.,� . ..c i: � . ` ` ,3 v 4 :y ' .� ,, ,�'-^.u.;i
<br /> .. _ :�' .. , i, . �.� , _ . ' g � rts . .0 �'r�-t � w'� ' ,
<br /> . � . - Y C �� r l. _, .
<br /> .k,
<br /> ... +� ��� ��Y��v°� ' -
<br /> c 1 7.�'e a r s f e r o t t t c g F c n�e r e y o r a B e�a e i i d a f
<br /> 6��2resi In Fium►sver.lf a11 or an p.�cc of t�e P¢�operty ar any interesi in it �;_•
<br /> is snld or n�asfere�d(nr if a beneiici�l interest in B�oru+wer 3s soid or tr�nsf e r re d a m l rrower is no t a ra*�:r c l p e r s o n)w i t h Q U t =__
<br />' b°',.ti' � Lender s gr8or wri�ten cotuent, Lender m�y. at i�s ap3ion. rt�!�irc iaus�diate Qayarent in full of all sw°ns secured by this ��_._
<br /> Seouriry In�iru�ent.Het�e�er.ti�1g optl�n shal!aoE bc cxcr�ised by i.ender if exercis�is p:ohibited by fcdersllaw os o�the date �T.,,
<br /> , — af Ehis Security instrurc�m. =_=-
<br /> If Lettder exercis�c this opiion.Lendcr shall give Barrower nntice of�celeraiion.Tte notiee shnll prol's,�s a perio�d of nat �
<br /> _ less thaa 3d days fro�e che date the notice is delivered ar cttailed+vit�in cv7uch Borrower must pay ull s��ts secured by ti�s
<br /> � Seci►riry S�tsuument.If�orrower f�ils eo p�y these sums prior to¢tse expiration of e�is period.ie�der may invoke azry�ciedies ;-�
<br /> SC i
<br /> perenitted by ttuis S�ricy Ins�ment wisheut further rtotice or demand on Hurro��er.
<br /> , ' 1&. Borruw�'s Q3igQs8 t� Retast¢te. If Bonower meets certain conditi��s. 8orrower sit�ll have the right to hav2 ..�
<br />'' ,' enforoement of this 5ecurity Instnnn2nt dis,eonti�tued at any time prior to the earlier of: (n)5 days(or se�cts other period as �
<br />'�`_ applicable (a�v may sgeciPy far reinstaae�neat)tsef�re s��le uf the Puopeity pursua�u to any pc�wer af ss!e contained in this ��-
<br />-- � Security Instmment;ot ib)entry of a j�dgmem enf'oay�this Seaarit'9 Iastruaseat.'19ws=oouditions ase th�t Rarrower:(a)PaYs �---
<br /> Y': I.er�er at!sums wirich theo wou1d be due under this Securiry Instn!ment and the Nate as if no asceierafiion had oocnrred:(b) �`"���'
<br /> cures any+de�uSt of aa�y other wvenaats or agceemenss; (c)DaYs ail expenses incune� in eriforcing d�is Security Instrument. �:�°°
<br />'�` •� `�� including.but rwt limited to.reasonable attomeys' fees:and!d)takes such acaon as Lender mny reasaua�lY require to nss°re �,�Y=_
<br /> '��.� that the lien uf this Secuaity Inst�am.enY,�er's nStits�n the P�°P�Y�BO�Ower's oBligadon to pay the�secut�d bY �...__.•
<br /> - [his SECiIAty Imnrnment � cas�t�e unchanged. Upon reinstatem.ent by Barmwer, this 5ecuriry tast:ume� aud tf�
<br /> obligado3s s�ctt�ed hereby shat!re�fiilly effactive as�f au accelerarion had occurred.liowever, t�is righi to rainstzte shal! �'=-`:_
<br /> not apply ia:c�:cas�o�accele�en uader paragrEgh 1�. _-
<br /> 19 SsTra �NcE� Cb:��e a8 Loan Secvizer. Ttue Nose ar a paztial interest in the Note (toget�er with this Securiry ___
<br /> Instaue�.ent)tray be so!@ aQe az ruore times withaut priur naEise to Borravrer.A sale may resuit in a change in t�e eatity(knnvm =.__ ,_
<br /> as t�e'Isa3tt S°..rvicer)e�ai ca!lecxs�onthly pay�e,-it�due ar.d�r the No�and th�s 5ecurity tnstruaent.There atso may he on.. ----- .
<br /> ?;;-;��f;, or�ore c��e s o f##�I�o a n S e rv i c e r u m+e l a t e d t n a s a t e a f t b e N o�e.I f t E�r e e.°,is a c t n a�e of tl�e Laan Senricer.Born►wer vr�ilt be
<br /> -�-_w;,�� giveu waie�..z�aatice cf�e change in acoordance�viti�.p3raSIIaFh 14 a�ave asd�!itab?e�.Ti�.nniice av'.11 stzte ths naare an d '..,.
<br /> addr�ss�'dh:new 1�Servicer and the addre.ss co vrhich gayieenrs shcu!d be made. 'f��nsttx,r�will aL�o contain any other
<br /> ���� � _. r� +• . �;''
<br /> ac:.a�"`._:.��sats.s�;z:ia�. te iaur. � ��
<br /> f*.��� • �;���• Borrower sh�l�c�er,c3sse or�ec�ii tt�gs��ta�,+urs�:.'itispa�tl;:ta��:cr retease of any
<br /> '..�..iY�`.�'nSi�s , aff�•.±�:s�se . ', , .f
<br /> ` ;`�=� ,. Ei�l:'o.ra,.a.��Iast�w�a:.�.��a; in 4�=:'.-�F�Y. �.tsc�a�� sa�i::n�:�. r.os�i�t�w:e:.�raue••�'ts��w�_�,ff�s� ,-
<br /> ---��'�i�:. �c-�ty:���•'ss*.�z�iri�mdosl�f:�rt��yfln�.P**.^;�:.z�r_'1���r�cr�g rnc����m�s�giY.t�1' • �'e�.�a�:� : ..
<br />- _-=� s4�zage c���"s�~.:?,Uf�3catxtl°g�i;�s 9f Haaardovs Suiss��es thas are��..tiy rc�x3��to be appnspriate t����i ---
<br /> ._:_°�="�`g� restdential�sesandtts�>�as�f"-�ProFertY- �`",':_
<br /> ----_-.`;;� Borrower shal!�rp�.�:�y�>�;La�:tr vr�iuen notice of any investigati��..daim.demand, tawsuit oz other acrion by any
<br /> i���
<br /> ,, ;t govemmental or reguinxory agenc�,;��r�rivate party involving ehe Praperty ai'.d aay Hazardons Substance or Faivuonmerital LaN+
<br /> of which Borrower has actual lmow�ge.if Bonavrea te�ns.or is notifi-cl by any govemmentaf os rega�3awry suthority.that L�,�
<br /> . any re�nval or other remediation of aa�.y Hazardous Substance affectin�the PavPertY is necessary.Borrow¢r shail prompdy Wke �.j
<br /> alE necessary remedial actions in accordance wittn Environmentai Law. �,w.
<br /> As usad ia this paragraph 20. "Hazardons Substanses" are those substan�es defined as toxic or bazardo�s substattces by � �
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, keroseAe. other flamq�ble or toxic peuoleum products. toxic �.
<br /> • • pesticides und herbicides.velatile solvents.materials contFiining asbessos ar fom�aldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> . this parugraph 20. "Environ[rtental l.aw" mrans fedetal laws and laws of the juri,sdiction where the Propetty is lacated that �;:._
<br /> � � relate to health,safety or environmcntal protecti�n.
<br /> ~ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower�sd I.endec funher covenant am1 ag�ae as fottua+s: �'
<br /> �:}'.� 21.AcceieratMa;Remedles.[.ender s6a11 give aottce to Borrmve�'prtor tm accelea�ntion folpoxrt�,Sor;owec's bres�ch ��:
<br /> oi any covenant or �greanent tn t6is Serarity i�r�ment (bnt awt pa�tos to acceieradc�andEr p���h 17 untess
<br /> '.���.�;� agpticnlbte law provt�es othetwtse). T6e not�se sh�ll specfPy: (a)t6e de�auit, (D)ttie sct{aa require49 to care tt�e defwIg
<br /> � (e)a adate,mot less ihw 30 d�ys�m the daCe¢brz aa�tc is gd�ea to Boaovrer,by wh4ch t�dtfsvii mu�t b�caretl�an�
<br /> (d)tdat fzita�e eo wn�e¢be e9efnu8II�os 6ef�se t6e date s�eci4ted in the aodce may resu"t iis aoceleratlan oY t8e suws
<br /> secure�by tt�is Secu:t6y.I�tra�eaA ac�sale o�.tLs R�operty.Tfie rcatice shall fnrther inform Bosrower oi the rip,�i to
<br /> ' reSnstaie afte�ucceLeratiad a�the rtght to bmi�a coa,�t IIctinm w ass¢rt t6e�m4xistence of s 8efanfs ar any ather
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceieratbn�r1 sate. �T th�ckfanll is o03 c�ed o»or before the date e�in t@�e m3ice,
<br /> Lender,at its opt�vrn�,.�9 �4��'e immedflt(�1F�Y�►zent is�fu�o[at�s¢��serau�ecD by this See,�rts��,IGrdrasaeB2 cvitt�u2 �,
<br /> .: farther demaad�.�;±�?�uf�tdb�power of sale and aay rst�er r�e��ed�y aPP�ic�i��3ir�.�.euder�1 be - rti�:y,
<br /> �' • auitIed to coIIes¢cJL�t�pe�s i�a�ia passuing the e+�n�s Provtded is ti�v�rs�trrob•21,���uB ac��2fp�tfi2� � .;����.
<br /> to.t�o�Ye n�.`fatr�'s'�Ees a�c�sis o!title evldea+ee. . . . • , . . � �`
<br /> U the poRec�a�f:�tA°£g invoks.�,Tn�stee�I�aU record�notke o���i in�s�,W►tF ����1i�e8 itny g�ri a��the .' .��"";
<br /> ,,, : Property is tacatedt ixucd�� cn�il cupies of st�►t�h nodce in t6e manner�dud by����"CUT�I�itt���o$orrower aud to t =
<br /> t6e other peasar�pc.�,'�q�bY u��4icable Fa���fter the time required ,�uA�IkabYe��s,Trre��s�l P,ive pnblic notice
<br /> ��-����:.;' 01 saie to ti�e persons abd in t�aakt�'..�er presa��e c l 6y up p l t c a b l e[a w.T n u t e e,w i t�r��n;�:�sp Borrower.s6�ll sedl E---�.
<br /> � tbe Ftoperty at publie anctton un W1Xe�ig�est 6Yddes at ttie time and piace ahd ander(Ub�e tr�s destgnated in the noSice o4 �
<br /> ...;,,�.,��' sale in one or more parc�ls and im any order'i'rastee determine�.T�ustee may postp�►.�e sale o!stli or any pareel ot tde �,
<br />'�;: property by paDlic announcement at the t[me sind pluce of any previously schedWed sute.I.�adt�*or its des7gate mmy �'
<br /> ' . purchase the Progt�sty ut uny sade. . � �;,
<br /> �:�:-
<br /> ' � � Form 3A23 9190
<br /> ve�esofe
<br /> �
<br /> �ii .
<br /> r'.};
<br /> . . . ' . . . � . .. . - ' �•.. . • ,4.. . - .
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