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<br /> 'POCiEfF�R �t�ie,m"�teve�ar ne�w�eir aes�w m.n�p��.�,.�a.�+�•�,..�:.rr•�^��---•-- --
<br /> alid rUtiU[l'S 001Y Of�iG[IC�fll1'.g QiR Of t�iQ Q1'�Ctl�f. N�I�RkOIS illd�i[101t4 Sbfl��SO T1C COYE[!��1J►,t�LS SOC� �` '
<br /> , tesuument. Itll of ttx fonegoing is�ters�ed w in this Securiry Tnswmeat as the"Ptoperty. � '� '
<br /> � '. BORROWE[i COYENANIS t�at Bormrva is ia+�rfulty seised of ihe�hereAy oonveyed and Gas dre right tq�ant
<br /> � ud cpnveY the Pt�MY and that ihe PropertY is urteocumbaed.excepc fqr eocumMances of ce;cad. Ba•mwer wartants and
<br /> w�i dafend gea�etaUy tbe 6tk tQ tbe Prope�tY sgainu idf d�ims ud demaads.subjoct co any encumh�a�of iecad
<br /> TtQS SECtJRTTY INSIRUMENT comhines w�ifam cQVenants_for tu�tionat use apd non-uaiform covenants wid� -
<br /> ' Wuited vui�tiaac by jurisdictia�tQ canstitute a unifomt securiry insuimrent covuing reai pmpenty. . -
<br /> iJN�RM CpYENpN!'S. Bamwer�nd Ixnder covct�int and ag��s fallows:
<br /> 1. P�jaert d Fri�cipf a�d Lterat;PtepRy�n�a�d La�.CMxR� �OWa shaA P�P�Y WY wha�dae the
<br /> principal d�d in�+est oethe debt evidrnced by the Note aadu►Y P�'�P�Y����due uader the No�.
<br /> t b�far 73u�es ard Ias�r� Subject to ap�dicabie lsw oi w a wnnrn waiver by Lender.Boanwtr shall pay tn .
<br /> _ , Lafder on the day mo�[ilY WYments are duc under the Note.muil the Nae is p�id in fui1,a sua�("f�inds")fa:ts3.Y�Y �
<br /> tues aad use�maus wbich may att�in prioriry over this Security Instiument as a lien an t6e Pmperiy:(b)Y�Y�
<br /> - � payments or gmund ratts am the Pro�ty,if ang:f�i Y�Y hazard a Qropetty insut�ace p�enuums: (d) Y�Y �_ •-
<br /> = insotwcc pemiums,�f any; (e)Y�Y�8�8e insuranca premiums.if any: anA[fl aay sums pnYabk by Bar�ower to
<br /> L�ndtt iA a�xud�ct yvitit t!k povisions of�uagraph 8.in lieu af dse payment of mottgage insurmct pmnimns. 'Ihes�: � . .
<br />= items are plled"Escrow Itemc." I.ender may.at any wt+e.coUect and hotd Fitnds in aa amount not to exceed t6e m�cimnm
<br />,�'�; . a�munt a laxkr for a federaity iNattd macgage lo�n may requine for Borcuwer's escrow aocount ander the feder�l.IGEa1
<br /> Estate Seitlernent Pcoceduns Act of 1974 as amrnded fmm time to ume.12 US.C.�2601 rt seq.!"�PA"y.ankss anotber
<br /> �:; . law that applies ta the Funds sets a Iesser amount If so.l.ender may,at any tip�cullect and Iwld Funds in an amount not to
<br /> eaCad tl�e lesser�nwunx Lander.may estimate the amoont of Punds dne an t6e basis of ctunmt data aad n�sona6k �
<br />--- eswn�tes of expenditmres of future�w Items or�d�etwi.�c in acc�e with aPPlicable law.
<br /> The Fw�ds st�ll 6e held in aii aystiwaon wlnose deposits at�e insured by a federal agency.iasttuma�taliry,a�Y . .
<br /> tinciuding L.ender,if Lender is sucfr an institu6oa)or in ar►y Federal Home Iaan Bank. Lenckr sl�all apply ihe FuM1s w PaY
<br /> � ' tbe Fscrow Ite�ns. Ixnder may nat charge Barrower for holding and aPPhnnS the fvnds.am�ually analyzing the escmw
<br /> � �xrount�or veritying the Escrow items,unless Lender pays BoROwar intecest on the Funds and applicable law pertnits
<br /> � l.�ender to make sucb a charge. However.Lender may requite Ba�ower to pay a one-time charge far an independent�eal _
<br /> -- estate.ta�i repocting service used by Lender in connecuon with this Ioan.untess applIcabte law ptov�des ahetwise.�Urekss�e
<br /> . - "-' agrecment is made or applicable law requims interest to 6e paid,l.ender shaU not 6e required to pay Eorrower any interest or __ -
<br /> - - ea�nings on the Funds. Bormwer and txnder may agree in wntmg.however,that intenest shail be paid on the Futids. Lander �--:------
<br /> ' shaU give to Bortower.without ebarge,an annuai accounting of the Funds,shawing ece�its and debits to the Fwids and the �;��,�=
<br />.-, - ' purpose for which eacb debil to the Funds w�s made. The Fw�ds are pledged as additionai security for all sums secuted by ��:-�,R
<br /> , ° !t0$$CCWtIJ�II1SfIUlIICI11. ' �±n�s��r::_=
<br /> x ; ' to be 4eld 6 a licahte[aw. Lender shall account m �___
<br /> { If the Funds held by Lerider exceed the amounts pesmrr.� Y PP ==_-,�,
<br /> � e Borrowe�for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirrr:nu af applicable law. If t[�amount of the Funds held lay s�;�t�= :.
<br /> .. � I.e n d e r a t a n y t i m a i s n o t s a f f i e i e n t t a p a y t h e E s c r o w I t e a i s when d�e.Lender ma y so na�.�`BOrrowec in writing,aad.in
<br /> � ' •t• such case Botmwer shali pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bormwer shall make up the �-�-•-�: �=:
<br /> - -•- - deficiency in no mone ti�an t+velve monthly payments.az 1-ender's sole discretion. _,�,:��;:�-;.'=�
<br /> � ;r. - `�� a � Upvn payment in fuU of all sums secu�ed by this Securit�[nstrumen�Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Botruwer at►y
<br /> . �3� r�,'��` F u n d c h e l d b y L e n d e r. I f,u n d e r p a r a g r a p b 2 1.l.e n d er sha11 a c q u7re ar sell ihe Pro p e rt y.Lender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> ��'�''�` ' � sale of the Properry.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sate as a credit against the sums
<br /> E�� ::�aF� • �
<br /> .�yr �. ::.�. secared by this�ecunty Instrument. . ':' ..�.
<br /> '°"` � ' 3. Application ot Aaymeats. Unless appt°"czb:e faw provides otherwise.all payments received by l.ender under • _
<br /> - � pardgraphs 1 and 2 sha116e apQlied:first,to any�r�ayment charges due under the Note:secand.to amounts payabte under ' . ' . `-,�_
<br /> �� paragraph 2;third.to interest due:fourth,to principal due;ancl tas�to any late chazges due r�xter the Note. . ;,.�,". •::�
<br /> q. Charges: Lieas. BorroA•ec shall pay aSl ta�ces. asse�sments.charges. fines ard:impositions amibutable to the ..:;;�"•4—
<br /> '�.' ' PYoperty which may attain paority over this Secu�iry Instrumen�,and leasehotd paymenu ar ground rents,if any. Borrawer ,� � �`?*f:ti��;=:���
<br /> . F`:-• . .
<br /> '� � � `-� ' shall pay these obligations in the manner provided"m paragrapt�2.or ii not Qaid m that manner.Borrower sha11 pay them on , .���'--
<br /> .-'.-` .:'�:�,:,r•_:. -'''-'_
<br /> ,-"� • .�;.�,,�=�;;.�� : time directly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall prompily fumish to Lender all notices of amou�ts to be paid under ,�: :.;.�;;_��
<br /> _ - :.>:»_• �' this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments di�ectiy.Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lendes receipu evidencaig ��;� •`,,��`z<<,�;:=RY
<br /> r' '.�?!`;. the payments. • :�:;'. x"_-
<br /> • - - $omower shail prompUy discharge any lien which hac priority over this 5ecurity In.strument unless Boirower.(a)agr�:s �` �'` _ __
<br /> ' � � ' in wtiting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender:(b>wntests in good faifh the �� �___`
<br /> �, ( �'. lien by.or d e fe n d.v a gai n s t e n f o r c e m e n t o f t h e l i e n i n,l e g a l p r o c e e d i n g s w h i c h i n t h e L e n d e r+o pinian o p erate ta prevent the ._ �.,;_,�..,,�;,.
<br /> ��; enforcement of the lien:or(c)secwes irom the hatder af the lien An agrerment�tisPuctory to Lender subordinating the lien �r;-�•
<br /> ' to this Security Instrurnent. If Lender detem�ines that any part af the Property ic subject to a licn which may attain priority ' `��
<br /> .. ' � .: �;; � ` .' -•
<br /> . "�`' over this Securicy lnstrumcn4 Lender may give Horro�ver a notice identifyin�thc lien. Bortowcr shaU satisfy the lien or take . "r";';�'••,'�• �.
<br /> 3 7,�»-': :.,•r ,•. . . - : n�,.,
<br /> - one os moce of the uctions set fonh abovc within 10 days of the giving of nnticc. � :' ..
<br /> ,��- � 5. Nazard or Properfy lasurance. Borrawer shall keep the improvcments now existing or hereafter erected on the •
<br /> Property insured against lovs by�re,hazards included within thc tcrm"extended cnvcragc"and any other hazards.including f
<br /> ��.•�. . � ` floods ar floading.for which L.ender requires insurance. 'fhis insurance �hap be maintained in the amounts and for the , . � . . �
<br /> . +����4' turm3018 9l90 lputP'ofhP�+�esl I+. � ... ' � .
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