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<br /> .� wvhich is tbe�topettg Addnest-.- .. . ' , � '
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<br /> . . �B�t Rider � . �Wte Ldpmvement Rider �Seca�d Home`Rides '.
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<br /> � .' AY SIGNIPICs BElAVN,Bomnwer ac�epts and aga+es to tlte t�rns aad covenants contained in this Socurity Inshunxnt
<br /> — ' s�d in any tidec(s)exceuted by Borrower and�witb it
<br /> _ ,
<br /> Witnessesi . � • �
<br /> � • ' � � (Seal)
<br /> , A�f�e J. Mrkvicka '$O1°'""
<br /> � , :. Sar•'.sS Security Number 508 84 3A6'�_ .
<br />-- , ..., . '��xAa^r��, n-.�L�T�LV 1�IIL�,.�ea1) .
<br />= � � Susen R. Mrkvicka -��
<br /><_x
<br /> ` , Social SecurityNumber 507 92 7229
<br /> , STATE OF NEBRASKA. ' H a 11 �antY�� -
<br />_- On thls 21st day of April, 1992 .before me,the.undensigned.a Notary Pub6c �
<br />__, dulycommissionedandquatitiedforsaidcounry.pers«�altycamc Alfred J. Mrkvicka and Su�$@n� R.
<br />- -- Mrkvicke� each in his and her own rfght, end es spouse af��i�lcnt�hft6$eihe —
<br />-= idenucal persons(s)wlwse a�nne(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the eaesurian thereof to =
<br /> "6� be their . voluntaryactandd�: -=
<br /> �'i+' ' -
<br /> _ W;tne.csmyhandandrwtariatseatac Sr�nd asland, Nebraska insaidcounty.the =
<br /> -;� date aforos�id. '�'��'L- v �/ � =
<br /> .:: � M Canmtssion explres: �/' �/" - '�f-� ' -� � `"��'��'��
<br /> „_::" Notaty Publ�c
<br />- - ��'�1��M�� REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE , �
<br /> _ Ccmm.E D. • t f the rtote or noces secured by this Dccd of Trust. Said nore v�,natcs,together with all
<br />.-� otlter indeMeQness secured by Ehis Deed aff'�'aust.have•bcen paid in full. You are hereby directe3tcs cancel satd note or notes _
<br /> and this Deo�of 7ivst.which are dellvere�hereby,and to reconvcy,withoui warranty.all the estate now held by you under _
<br /> r.t.is Deed of Tn�st to the person or persons legally entitted thcreto. -
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