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<br /> --�-j.,NldGls Opt10�.�f�iD,i'AYC1igC t0�[Ota't—�.+CII �f S�.S���r � - _- _,— - -
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<br /> • 's6aU have tbe�ri�rto taict the polieies md reeew�ls.-.If Lendes rCquirss,Easr�wer�shal}p�omPdY give ta.i+ender�Q mceip�s -
<br /> ' of p�it1 p�miems md c�n�ewal noticxs. in the event o!Ms�.'Bortawer shall glve PmmPt r�otice,w the insutanoe,curiei
<br /> Leader. Lendermsy maic�pivaf of toss if tx�t made pomptly bY Bomower. ` �� � ' ;
<br /> � lJakss�.aad Barowa alxxwise ag�oe in�r�3tiag.iavmnre proceeds s�ll be applied to nstor�tion os iep�Q oi , .
<br /> tLe ptopetty cl�maged. if the �tauio�i or repa'v is ecawm�calEy fra�i6k and I.encTei�s securiey rs noF i�.sseae� Yt tAa_ _.
<br /> nestaatioo ar repair is na ecaaomicaily feas�'bk or Lender's secN�tY woWd be lacs�ned.the uumaure p�va�eds s�fi be _
<br /> applied w the smns soc�ed by this Socurity In�►t,whethec��rot ttxo due.with aay�xcess paid to 8ormwier. If .
<br /> Batmwer abaodnos tUe Ptaperty,ar does not answtr within 30 days a natice from Leader tt�at the insoratxti curier has
<br /> � offered to satle a claim.si�ea Lender may cdkct the ins�uance pcnceeds. Lerder may�se the procads co:e�ir or resta�e •
<br /> � the Pt+nperty or to pay sums socu�ed by this Security InsuumeiN..whether ar not i6en dae.'th 30-day period w�ll beE!n wlien .
<br /> t6e naice is gnren. . �
<br /> tJnless Lender md Bornower oti�erwise agrce in writing,any applieatian of proceods to�acipai shalt not ex�oc ,
<br /> �po�tpont the duc daoe of the monddy paymaits refemed tu in puagraphs i azid.2 or chartge the amoiuit of tbe paymears:tf
<br /> '-- urrder�22 t6e=Property is_aaquirod by Lencierc-$ormwe�'s right w ady insurance policies�ad proceeds ce�g- -,- .-:�- -
<br /> � ' fivm damage to Ihe P�+npeny pdo�m the acQuisiEion shall pau to Leadcr to the extuit af tbe swns secured by tbis SeariicY
<br />- Instnurrcat immed'iately prior to theacquiseHon. ` ` •
<br /> f� Ooerpuc�, Preser�atio�. Maintenance and Protection ot tl�e Prapert�; Borro�var's L.a�n Appiiptio�i
<br /> Ld�eroid� Bomnwe�shaD occapy.estabtist►;�r1 use the Property as Borrower's princ�pal resideace ait�i�sixtY days afur . .
<br /> - , the eaecutiai of this�ciuiry Insp�ment aud;sb�il cor►pnue to accupy tiie Property as Borrawer�s psi��iesiclenca far at -�
<br /> _ ttast oae year aft�:ibe date"of occupa6cg.:iuiless Lerder otberwise agrees in writing, which cotisent sf�all not be .
<br /> - u�u�easonably witbheld,or untess eatenuazing c�r�umstances ezist which are beyond Bomawer�s control. Borsnwer shaU.irot -
<br /> - destroy.dwna8e or im�rair the Ptoperty,allow tbe Ptnpaty to deteriosate.ac commit wacte on tfie P�operty. &imoaies:�'aq
<br />..�_ ` 6e in defaalc i€any furt'eiaue action ar pmceeding.w�r civ�'1 or crima�.is 6egun tha[in Lenderk gaad faith ji��t-
<br />— cauld result sn forfeiture oi the Propercy or otherwise materially impair dM�llen ereated by this Security Inswri.se:s�'cit.. ,
<br /> Lender�s secmdty interesG Borrower may cure such a default and reinstak�a��rovided in P�S�Ph 1 S.by causing ttr aesi�a ,
<br /> -- ' or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a inting thtt.in l.eixier's good faith detemiination.precludes forfeiture of the Bdm�:�s . � .
<br />_ interest in the Property or other materiat impaim�ent of the dien created by this Security instrument or I.ende�'s se�iity
<br /> interes� Boaowet shall alss be in deiautt iF Bomower, during the ioan application process.gave m$�ly fatse or
<br /> . ` inaccurate infom�atiorror statements to l.ender tor fa�'ted to provide Lender with any material infonn�tior��i:n•cj::i���tiori with .
<br /> ' the loan evldenced by,the Nate. inciuding. 6�.nat limited to, repc�esentations conceming�Borrower'�:v�itpancy af•the
<br /> �• • Pmperly as a principal tesidence. If this Secur�.�;instrument is on a leasehoM;Barrower shalf comply�:'L�a3i th�provisions
<br />��� �� of ttse tcase. if Bosrawer acqaires fee title to the PrapeRy.the teasehotd and tbe fee tiUe shall nat merge unless Lendec a�r.rees ,
<br />�"', to tite rr�:cger in wridng. � .
<br />--__- � ,'T:- proteaion ot l.eedte's Rights in tUe Proprrty. If Borrower fails to perform the covenantc anct agee�::�ts
<br />.-= conaine�f in this Socurity Instrumen�or thec+e is a lega! proceeding that may xigneficauUy affect Lender's•rights in the .
<br /> � Property(such asa��a:oceeding in 6ankruptcy.pro6ate,for wndemnation.or fadeiture orto enforce laws or cegulations).then
<br /> Lender`may do and�ay for whatever is necessary to pratect the value of the Property and Lender's righ�ti in the Property.
<br /> I.enday acti�ns may�nclude paying any sums secured by a lien•which has priority over this Security Instrumen�appeanng �:,• . •: . '
<br /> in court,paying neasonable attomeys'fecs and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action �n=
<br /> under this paragrapb 7.l.ender daes not have to do sa. -'�`"��
<br /> � M amounts disburSed b Lender under this ara ra h 7 shall become ad�itional debt of Barrawer secured by this ' 'pi�'+�::`•---
<br /> Y Y P. S P . ..: _-t��<�:
<br /> � • Securiry Instrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ather tertnsof payment,these amounts shalt 6��terest from thc :�---�-_.-
<br /> dute of disbursement at the l�iote rate and shall be payable.with interest.upon notice from l.ender to E�,�rower rec�uesting ��`'�`"" -
<br /> �`.�-
<br /> Pay��, �;��.� .
<br /> • ; 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuircd mnngage insurunce as a canditian af making the loan secureA by this ;,�T_.
<br /> Se�.t"r [nmumen�Bonawer shaU the rcmiums r uired to maintain the mart a e insurance in effect. If.fos any • ��°:^�-
<br /> ty PaY P eN S S .. �-�:<.�•T-;�•=:�-
<br /> reason, the mortga�e insurance coverage required by Lendcr lapsec eccwa�e� tu be in effert. Borrvwer shall pay the _ _:.:if_ �_=
<br /> premiums require+�to obtain coverage tiubstanti�lly cquivalent t��he rr,c.rc�age insurance previous.l�• �ei'fcct. at a cost �+�.:i
<br /> • subctantially eyuivatent to the wst ta Barrawes of thc mortgagc insuramre previoutily in effect.fram a..?�lcemate mortgage ,�=s#�"�
<br /> insurer a roved b l.ender. If substantialt c uivalent mort a�r imurance covera e is rat available.SAffUWff ti}IAU a to � a': '��TM=
<br /> PP Y Y N S b F P Y -. •_�.s.,
<br /> Lender each monih a sum equal to ane-twclfth uf thr yearty martgage insarancr premium L°ving paid by Horrower when the �-••-;;- -
<br /> insurance covera e la sed or crased ta be in ef fect. Lender wil!arcc t.utie and retuin thctia a mems as a lass reserve in licu "� { �1�
<br /> s p P P Y _,-.���'i��_.
<br /> of morlgage intiur:u�ce. Lo�;s reserve p�ymentti may na t�nger be reyuireJ,at the option of txnder,if mortgage insurance ` - -,�:,..;;r.,-,+�,
<br /> ;":�;::.
<br /> � cover�ge(in ihe amount and far thc periexf Ih�t Lrnder myuire�►pt��vidcd by an intiurer approveQ by Lcnder.�g�in Hecamcs ,., .• ' :���s:�.:�,�:
<br /> available And is obtained.enrrower tihall pay the premiumti required t�maintnin mangage intiur.�nce in eiPect,nr to pmvide u • •' _ ::.�;.
<br /> � lass reserve.uniil thc reyuirement fav mongage insurance endti in acconlance with any«ria�n:�greement he[ween Barrower ' �_ � �'�•
<br /> „
<br /> as���rndcr or applicablc law. � , ,
<br /> _ _:: y�.����,��` 9 Inspeetian. Lender or it�agent may makc r�a.onabte rntricY u�x�n and in.prction�uf thc Properiy. Lcndcr�hall ' � •
<br /> � � give Bonawer natireat thc time of��r prior tn an in�pcctian speriCyin};rca�on:iblc cau�e for the in�pertiun. - ,
<br /> :,'�r 10 ('ondemn�tlon. Thc praeeds uf any uw,ud i�r claim fcv d:miageti,direct��r can�cNucntia?,in eunncc�inn witb any . , •
<br /> ,.:i
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