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<br /> • • � :�F�., •' ' whiCh ha!me addr�01 311 East 18t�t Grana Is2and � �
<br /> prwo � .
<br /> : . _,.,t!. ,_,;,._. Nebraska 68801 • . ,
<br /> , � �-.. r,:.. (herein"PropeRy Address'7; .
<br /> ��'Y• .�r
<br /> � : .�;a'* '.,z . A"" z°°°'"
<br /> x^��:�� :, TOGETHER wi�h ai1 fhe+mpra�rements nawr or he►eaiter erected on the property�and all easemants.r�g�b.
<br /> -Y- nces.r�nb(subject tiawever W the�aghts and authorities�iven hareln tp Lender to cottect and aR�y
<br /> . ...N..�."�.'.;':."�'- � .
<br /> �: � , �r�)��M�,m�nera!„oif and Qsf ri�hb and protits;water.water rl�hts,ana water stock,and all Hxtu�r� ,
<br /> :�:..,,; .-: �: . .. ,
<br /> �ye�:,�:�,�-�:'= now ot hKaiter athch�d to the P►aPe�tY�8��ot which,inciudinp reptacemenb and addltions fhereto.sha��be : .:.,,
<br /> - ��y...���:.:- �� ��b�anQ��main a pert ot ths property covered by this Deed o1 Trusk and ait of ths foresoinp.toII�'. � '
<br /> � � ',*!',•S.s4:i.�. °.; - . . „
<br /> _ . � _ t . with s�W prop�q(pr ths iqs�shoW asht�i1 this Oesd of Trust is on a leashol�are herain raferred to as the !.
<br /> � ',it 4��-':*s�.� . N�/� • t .
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<br /> �, :�.��;:� .�,.,.�- . T��s����,'°i�'�c��ayt�e r°paymenl of tl�e lndebtedriess evidenced t�B er tihousana�'��iloo- �
<br /> � �;:'�::.';� •::�' (herein"Note")�in the principal wm ol
<br /> . -"-•=-"��:� --- ---($5.000.00)----�----- 00118(�,WHh if1M��ttllfefa011.PfdV�d1119fOt ItWfllhly(ttfWIfllMtf .�.. • ,' :
<br />. _ _ �„ _ -- �p�inci 1 and irnerost,with the bstanae of the Indebtedrieaa.it�ot aooner paia due and payabte cn � �
<br /> � . Apr�i 20. 1995 :the peyme�t W ail olher sum�,�A interat t�reon.advanced � �
<br /> . . in acco�dence hsrewith to PrMsct ths sacurity ot thia t1�ed ot Tru�and tl�e ptrtcfrttance ot tlie cownants and � :
<br /> : ay��r�enb o!6orrower hsrein canlsined:and atl renewaW.anEensbns and madiNcatbns thereoi;and(b)ths S
<br /> . • � �rpaymentclanytutureadvances.withlnterasfinthereon,madeto�rawerbyLenderpurouantioparagraph2l , ¢
<br /> • : � � � hereot therMn"F�lurs Advances'7. - . .
<br /> - - � � � BE3Rit011{t�Rcc�va�sMs tha�8arawer Islewwlty.aeizee ol the estate t�eca6y caweY�.and has 1he riphl to �` •
<br /> --- -_-=_ -
<br /> � � _ �1 snd conva!►the P�opeAy,lhat tAe P�o p e r ry i s unencum b e r e d.e n d M a t 8 o r r o w e r wiil warraM and Qeknd : - �y`---�-_ -.
<br /> . yenerally_ths titie�to the PropeAy s�einst ail cWms and demands.aubjact to sny daciaratiions.esaert�ents or .
<br /> . .. � ,:. ..�:, � . . n�ftictions Ilated in e schedule M excepdansto covera�e in anyflite inauranes poliay inwrinp t�ndeP�interest
<br /> . �
<br /> _�'..
<br /> � --- - - - - _ _ . ..- - _ .. .
<br /> � . � in itw Propierty - -
<br />