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<br /> -_ c,�tn�aa�m�tt ������s s�l:.� Those cooa�tioas s�t�ac so�soweE: c•�_- _ _
<br /> . pays Lader aii sums whicN theo wou ,
<br /> � < aec�a�(b)cucrs aay default of any ather caareo�tls ar agee�nent�(cj PaYs all�xP�nses incuried'nj enfa�ing tbis Sa�trity ,
<br /> ' Instrwne�u,inclu�ng,but pot'Timrted to.teasaybk au�rneYs'fee�and td)sakes such�iots as l.enda m�y trasonab{Y .
<br /> ,tequi�e tn�tssiue d�at tbe lim of this Satiuiry inst�iimen�Landts�iights m the Ptvpaty and 8amwer's obligation to pay t6e '
<br /> ���aps secuned by this Sec�ity�t stult C��� ��8� Upa� ninstatement by Bamwa.this Secutiry " -
<br /> � � t�aa�drc oblig.�naas sa�u�hc�bg shail�emaid fullg eH'axiva as if ao acceleruiun had occ�mrd. Howev�ei.�his ,_
<br /> - right W nansU�te shall aot appty in sbc cast of xceMatioa�p�grapi�1�- ` �
<br /> •1! l�ai�d Naty Cia�e�Iro�a Servker 71x Note ar a putial intecest in the Note(together with ttus Seciu�ty
<br /> Instcuax�)maY be soW oae or more times witt�oat prior notice w Bamower. A saie may�esnit in a c6aage in We entity
<br /> . (Irnown as tbe°Imn Setvicer")that colTecis moat6lY WY�due under the Note ac�this SecuQiry Instrument. There a[so ,
<br /> may be uoe ar mae cUanges of t6e Lo�n Servica imrelated w a s�Ie of the Note. If there is a cb�age of tse:l.o�a Senricer,
<br /> Bamwa wU 6e givc�written noace af the ct�age m accoNu�ct with par�grrptl 14 ahove aod applicabk law. The aotice .
<br /> w�l state t6e name and address of We aew i.oaa Scrvicer aod die addnss tu which payrnents should be ma�e. 'IUe notice will
<br /> alsocsaatain aay aher inf�tian requuedbY�PP�e law. �
<br /> _ _ ZA Hferardoss Ssbsiaace�. Borrowec sha11 not cause oi permit the presence.u5e,disPosal•storage.or ielease of any ------ -
<br /> --- - -'-Hu,�Mons Sub.waces ar or in d�e Ptnpe�ty. Bomower s1�ll nat do.nor altow aayone etse to do.anything affectin8 d�e.
<br /> � p�ope�ty tb�t is in violarion of any Favunncnentat Law. 7'he preced'ing two sentences shall noe apply to t6e ptesence.use.or
<br /> _ , ' storage on the Pmperty of smat�qa�tities af Haza�dous Substarices that are genetalIy recognize�.to He appmpriatc ta naxmal
<br /> = residrntial nses and to m�ten�nce of t6e Propeny.
<br /> -. : Bormwer sha�I gzirn�ty give Lafder wcitta►notice of any ircvestigation.claim,demand.tawsuit or other actian by any .
<br /> - —. gavenuneotal as►�J�i�r)'aSe�cY or private pany invoIving tl�e F�nperty and any Hazacdous Substance ar Enviconmental
<br /> -- - � Law of which S�1�as acn�1 iawwkdSe. If B�owec tenrrs.or is notified by riny govemmental or tegulatacy -
<br /> - ' authority.that arry iee►r��ai ar other cemedi�6on of any Ha7ardoos Su6s�e��S•��P�Y is necessary.Bornawer --
<br /> s1�aU promptly talce siiE�sary nmedial actions in acco�iance witb Eavuanment�l.Law.
<br /> - ! �is uud m tdis�20."Hazardous Substances"are those substances de�ned as waic a ha�ardoussubstances by --
<br /> � Environmental Law a�d�e foUawing substances: gasoli�e.icernsene.other�I;�nable o�toxic petroteum products.toxic _. _
<br /> ; pesticides and lierbicides,volatite solvents.materials cantaining a:M6�e'stos or fartnatdeDyde.and radioactive materials. As �4 j=
<br />: � used ut this paiagrapt�20."Environmenlal Law"tneatu federai�taR'���aws of the�aristHctio�t where the Phoperty is located "�;,�,_
<br /> � that�elau w heald�.safery`or environmental protection. . � _
<br /> _ ; NON-UNIFORNf�l►ENANTS. Boaower and Lender furthercovenant and agree as follows: �� _ -
<br /> - Zl. Accekr�tto�;�ks. Leeder sbatl gire nMice to Borra�rer prior to accekratioe tdloRiys��farraWer's �
<br /> brqcb d suo9 oovens�E�ag�eement in tdt�s Secaritp in�trame�t.(bat nat prlor to aocekration nnder�uagrap617 �`
<br /> p��ppilabk Is�►pnovides ot6erwFse). TUe aotice sbaU spec�:.(a)the detaatt,lb)the actioo reqwired w care the ��=-:==
<br /> � - ' defa�ih,(c)a due.aat le�t6�30 daqs tram t6e date tbe�o6c�e`s given to Bocro�rer.6v.tiicb tlie defaWt m�st De ----_-
<br /> r`'�: c�ved.aad(d)tIW tailrre to Wre the detAatt on or 6efore the�e specified in the notice map tYSnit ix�cekrotion o� �-
<br />=� the san�a secored by tiis 5eca�ty lnstrae�ent and saie of tl�e Fruperty. T6e�otice sbaU[urt6es Wors Borrower ot . �""'--
<br /> ':�` __�..
<br /> �e rt�6t to reiestate�Rer accekration aad t6e rig�t to�g a aaprt acliat ta a$ert the nou-existence�af adefault ar ��:
<br /> . � auy ather deta�se ot�rower to accderation a�d sai� If tire defaWt is�at aQred oo ar befon the date�spedfied in __T._�
<br /> ' tde aatice,I.cnder at itg option miay require immediate paymeat ms iali o�all sums securM by tbis Security Imtrament �?�-:;vYr,:._
<br /> ' � . wilhout tnrtber denwnd wd may inv�►ke tha power oi sale and any other remedie.s permitted by applicable 9aw '�:;t;"'._
<br /> 1.ender shail 6e entitkd to cdlect ail expenses incurred ln pnrsuiag the remedi�provlded in this paragrapb 21, �":-�;` �
<br /> � ,ioctudiug.6ut not Ilmeted to.reasons�ble attorneys'tees and costs ot titk evidenc�
<br /> � ! It the powee of sate�invoked.7Trustee shall recorA a notke oi default in each caunty in which any part ot the .._.,.-
<br /> . G Property is lopted and s�ali nwil copies ot sucb notice in the manoec prescrihed by applk�6le law to Borrower and to . ,.. _
<br /> ���•+ • � t6e other persons prescribed by appUcabte tuw After the time required by applic�ble law,7irustee shaU glve pubUc -�'�`'
<br /> :•r. . �
<br /> t�� � notice ot sak to the persaas and i�the manner prescribed Ay appticable law 7bstee.without demand on Borrower.
<br /> • • shall sell the Property a!�nblic auction to the high�t b7dder at the time a�d ptace and under the terms Qesigrwted in ��;. •.'. �:_;_:
<br /> ' • ' � the notice of isnnk in oxe ar more parcels and in yny�srder Tcu.�tee determines. Trustee may postpone sale ot a11 or any i ;,;;:; .:.;�.. _-
<br /> parcei of the Property�-�ublk announcement at t�e time aad place ot an��reriausly scheduled sala l.ende�or its ri�f.:', , :'_, °
<br /> , designee mav purchage the Property at 9ny sale. , �� �,. . . �
<br /> . � Upon rpceipt at paymtnt M the prke bid,Ti�ustee shall deliver to the purchASer 7lrustee's deed conveying the .�-1:�,
<br /> property. 'ti'ie rccitats in the 7lrustee's deed sh�lt be��im�faa�e¢�idence of the truth otthe statements made therei� �' _'•�•'
<br /> � 7Yustee sha11 apply the proceeds ot the sate in the f�ow•ing order: (a)to aU casts and expenses otexercising tbe pow�ec ���� �
<br /> �:-
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