �,: L�fdNID��gsuCAsohr� inwritin�at�timeof��cuUonoflt�sd��dofTros! `
<br /> `. ,` '-�' . ` �ntxwt on 1Ae Funds sf W16�P�fo 9onow�r.and unlus sueh ayreement ia mads w appNcaibe Iswt!qwras such
<br /> -- I--T---�:-.-�'- ir�loti� f.�t�dsrs�a��������Y�weranY�nbrastcr onfheFUl�1QS-_LErtdlI.3f1a11Qiv4to - -- -
<br /> . � � • utq��ananaus�accountinpan�eFundsshow c�eaits�sotneFUnasanaa�epu��o - ;=--- -- -
<br /> `'• � ° � vrb�icQ�MCf�d�bit/aih�Fy�dswasmsds.ThsEundserepladpsdas�nsisecurityto►thesumssecuredbylhis ` -
<br /> �•
<br /> - !`� � S H�tlfsamou�noflMtundiheWbyleridrr.!�OMherwilAfbeluturertanthlyinsptlmentsofFundspsl/abtePriortothedue f : , _- --
<br /> � ' � � d�MS of t�as.a�b.inwrance Prenwums and�rouna ronb.shaN exoee�d tlre am�wntrsquired to paY said mxas� ; . - _
<br /> exoeed
<br /> . ` � '� ' gs�stnlsMS,i�P�iums ana�round rsnls asthey faii due.st�cN excess ahall be.at 8orrower's opGon.aither ;, ., ._
<br /> . b 8arawa a a�dibd b BoROwer on moni�h►�p�me�s d Fu�d.+.H fhe amount of the Funds hela�by : - ,
<br /> ' � � ��yq����i�tbayyxes,�nen!l�insursecePremiumsandpra�dce�tseslheYfatfduv 8orrow�shall i . ...
<br /> � ' , . � � y b LtN�da an smouM n�Caw!►1�maics up fhe dniiCienCy within 30��s from the datie notlCe is maited by Lender to �
<br /> � _ . ! �owe��.�..�`.wo.r�+ne�a ; � ,
<br /> Uponp�y�ntMfuHMallwms�cursdbyMisOeeda�T�us�landersh811promPdYrMundto8oaowerenYFundsfbWby . ;, ,� .
<br /> - - Lw�d�t.Ifu�id�rMdiOraphl8hsrsoNM �pp��ty iasoWorlhePropertyisotherwissacquiredbyLsn�x LenderabaliaPP�y. . • � .
<br />, . . no1�NclAsnimmsdiaMtyP��ihssaNpMfhaPropedYaitsacqu�isiUOnbyLender,and�undst�sbbyLsnderatthedmeot . • , . _
<br /> applica6on as a cr�d'it a0!dnst the sulas sacur+ed b1►this Deed W Trust . .
<br /> . .._ . __.. -- 3. �PPk�d r�Unte�sapplica0fs Iawprovides Mherwise.afl paymenls received by LenQer under the Note _ , .
<br /> � anQ 4and2 �otshWbeaPAlieQblfl.enderfirslinpaymer►totamau�tsPaY�letoLenderbyBorrowerunder ' .- ..
<br /> • p�r���hereol.thsntoin�er�tpeY�teontheNot�thentothep�incipatoitheNote.andthertto�a�stendp►i+�ciPala► � . '�
<br /> � � � arty uwrs Advances. � .
<br /> � 4.���,���hallpayg���axey,assessmentsandothercharses,�nesandimpasiaonsattri6utabtetothe �
<br /> pr�pe�ty wh�cA may atbitn a ovar ihis Deed o1 TrusX and feasehotd payments or qround renta.if any,in the manner
<br /> _ p����nde�p�raprapl�2�or.N not patid in sucA manner,by Borrower makirtg�aymenL wAen due,dicecUy to the ; .:
<br /> � �ower�shstll mski�yma�i di�ecayt�Bor�rower at►�II par�o�m�pdY�fumish to Lben�rner.�aip i e�iridenG�such�paymoe be ; f .?A�
<br /> pwer sh�ll y dischsrys erry lien whiCh has Pnanb over this Deed ot Trt�s�pruvided.1hat Borrower a6aU n �..
<br /> roq�iredWdisc rpsany wcbtiensoWn�esBoROwershallagreeinwriti�ytothepaYrt�Entoftl�sobt"�gstiansecuredbysuch ; ,�� ,
<br /> lien in a m�nner acc�pbbls m�a�i in pood taim��W�lien by,or�elend enforcement ot sucf�Uen in,tegat F
<br />� ' prpceedinps which operab tn prevenJ ths eMaaement of the lieo or fo►feidue of tbe PrapeRy or any PeA thereoL �
<br /> • ,� . . s� ���Borrower shall keeprie improYements now existing or hereatlet etected on the Propertat irs�sre3 '
<br /> — . =_ =f aqaia."t toss by ti%hazards inctuded within the term"extended cove�a9e".and such other hszarda as Lender may.re�.::�e ,
<br /> anAinsucbamounbandtasucAperiodsas�endermay requiraprovide0.tnatt�r►de►ahatirrotrequirethatthear.soantot }
<br /> � ` sueh covera�s exceed that amount of covera9e required to pay the sums aecured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> i Thisinsu�ancecarrie►Providinytheinsuranceshatlbechosenby8orrowersubJecttoapprovalby lertder,provided,that
<br /> - such approval shall not be unceasona6ty withheld.Ati premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided ,
<br /> unde�paragraph 2 hereof or,if not paiA in such manner,by 8orrower making paymeRt when due,directly tothe insuranca .
<br /> • � Cartie►. � :
<br /> All insurance poticies and�enewats thereot ahatl be in tarm accepfabte to Lender a^�shall inctude a standard moRgage .,
<br /> ' claufeinia�orofandinformacceptabletoLender.LendershallhavetherighttohotOthepoticiesandrenewatsthereoi.and ,
<br /> 8orrawe►shaliprompdyturniahtoLenderatlrenewatnoUcesandallreceipfsofpaidprem�ums.intt.eeventofloss.Borrower , � �
<br /> � sha(Iqivepromptnoticetotheinaureacecaiale�andLender.lende�maymakeproofoftossitnotma�epromptlybyBoaower. •
<br /> UnlsssLefWerand 8orrowerotherwiseapree in writing,insuranceC'�Ceedsahall beappiiedtorestoratian orrepa(rofthe . . .
<br /> � prppeRy damased,provided auch restoration or repair is economica;:�leasibte and the securiri ot this Oeed o1 Trust is not ,
<br /> � the�eby impaited.N aucb�estoration or repair is�ot economicatty feas�;e or i1 the security ot fhis Oeed of Trust wouid be
<br /> impsired,rile insu►ance proceeda shatl be ap plled to the sums secured bx f:�is OeeQ ot TrusL with the exceas,ii asy.paid to ..
<br /> ' Borrowe�.If ihe ProaerN is abandoned by Borrower,or it Bonower laif�fo�espon�to Lender within 30 days irar��e date _
<br /> � noNee is maitsd by Lender to Borrewar that the insurance carrier oq�s to seRte a ctaim tor insurance benetits.LenQer is
<br /> authaized to co�kctand apply tha inturance proceeds at Lender's o�'fan either to restoration or repair o1 the Property or to
<br /> . ths wms secured by this Deed oi Trust �
<br /> UnlessLenderandBorrowerotheryviseapreeinwrlting.an�!suchappticationolproceedstoprincipalshatlnotextendor
<br /> ne the due date of the montAly inafaitmenb refeac�d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or changa the amount of auch
<br />� nstaiimenb.N unde�pa�r^aPh�8 he�eoi the P►aperty is acquired by Lender,at1 righ�tiHe an0 iniere�ot Bor►ower in and to •
<br /> • , aoyinsurancepoliciesandinandtotheprocaedaihereolreaultingfromdama9etotheProperrypriortothesateaacquisition •
<br /> • � sl�atl paas to Lender to the extent of fhe sums securea by thia Ceed ot Truat immediatety prioe L�sJCh sate or acquiaition.
<br /> '� d. Pns�rvaYonandMsinMnanc�d�rop�All:L�a�hoids;Conda++ieiuna;Phen�dUnHOwriaonMnb.Borrowershatl .
<br /> - keeptl�e Prmpertll in good repair and s7s�.:not commit waste or permit impairment ot deteriora`^�01 the PropeAy and shall
<br /> pe
<br /> � '� ��'� compiY witf�lt�eprovfsionsotanylease"f,thisOeedofTrustisonaleasehe(d.Itthis0eedotTrustisonaunitinacondominium
<br /> ' or a piarsr,ed unit devef�e�ent,Bo�rower shall peAorm all ot Borrower's obligations under the dectaration or covenants
<br /> awsandr
<br /> ' �:eatr.�csr goveming the crndomiNum or ptanned u�it developmenL the by-I- egulations ot the con0ominium or ,
<br /> �:anr.ed�u^n Oeve�opmer��d consMUent document�.H a condominium or plsnned unit development rider is excuted by
<br /> � � • Borrowtr a�recorded toget�er with thi�Oeed ot Trun,the covenantsand agreements of such rider sha11 be in�arpOrated
<br /> into and s7�.aS amend and supptementthe covenants and agreements oi this aeed o}Trust as it the�1der were a pert hereot.
<br /> � ' 7. PrW�eYa�a�L��'s S�ewfl�I•�!Bor�ower taits to perform the cwenanu and agreements eontairted jn this Deed o!
<br /> � � Tru�t or if eny aetion or proceeding is commenced with materlalty aHects Lender's interest in th�Pro�erry.inctuding but not
<br /> Iim�tsdto.emfnenldomain,insolvency.coQsenforcement,or arrangementaor proceedings invotvrnga bank:uptor decedent
<br /> • � then Lander at Lender's op`aon,upon aotice to Borrawar,may make auch appeaiance�,disbur�e such sums ana take such .
<br /> • actlona�isnece��Yto�rotectLender'�interesf.inctudiag,butnotlimitedto.�iaburstnnentolrea�onabteattarney'sfeesand
<br /> � ' . ent�yuponthePropertylamekerepaira.NLenderreqWredmortgageinsuranceasacondltlonolmatcingthetoanaecuredby �
<br /> the Oeed ot Trust 8o►rower�hall pay!he premiums required t,o maintain such insurance in et`eci un01 such Ume as the
<br /> requirementtorauchinauranceterminatesinaccordancewlthBorrower'sandLend9r`9writtenagreementorapplica�belaw.
<br /> • 8o�rower shelipsY the emount ot all moRgage insu►ance permiums in the manner proviQed under pa�agrapb 2 hereot . .
<br /> ' A�ny am0unts disburs�d by Lendet purauant to this paragrapb 7. wlth i�terest thereon.shatF beCOme addi8anal
<br /> • Indebtedne�o!Barowersecured bythia0eedolTrust Unless eor�owerandtenQer agreeto otherterms otpaymentsuch
<br /> amaunb ahail be payab�e upon noNcefrom Lender to Barrower req�estirtg payment nereol,and shall bear interesltrom the
<br /> dateofdiabursementaltharatepayabtefromtimetotimeonou2stanG�ngprinc(palundertheNoteunlesspaymeMotlnterest
<br /> � at suCh rate w0u�d be eonVary to appIlcabte taw.in whicb eveni such emounts sha�i bear interest at ihe highest rate
<br /> '. " perntissibteundarappiitabletaw.Mothingcoatainedinthis08�9raph7sha11requireLendertoincuranyexpensecrtake�ny
<br /> � acUon hereunder.
<br /> •,•(mp�Yon.Lender may make or causeto be made reasonabte enUies upon and lnspectlons ot the Property pruv�ded
<br /> • � thatLenderahallgiveBorrowernoticeprtortoanysuchinspectionspecifyingreasonablecausetharetorerelatedfnlender's
<br /> • interest in the Property.. �
<br /> .._ ,
<br /> ----- - ---.__�._�._•_ - -- . ...
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