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<br /> � �pprrw�i wriuch sb�lt�ot,Ee u�eawmbty rwkhl�eTd. I€Boaor►rerf�iis to m�iKaia coverage desca�'bed abo�L�a�der may,at ,
<br /> _. -- ���t�gi�,.d�a�avr�get�p=+otxt-E�es3arighisin�sol'cape:t;•.insc�dsaee-v+nth�agaplt?�—_
<br /> :All:��,•�'�p���d�en�r�is shell be accep�ble to�.eeder a�d sdsU ircIt�de s shodu+�matgage.claase. 1Rader
<br /> ' si�ll baire the rig�st w Noid ihe policies�d ienewals. if I�et�dn'rcquiies.Barower slat!�ramptlY Sive to Gendtr all t+eceipm . `
<br /> y �oE pid pemi�iod t�enewal�otices. In the evmt of lossrBorrowec sball give prwnpt notice to tha insur�nce curier md
<br /> l,axlee l,eader may mate qoof of loss if not made P�M�Y ti3►��wer..
<br /> U�L�da and$oaowst athcrwise�groe in wziaag,iaturaoa.p�uc�eds sbaU be appl'kd to�wration or cep�ir of -
<br /> . . ��'oP��Y�8�if tUe restorsaion'or n�ir is eoononusally feasibk and i.ender`s sec�uity is not iesset�ed. If tHe
<br /> ►tstaatiat aF��is�not ecawmically fe�'bk or t�endet�`s�ecuriry woWd be kssenod.tde inwtance poceods s6aU be
<br /> _ . �pplied to t6e swns securcd by this Socuriry Insaumen�whetliei ar nat then dtte.with any axcYSS p�id to Boauwer. If
<br /> Bormwa ab�ndans the Prvpe�ty.or daes not answe'r within 30 days a notice from l.ender tLac tBe insuianoe c�nia l�s
<br /> � offened to settle s cl�rim.then i.rnder may collect die ursuradce paroeds. l.eader may use the procesds to iepair p�:estore
<br /> tAe Fiopaty o►tQ pay sums se�vt+ed by this Secwity lnsuumeN.wt�ter or not tdea due. The 30�day periad w�l besia��fien
<br /> the twtice is g�ren. :
<br /> Uniess t.eoder aod Banower al�erwise a8rce in writing.aay applicaaon of p�oceeds t�pemciipl sb�U not extead ar
<br /> postpooc th�due date of the aionthlY paymeats�eferred to in paragr�pi�s 1 ond 2 or change t6e smount af d�e paymants..If
<br /> � ��2}tbe ptape�ty is s�quired by Lende�Bosi�uwet's right to�ry inswa��ce.polieies and pioc_oc��w�18_ . --
<br /> ,from dynage to ti�e Ptoperty prior to the acquisidon sdal!pass to LeMer w thc a�tent of t6e wmc secuted 6Y dus Sec�ity `
<br /> � , • tnstime��t ntnnediately prior w ihe acqaisirian. -
<br /> -- f. QOCM��9s Pl�Y�R M��! � P[O�lC[�0� ��! Pf�!l�Y4 SO[fU7�ti'f LA�� A�RaI�'s
<br /> i.eaulold�. Bonov�rer sts�tl occupy.establisU,and us�the Ptoperty as Borrnwer�s priacipat tesidmce witLin aisty daYs atkr �
<br /> . the sxecutian of this Sa.�uEitY Ia�aent and sh�ll ca�tinut to occupy thc Ft+npeRy is Banawer's pciucip�l�e�denco foe st
<br /> kast anc ypr a�Ra the daoc of axupancy. uniess Laider ott�erwise ag�ees in writia� which ebasent sil�l[aot.6e .
<br /> ' wurasaaabiY wi[hdeid,or ankss extmuating c.urumstanas exiu which ue beyaad BarmWa's cannol. BaROw�er ab�ti t�ot
<br /> _ desaoy�daawge or impair tIx PropeFty.allow the Avpertj to deteriorate,ar cammit waste an tNe Pimperty. Baao�a s6aU
<br /> -- be in default if.any fakiam action ar p�+ncading.whether civ�or crirnia�l.is begw�tha�iu 1.erder's Sood faitb Jo�a�
<br />_.i cooW rcsult in forfeiture of the Ptnpeny.or othenvise materialty impair the IIrn c�atod bl► tbis Seaait�►tnswmeot a
<br /> 'Lender's seturity iate�est. Borruwer may cune soch a defaWt and reinstate.as providod in puagraph 18,by causia8 the sMian �
<br />-- -` or pmca�ng ta be dismissed with a ttrltng Stat.in Lender's good faith deunrti�wdon,p'roatudes forfeipue of t�e BoQUwer'a . �.
<br /> � intenest in the PtopertY or other maariai impaimtent of the tien c�ratal by,this Seeurity Insuw�e ac Lender�seauity .
<br /> intenst. Bormwer shall also bc. in default if Borrower. duriitg the loan application prooes.s,�ve m�ia�tY false a
<br /> � inaccu�ate inCormation or statements to i.ertder(or faited to provide Lendec with any material infformation)ui�w�
<br />. - the Ioan evidenced by the Note. includia$. lwt not limited ta tatinns conceminS�Bormwerk occu�F ��
<br /> property as a principal tiesidence. if this Secunry Inctrument is o��1d.Boirower shal!comply with aU tbe p�vvisions
<br /> - - � of the lease. If Borrower acquues fa 6tle to tIx PropeRy.the leasehold and the fee title shall Rot merge vnlass Lender agroes .
<br /> to the merger in wrFring.
<br />= 7. Pro�atio�of l.ender's Rishts in the Ptopa'ty. !f Bormwet fails to perform the oovenaots and ag�eerneots
<br /> '. - � , contained in this Security Insbument, or there is a legal procadJng that may signii"uantly s�ffcet Lendec�s riBMs in tUe
<br /> � Piropaty(such as a proceeding in bankcuptcy.probate.for condemnauan ar forfeiture or ta enfarce taws or cegnlations),t1�en
<br /> ' �:' l.ender may do and pay for whatever is«ecessary to pratect tha value af the Ptoperty and Lenckr�s rights in the Ptopeny
<br /> � Lender's actions may inciude paying aay sums secUred by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Inswmen�appearing
<br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property ta make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> ' under this paragraph 7.I.ender dces not have to do sa. _
<br /> Any amamu d�sbursed by Lender under this paragrapl��7 shall become additional debt af Borrower sccured hy ttus �:y
<br /> Securiry Instrument. Untcss�orrower and Lender agree ta other tertns of paymem.these amoants shaf!bear interest fiom the =----
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shail be payable,with interest.upon nutice from Lendcr to Horrower�equesting =
<br /> 'x payment. ' . �--===�-
<br /> ' S. Mort�e lnsuranca if l.ender required moagage insurance as a condition of making tlee toan secnrtd by this , ��`'_
<br />� . '�� Secudty lnswm�r.t Boaower shall pay the premiams required ta maintain the mortgage insurance:�effect. If.for any `'�f-�_-_
<br /> :; trason. the mortgage insurance coveragc rcquired by i.ender lapscs or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mangage insurance pmviously in effect.at a cost . .
<br /> � substantialty equivalent to the cost to Harrower af the modgage insurance prev�ousty in effect.from an altemate mortgage •
<br /> �� insurcr approved t�g l.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance wverage u not availabte.Borrower shall pay to ,':::`
<br /> lxnder each m�.d�a sum cpual to one-twe[fttt of the yearly mwtgage insutancc prcmium being paid by Borrower when the =�r•=�
<br /> • insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to be in�eYrect. Lender will accept.use and retain these paymen�s as u Ibss reserve in lieu _ 4_:{.✓e
<br />° � af martgage insurance. Loss resen+e payments may no lartger be reyuired.at the aption of Lcnder.if mortgage iacurarke .
<br /> � coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender�equires)pravided by an insurer appraved by Lender again becomes ��.,. �``
<br /> • availabte and is abtained.Barcower shall pay the premiums required ta muintu�n mortgage inaurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> loss reserve.urtGL.�e requiremem for mort�?insurance en ds in accor d:see wi t h Any wri tten agre e m e nt between Hartower � ''
<br /> "C and Lender m a�licable law.
<br /> � :.?tiY s�•�`�� � 9, lesp[ction. Lender or its�gent may makc rcasom_C�e entries�.7on and inspcctions of the Property, l.ender shall �
<br /> -. � :.�'. give BoROwer notice at the ti�-,e of or prior to ao inspectioa s�ci fying reasona b le cause for t he inspec tion. �� �''
<br /> e :
<br /> 10. Condemn�tlon. The r�:vcceds of any awud ar cla::n for damages,dircct ar ccn.sequential.in cannection with any :
<br /> , . �' , .
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<br /> • `�� , � ..
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