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<br /> _— .�_ --_--§°:___i�r�.`.. . ' '__' " _ - _ " ' � . . ( - � ' ` c'._ .. .—_ �_. . . _ ' ._' ` `. `- .
<br /> i . . , � . '� ` � � � -��-' ��`=��'S� < <. ..
<br /> . . � '�oc�e w,ni�u m�����a��ea���►.�a,���.�. .
<br /> �- ` _'-._..�,-�aod futures eow ar Iretafiet i�rt c�'the pcope�AlI regiuenknts�nd additioas sib�11 slso be mYaed bY tl�is Securky �_
<br /> ooegang is to ty as --
<br /> � BORRQWFI�CDVENANTS tf�t BoROwu is tawfuUy`seised of.the cst�tq tKt+cby convtyed at�d.has thS dg6t so grant_ ��.
<br /> and camey tAe'�toperty aad thu tLe Propeny is�eacum6ered.eacept for encumb�nces of crcad Bamvrer wartaMS aad
<br /> wiil def�nd generally Ux dtfe to thc Rope[ty again.g all claTms aad 8emands.subject to any encumD[aoces oE�ecoc+d. �
<br /> THIS SF.CURtCY INSTR1lMENT combines unifam oovenants for natioaal use aod non-uaifortn cavenantc with ,�
<br /> .. limitod vuuuions iry jurisdictian to constituc�z iu�ifarm security inst�umntt coveriog rpi p�opaty.-- ` �
<br /> � ' UMFORM aQVENMTiS. &xsowa and l,tr�ded coven�nt a�7d agtee as fo1laws:� ` .
<br /> ' l. Px�sat�at Eh�l�apd a�d Lteres�Pi''ePqMeet aed Late C�aRes Borrovrer sh�ll P�PUY PaY�+�n due the ` �
<br /> piacipal of snd i�an t6e debt avideaced by the Nate aad any PrePaYmen�3ad tate chuges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. I�1wb for'liu�es a�i Ia�ea�ca Su6jece ro applicabte.tavr or[o a�vritten waives by I.ender,Baaower st�ll pay to ,
<br /> , Lsnder an d�e d�Y��Y WY�?re doe ander the Nate.untii tAe Nae is paid in full,a sum("Fw�d,s")for:(a)yearly ` .
<br /> _ - tues and assessments which may att�a{xiurity ovrr tHic Security Insuumenc as a ixn on the P�opecty:tb)Y�Y�� .
<br /> _= payroents ar ground reats ao t6e pr�opecty. if anY� tc) YeulY tu�z�rd or propetty �nsuranct Pnmiams:(dl Y�Y� .
<br /> : it�sorance_premiums,if any;(e)Year[Y m�t�g�_!nsutaoce P�'�tuiums.if 2qty;aAd(�any sums POYabk bY Barower to
<br />-=-, l.mde�ia xz�du�ce vvith the prorisia�s of puag�ph S.ia lieu o�the p�ymetit oT mo�tgage iawrrnca�cnuvm� TI�-
<br /> items�c cailed"Escrow Items." Lender may.at any time.coltect and hold Tw�ds in an amount not to esaed 15e maximum
<br /> amouae a Iendet for a federaily related moitga8e loan map tequicz for Fo�rowes�escruw accounc under the fcderal Rad
<br /> • pstate Seulemem procedw+es Act of 1974 as amended fcom rime co dme.121{S.C.§260t er sey.("RESPA").unless�nother
<br /> .� , !aw ti�at applies to the Fiuids sas a tessec amowrt. If so,t.ende;may,at any rime,eollect and hold�unds in an anxwat not to
<br /> exceed the lesser amam� Lcnder may estia�ate the amount of Funds due an the 6esis of cument data and n�asona6k ,
<br /> es6maus of axpendidires of fuum Fscmw Items or ot6envise in aaordance with applicable law.
<br /> - . �e Funds shall be held in an inuicution whose deposits an insured by a federal ageney.instrumerit�lity.ar en6ty
<br /> _ {"i�ducUnB I.endpr.if Lendes is such an institutian)ar in any Federal Hane Loart Bank. Lender sh�U appty the Furtds to pAy � .
<br /> the Esctow Items. I,ender may not cim�e Bacmwer for holding and�pplying the Funds.annuatly analyzing the esetow '
<br /> � account,or verifying the F.sctuw Items. unless Lender pays Bortower interest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its =-
<br /> � 1,ender to maice wch a charge. Howevet.Lender may requu+e Borrower to pay a ane-time chazge for an independent teal ---__
<br /> .--- � . ` .esrate tax reponing service ased by Lender in connection with tLts toan,tmless a icable I�v otlrcrwise. Unless arz !�".'�
<br /> PF�' P�►� �=:x;y:-
<br /> agroert�ent is made or applicabie Iaw requires interest to be paid,,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ���:�,•r_.
<br /> ramings on ihe Fundc. Bomower and Lender may agree i n w r t ri ng,h o w e v e r.t h a t i a t e a e s t s h a l l b e pai d o n the Fuads. Lendcr ��`�=�=-
<br /> _ < < <...��-
<br /> �� ' �`� sda11 give to Borrowei.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing cnedits and debits to the Fimds and the. �.:- ;��
<br />: �� � , purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are 1ed ed as additional secwity for alt sums Secuc�d by � � `
<br /> � P S . r-�'�=:-.:_-
<br />• titis Security Instru�rien� •_`,`:"'.l�
<br /> 4��.� If the�f�5mds held b� fua�der exceed tite amounts permitted ta be held by �iicable taw.I..ender shall account ta
<br /> � � •'',,; . Ldocrower for the excess��ccv�in accordance with the requiremenu of applicable Iaa:�_ If the amount of the Fuuds held by ,P-.,
<br /> � �� ; , �I.ender at any time is not stsfFrcieat to pay the Escrow Items whcn due.Lender maS:so notify Botrower ia writ�.and*in ���"'�'
<br /> 'r'• such case Brnmwer shall pay to Lendee the amount necessary to make up the defieiency. Bor�wer shalf r�ce up the -;,; : ��r .•.
<br /> ��: defieiency in s�vcr.flre than twelve mo�.�v payments.at l.enderti sole discretion. : .. �. d �+:=
<br /> •:;�'...:�.�
<br /> ' ,-•� ": Upon pay�r,ent in fuli oiall sur�ss�cared by this Securiry Instrumen�Lender shaA promp-•tp cefund to 8osrower any : -�-�-°•,.;
<br /> x�'`•�':�=. Fvnds held by Lender. If,ar�..�r paragraPh 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell the Properry.I.ender,prror to th��a:sit:c.�ee . - -- ;
<br /> -"� ` sale of the Property.shall �ty any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agair,��t;�e sw^sa �
<br /> . � ,:.�. "3. . secured by this Security Instsument ' y ��
<br /> `�l'� �` ' 3. A n of Aa nts. �Unless a licable law rovides othenvise.all a ents received b l.ender under
<br /> � �r,� PP�w Y� PP P P Ym Y . ~�.=�
<br /> paragraphs I aasd 2 shall be applicd:first,to any prepayment charges due undcr the Note:second.to amoaits payable under �, -_-
<br /> paragraph Z;third.to interest due:fourth,to principal due:and tas�to any late charges due undet the Note. .
<br /> 4. Charges; Lkn's. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes. asse�smenu,charges, ft�es and impocitions auributable to the ' . � �'���
<br /> ' • Propetty which may attain�ariry over this Security Instrument.and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower s._�_,
<br /> •� 4 ��,<i�'`'�� shall pay these obligations in t�e manner provided in paragrapb 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sha�!pay them on
<br /> � • time direcily to the person owed payment. Bamawcr shali promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under �-,�. ,��-:
<br /> •,l_._
<br /> ��:..;'.i: this parngraph. (f Borrower makes ihese�yments dimctly.Barrower shall promplly fumich to t.e�er recelpts evidencing . . • `'�•
<br /> .�:• , .. .
<br /> . :- ,�.-.°.:, the payments. ,
<br /> ' '-,�;_:- r Borrower shaU promptly dischazgc any lien which haw pdority over this Security Inswment uniess Borrower.(a)agrees . ' ���
<br /> ' y� .� ,;. � in writing to the payment af the abligation secured by the lien�n a manner acceptabte to l.ender;(b)contests in good faith the � -�-
<br /> ' lien by.ar defends against enforeement of the lien in.legat proceedings which in the L.enderE opinion opemte to prevent the . �- . ,
<br /> -;���:�
<br />�• � - 'enforcemene of t6e lien:or(c)sccures fram the holder of the licn an agrcement sati�factory ta t�der subordinating thc licn -,.,,�;--
<br /> �`f• ,�. to this Securiry tnstrument. li l,ender detetmines that uny part of the Property is subject to a lier►whicb may attain prioriry ..:�_:ry•,;,�- �
<br /> 4•�' : over this Security lnswmenb Lender may givc Barrowcr a notice identifying the lien. Harrowcr�hall satisfy the llen or take . .
<br /> `� a •'.�.3�`,;� `� o�e or more of the actions sei fonh above within l0 dnys of thc giving oi noticc. ���'
<br /> �Y.
<br /> •• "`'? " k: S. Ha•r�rd or Property Insu�ance. Borrawer shall kecp thc impravement�rrow existing or heres�fter erected on the �•��� ;' ,
<br /> ....
<br /> � .,• .
<br />- - • - .: ' �� property insured against loss by fire.haxards included withln thc term"extended wverage"and any other hazards.including • . . �
<br /> ,.,.c„.... ,. _ , . _
<br /> , ;�, _-. ,,;• ftoods or ftooding. for whicb l.ender reguires insurance. This insurancc shall be maintained in the amounts and far the . ,
<br /> . . ;;;� ':�°`' •
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