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<br /> � ' =•' - � - , � ` -
<br /> _ � 1�OGETNER WIIH aA tbe��s mw a be�adk:erec�ed m d�e p�opatY. .
<br /> ,aed 6xnre.t�r ar Mesflx a pct ot tbe p�apeny. *II r�pt�a�d additia�s sMU aiw be Fagened byr�ds Se�tr ,
<br /> . N�r3*�i�l�sa-f,.-��s�ssa-ic:rf�taitttlT�8/+=�^�_..�._'_Y.�'��»_---= --:- �-- - -=----- ---
<br /> a �
<br /> � ` 80[tRaWFB QOVFStAN'ix U�t Banowec is fawfilliy s'e�sed at the eshte l�ereby canYeyrd ao0 b�s the�e w itsit
<br /> a�oobvey tbe Pc�opercy and th�t�e P__t�s_ty is una�cumbered:exc�ept for a�ctunb�oces of iecard. Hacrower w�aa�t ' .
<br /> will defeed Ea�enIIy,tbe titk�t6e YtnQaty s�all claima aad�.sublec�a�uy eecun��heea aY�ecoaf: .
<br /> , � �g cFr'2rQrrv p�I51Rl1MFNl'oambines unifom��oovaiaots for mtjomi ate ind ita�e�m�ifam coventiits wk�
<br /> , lieujted,��i�tioas by Jurisdic�on tn constitute a unifam 3tecuiity��ovair��1 popen!• -- . — �-- - ;
<br /> [JN�R11�C'aVFN�M1'i5. Bor�wer md�t.ender coven�et and ayee as fottuws: ,:• <- .. ,
<br /> L t'�1��R'�a�Lterhh Prep�J�e�t sM La1e C� Barower aball pcompdy P�Y wha�due dn :. �.
<br /> ` . priocip�l of and iotaiest on th�debt ev�deocod bY tbe Note and anY P�'CP�Y����due ueder d�e Na� .
<br /> L I�Tads ler 73u�es aw Irra� Sa6joct w spplicable iaw or tu a waaea wairer.by Lmder,Baaor`ra sbW p�y w�
<br /> ' I.enaar on me aay momluy paya�eats se au�-�oaer the xor�.untit die iva�e is.p�ia;a fWl.a sum i'�ads`)fac(s)ywiY , .
<br /> wca and ssses.w�e�ts which may�m priariti►aver ttis Securicy Insdiunnu as�iieu���)�Y�
<br /> paympnts a,.grouod reaes oa ibe Pro�ty,if aeY: (c)yadY ba7ard a ProP��Y � y� �0°�
<br /> - i�e piem;ums,if�y;te)r�r �S�insurance prcrtnwns•if any:ana cfl aaS�`�P�Y��S►saru.Per w
<br /> _ l.ender iaaeco[dance with the provisions of parsgr�pt�S.in 1_uu af,the paYma�t of mortg�ge insuranCE prenuums. 1lfese_ __
<br /> items a�+e c�lkd"Fscrow Iams." Le�der may,u any time.colkct aad hold Fvoct�ie an amamK nac ta excaed ihe m�tin�n •
<br /> - �tuomjt a knder,for a fecferaRy ielaad matgage to�n maY taNire for Bormwer'a esccaw a000�mt under the fedewt Ral
<br /> ��e Settkpmt ptoaed�ua Act of 1974 ag�mended itant time to timF 12 US.C.�2601 tt seq.("RESPA'7,unkss andha �
<br /> law tdat�ppties to ihe�nds sets a lesser amow�� If so,i�nder may,at any tiune,cdJax and hdd TwWs in aa amowu not W
<br /> eacead tbt lesser anwunt- I.ender max estimate tbe aa�o�mt of Fands due on the bosis af car�nt dats mW ieasa�bie
<br /> estimstes of expeMi�es of futuce Esnow Itans or ntl�eiwise m acco�dance with applicat�le law.
<br /> Tbe Fvnds swll be held ia an mstiw6an whose deposits are insu�+ed by a feQera!sgency.instr�analiry.a entity.
<br /> - (includiag lwder.if I.ender is sach an iastitution)or in any Federal Home I.oan 8�nic. l.ender shall apply the Fwids to P�Y
<br /> aie F.scrmw Iums. t�eaaer roay not cbatge a«mvva fa bolding ana apply�,g the�mds,�nowUy anatyziag the esc�oa►
<br /> accqm�.or:vtrifying the Escmw Ttems,unless I.ander pays Bouower iate�est on the Funds and appiicabl�.law permits :
<br /> I.eoder to matce such a cLarge. However.Lender may reqaire Borrower to pay a onatime charge for an i�dent n�a1
<br /> -_ estate taz reporting sezvice used 6y l:eader in ram�cction with this ia�an.unkss applicabie 1aw provkks otbawise: Unkss aa� . -
<br />= agrcement is made or applicabte law requires interest to be paid 1.ender sdail not be c�ecNircd to pay Bornnwa any interest or
<br /> earniags on the Pund.s. Boanwer and I�ender may agrer in w�iring,6owever.that i�tere,st shail be paid on tLe Funds. Lender --
<br /> shall give w Borrower,without cl�arge:an a�mual a�ccounting of the Funds,showing credits a�td debits w the Tvnd.�and the =
<br /> putpose fa wltich eacb deha w the Fara1s was made. 'The Funds are pledged as addidonal seturiry for al!sams securcd by _-
<br /> this Security Instrumrn� . • �_
<br /> ' - If the£and4 held by Lrnder eROaed tGe amounts permiued w be hetd by applicabte law,Lender shaU account to -
<br /> � Botrowec for tbe eacess Fmtd�ia a000�Eance with t1�e reqairen�nc�uf applicable law. If the aanaunt of the Funds held by __
<br />= Lender stt asiy mne is not sufficien[to pay the Escrow Items Rf�est dae,Lender may s�notifyr Bamnwer in wriang,aad,iw . _—_
<br /> - such case Bariower shalt pay to Lendet the amount necessasy to malce ap the deficiency. Bomnwer ahalt make up We
<br /> � ckficiency In no moce tham cweive monthly paymeats.ar i.ender's sole discredon. -___
<br /> ' .�, Upon payment in finll of alt sums secwed by t:us�ecuriry instrument,Lendar shall promptly refund t4r�onower anY ::.�::
<br /> ' ��`;• . F u n d s h e l d by L e n d e r. I f,un d e c�..nb 21.I.ender shall a c quire or sell the Ptoperty,l.e�der.prior to��cquisition ar� ' .+;:_-_
<br /> sale of 1be Ptoperty,sha11 apP1y az►y t�a'ds held by I:ender at the time of acquislrion or sale as a credit against the sums ::- �.%
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument. �.,`��
<br /> � �� 3 ApplicaHoa a�Payments. Uniess applicable taw provides oWerwisc.aA payments received by l.ender under `'•
<br /> �:..;,
<br /> ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shail be applied:first,to any prepayment cbarges due under the Nvte:second,to amounts payable undcr ;:�°.�:_.
<br /> ,°;�•:�:�-
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due:fourih,to prine�pai due:and las�to any tate chazg:s due under ttrc Nate. •f :;,�
<br />" 4. Clu�rges;Liens. Botrower shall pay ail taxes. assessments.charges.fines aad ir¢positions anributable to the
<br /> � . Property vuhich may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and feasehold paymenzs or�+..CU.^ -�d tenu,if m�y. Horroa� . : --
<br /> shall pay these obligaiion.g in the manner provided in paragraph 2,nr if not paid in that s*z..��._�.�o�rower shall pay them o�e , .�
<br /> ` - tinx directly ta the person owed paymen� Borrower shall promptty fumish to Leader all natices of amounu ta�e paid under �
<br /> � shis a If Bortower makes these ents c�.Fect1 ,Barrowes shail i�r-� fumisb tv l.endet recer"rrs evidencin$ ,,,`,,.
<br /> , Par SraPh• PaYm ` Y F� �'�Y ��.,;
<br />, � tht payments. '
<br />- Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien w6aich has priority over this Securiry Instrumez�t anless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br /> ' .g , in writing tn the payment of the obligation secured by the lien m a manner acceptable to l.ende�:a.b)contests in good faith the ��=�
<br />--- � '` lien by,or defends against e�forcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the l.ender's ep'snion operate to pr�eveat the :__
<br /> ' enfacert�ent of tt�e tie�or(c)secures from the halcxr of the lien su►agreement satisfaciory to I.ender subordinating the lien ,,,;!�; ...,
<br /> to this Securlry Instrumeu� if Lender determines that any part of the Pcopert}r is subject to a lien whicb may attain prioriry ,�
<br /> • • ' • over this Security Instnrmen�Lender may givc Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Horrower shall satisfy the lien rn talce �;•�•,+�•.
<br /> �,��.���
<br />:i.:, �T one or more of tt�e actians set forth abave within 10 days of the givi�of noticc. �
<br /> • ",: ; g. S�zard or Property Iaau�na. Borrower shal!kcep tke smprovementa now cxistin;or here:,fv�erected on dr,e
<br /> • . �.�:; ,. � � ,
<br /> Property ir�red against loss by fire.hazards included within the¢er.-�"extended coverage"and any other tiaz�:ds.includin�
<br /> :__. � �'�H�� flaods or tlobding,far wh�ch Lender requires insurance. 71�is insurance shall be maintaincd in the amcunts and for die
<br /> � ' Fotm 3023 91f� /lwR�2 aJ6 paSasl
<br /> :?�� - . -
<br /> .y� _ .
<br /> .' � ` �.
<br /> :� _
<br /> - ' :.sf'. '
<br /> . . �.x:t_�±� ,�_.. .. =""".._. ,, ..._._._"'_ '•_ _ : . . , .. .. , .. ._. :�
<br />_ ' ����.�:, ;:� .. . , . . .
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