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<br /> 'ibcuosooris lloyd R. Rszay, Jr. and Larna Ei�. Razey. each in his�and har
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<br /> Earl 0. llErlschwede; Attorney . ���' ��� t
<br /> - , f'7tustee") 'i'de ba�eficiuy is
<br /> � � The Equitab2e Building anQ tcan Assocsetion* Grand Island_, Nebrasks � .
<br /> , wfiichisa�oizedande�ism,gondertfielawsof the State o€ Ne6raske ����s�
<br /> - 113-115 Nurth Locust Street, 6rand IslancE, Nebraska 88801 � .
<br /> , . _. . _ . � _ -... .., . . , ("Lender°). Baeowerowes Leades the priucipal sut�cf -
<br /> �xte�en Thousaad and no/100 --------- -- ------l��=---------------------- .<
<br /> ats S.S 16` OOQ.00 ). 'Fhis debt is evideitced 6y Boimwea�'s ttote dated the same date as ttiig Setarity
<br /> �iruu�tunent("Note"3,'which provides far monthl3► PaYments.with dEe-Cv��if not paid earlier.due and p�ya6le�me
<br /> tlay 1: 2002 . 77us Securiry lnswment s�es,u3�nder. (a) t6� �epaYment af tt�e debc
<br /> ;�idenad bp tbe Nate.with uxerest,and all n�wats,eutensions and riadifi�eE t6e Note:tb)tbe payme�c�3dl oti�er
<br /> . s�uns,with inteaest,advanced under paragraph 7 to�ntoct tUe security of this Scetiri��nstnunenC and(c)the�ce of ,
<br /> ' �, �$ormwer�s covenants and agreements. Fa[d�is purpuse.Borrawer irrevocably grants and conveys to 7ivstce.in itasf,with
<br /> ^. . ` pawer of s�fe,tde foDowing described propecs�located in H a 11 �� " � .
<br /> � . ,. C�unty.Nebrasica:
<br /> Ti�e Sout�o Half (�) of Lot Three (3) and r�7. of Lot Five (5) . in Block Twenty- —
<br /> Three (23) , 'in Scarff's Addition to West Lewn,. City of Grand Island, Hall -
<br /> Eouaty, Nebraska, , •
<br /> whichhastheaddressof Z206-2208 West, 16th, O��nd Islend -
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