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<br /> ., _ . . ..-:=_5.;_ts ' - t.'L1c..
<br /> 9�-� ����� L�:��.:
<br /> �{ �...�:�
<br /> �:-� ��6::-:
<br /> � Pa}Rnents may no longer 6e requir�d.at eke ortion af I.�nd�r.i€mortgage irnsurance caverage�n tfis ansount and for dte pztFast �l,r-.
<br /> � that H.e�r•ter rat�uires)Pmvideci oy an ensuiri a��•w tr3i L�:��o a::-�-''..'-"•"'=a`_"-hra;,,��t: Rc,rrower s3�ai1 noy --
<br /> ��:
<br /> '� the pcer�iums required to ma�ntain mortgage iasu�in effect.or to provide a loss res�rve,uatil the requimment for mort��e ,�'--
<br /> insurance eads in aacord�nce witP►any writt�r►a8texment beivreen Borrower and Lznder or applic�ble law. ��:_
<br /> t 8.ins�toa.Lend�r or its agent taay enake seasoi'.able entries ugon�nd inspections of thc Property. l.ens�er s3�ail giv� :=-N`
<br /> `! Samavrer notice nt the dme of ar priar to un i�ea sp�ifying�onubie cause for the inspection• , ��,•;:
<br /> . � IQ.Con��tn.The ptoceeds of arty award or cluiar�for da�ages. direct or oonsequential. in connection cvith an�r : �;�.,
<br /> co�mcu�iion or oiher taklug of any part of the Fmgerry. or for conveyance in lieu of oondemnation.are hereby a.csigned stnd �;;_�
<br /> �� shalt b:psid to Lender. �'"
<br /> �"` Ia th�event of a total qicin�of the Peo�etty.t�c prviceeds shall be applied to the sums sesvred by this Sezurinj InsstnmEUi. -
<br /> oa
<br /> •� �� whesh:r os aat th�n due.with any eacess paid to 8ormwer. In tlie event of a paitial takinS of the Propert}' in whicb the fair �.:�
<br /> # �vaius of the Ptoperty immediatelY befoze the takisa8 is eqlal w or greater than the amonn+of the sums setv�ed by thi� �,:..._
<br /> � i . Securiiy Instniment iac�nediazety before t�e taldrtg,untess�oaower and Lender othsrwise agree in wridng.the sams s�rati by
<br /> �_:
<br /> ` .�• � �rity Instsum�nt shall be reduced by tf�e a�ouaat of the pmce�s mu23iplied by the follotving fraction: (n) ths tat[�3 � .
<br /> -�:; amr�uni of ths sums secored imraediately bsfose the talaag,divFded by(b?t6e fair market vaiue of the Frnpertgr ir�sedtftiety �r..<
<br /> • 6efore the ta�cing. A�Y balauce sl�al�bc pai�.to B�nnow�r.In t he everct o f a p a rt i a l t a k i n g o f t h e F r o p e r t y in w}�ich the fuir ��L_
<br /> ��'•': mar�s vatue of the Pro�erty ira�ediately befor�the talcim„is less than the amount of the sams securad immodintelp befoiu the =--
<br /> catsittg.ua1r�Somnwer and Iender o�tserwiss agree u+vnitis�g or u�!ess app4isable law otherwise prnvidcs.the psace�ds�h�tl
<br /> :,•;�;, be appiied to the sams secus�d b}r tbsa Secvrity instiv�eot�vh�er or aot the sums are then due. . . .;.``�','
<br /> If t�PrapFaty is ahacdcacd by Bannvrer,or if.aft�a�iwe by.Leader ta Borraner ti'r�3 the oondsmnor offes�ta u�tl:e.tzp �:_
<br /> . �„ aw�d ar�tie a cL•�s::i fos dar�ages, �aso�ccr.fatis ta re�or�uf:tn�.md,e�-�vctihm 3Qt�r:s�ti�e dtie the nosio�i��{t+e�, . ,,°;�,;,..
<br /> ,f� L�°�r is autPvar�l.�w.,ollect au�r,��?y,���s.�r,t.��cXptur�:.c�tlu��a c�orati��,�c�a�q�s�a�:�iw�Pmpem►�r m�t�iEt�%:�ss :
<br />. r�J) , ' � - ' � ' �.-' : ' '- .' ' " - n� ._
<br /> f3CT.�S?l6'iJ%���118�`eCiltlt}I TAfiY[iILG'��" r�!`IB'u:V`f��.`. ' . �
<br /> '; •�Jf,iess I.ender and Bomrr�r���etw��2 s�e in �'�=s{?�<'sny application af gfwrcr,�is tas p�ittci�"�ziC 3�2�1.�t�t`r�:r�or � '
<br /> ., �! ,.' �q�a r�'�e due daie of the m�.'�.3y paym�t�a�d�d C�un�qr%;.�aphs 1 and 2 ar es�a�ri'Lz amwni of�uc�pu��:ti � ,,
<br />�<;,:�,� ; •;`if�.ti�orrower I�at Re!e�^�:Pa r 6�e a a g..�b 9 3.e���a�V a d v e r.E x c e n s:a n,a f s h a a m a f o r p a}�n t"n�` ��c a a o n _
<br /> ,..,at;�. � ed b Leud�m�w suncessor in imer�st of�Su���er shall _.
<br /> .. ,�:; ���sr�Yls3+.4�'on o�s3��,.n±s s�.�.',�3 by this Security Instras�tst��rant Y R..
<br /> �� i: ao4�ut8�.�r�ms:.:e i��=-:��f thc origina!Sormvrer or E vrrowea's suoces..rors i�s i n t e:e s�. L e n d c r s h a 1 1 n o i�e��� •
<br />`. ' t`; oa�cr�prooeeaings against arry successor in interesi or refuse to exteQd time for paymeut os oih�wi:cj mudlfY assraa�rtizatiam
<br /> %� of ttro sums sea�r2d by this Secu�ity Instrurnent by reason of any deanand m2de by the erigiaal Bm�m�rer or$orrower's __
<br /> ;�.�; ��ss��in iate�st.Any forbearartce by Lender itl exercising any right or cemedy sbAq nai bQ a wr�i�wr of or preclude tttr � ,-
<br /> r�
<br /> .._ ;� eas�nise of any right or remedy. _
<br /> . . 12. Su�sors aud �is�signe Bound:JQtr� aad Severa! Id�bflity: Cadgacna. T�p aav�a�u:nnd agreemenu of this
<br /> u
<br /> -= :�t g�uaiy En�nu��t shal! btr.d and hcnefit tiia successoss und stssiF►,�►s of Lender and Bamm»r.r� .vablest to the provislons of r_.
<br /> , • : P�S�P� 17. $orrower's cavennnts And agreF�enta shal! be joint nnd sevcrnl. Acty 8ct�7m�vm.wfio ea�igns this Securiry .
<br /> � ��� Insirument but dGes aot eaecate the Note: (a)is casigcaina th6s Sesu�iry Instrument oni��tu mti�ctgage.�rant caud convey thut
<br /> Borrower's inurest in the Fr+aperty uc�der t�o teraes of this Security instrum�nt;(b)is nrn p�rne+n�lty ablfgated eo pay d�e sucm�
<br /> securai by this S�arrity Instnament;nnd(c�ag������r�nd IIny ather Bosro�v�°r mo���,s�roe to exter,�d.modify.fot6eu os
<br /> �. .;< rn�:a any c�,cc�mmodatIons wit�regard co d:e terms of thas Security Insttument or th�I�atp wf1[inut that BorTOwer's oor.rent. —
<br /> � '+`i 13.Lo�n Charges.If tlu�toa�t securrd by tl�cs Security lnstrumet�t is subJt�i tu a l2itiv w�tuch s�ts maxiuwm loan ct►arges. _
<br /> � ` � as�0 that!aw is fir.�lly interpreted so thnt ti:e inte�at os other lou�cYrarg�s c�ilaciod or ta�is ooltectod in aonnecdaa with the
<br /> ` taan excead the peiatittcd liiraits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be aeduo�i by tho u�unt necessary w redua tlie charge
<br /> ` ` to the permi�ted limit;and(6)any sums alreudy collected from Borrow�.s�whicdi eaac�u3 Pennitted limits will be refanded to
<br /> .�. :r,•,
<br /> ' Bor�a�er. I.ender may chuos�w mnke ttil3 refiuu!by redacing t3�e pcissrip�7 o�«��ander the Note or by m,aking a direct
<br /> �:r � ��.,�t ta Boaower. IS a refund red:tces priac'ip�l, the red.+tctian will be acF2ed as a partial pr�payment arithout arly
<br /> , .: '}�c�'��ent charge under the Note. ' -
<br /> .,':.t`,,s',. ...• . , -
<br /> ��,; : � °�. 14.NMfses.Any norice to Eoaovrer pr.vev�xf for iw this Secuaicy Insmun�t sla�l}be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> ' ••{�l:,':;.,,', . '.� ; .
<br /> . �.�;
<br /> : ,;..;: , .ii>f��t�Srst class mvl unless agpfir�6le law r..�ua�use of another m.�ihod.'Ifao a;rdaa shall be dire�ed to ths Proycray Ad ress
<br /> �i��cut��.othe:addmss Borra;ars�desigc�ntcs by sra�e w�F.�rder. Any �npiia�tn Le�dcr sball be given by first class mail to _
<br /> �� "�_; �r,�di�'s address stated horcin or any other addr�ss I,c��i��tt desl8ndcea by no2ic�tn Borrower. Any notice provi�far in tT�is -
<br /> . �:� y $ect;rEc�Snstn.vnent shsill 6e deemed to hnve beea�iven¢aQorro�ver or Leirle�wi�:n given as pmvided io this par'�t�• �
<br /> . . �g,Gov¢rrr£vg Iaw; Severa6fDnny. Thia Sarurity� lnswment shsAl bo govemed by federal taw and thr law of the
<br /> • � jvaciEUiiirxi�n in which the Froperty is locatcd.In the eveat that arry proviaitu�,or clause of this 5�urity L�st�nt or the Note
<br /> � 1.� � sr�.i�fi"�s wieh aFplicable law,such conf�ict shpll no+t affcxt other prm isiun�of this Security Tns4n�msnt or the Nate vrhieh�caa bc
<br /> , � 't; g:van�effect v�it�ont thc conflicting provision.To this end tke pm►�slvn3 of this 5ec�rity Instroment and the N�te an*dcclarrd
<br /> i` to be severabte.
<br /> ` t 16.Borrower's Copy-Borrower s1�n1�1oe given os�e confoim:d�cpy of the Note and of thLs Security Inctrnrncent.
<br /> ;{.1 fonn 3025 9�SO --
<br />. `.i; v.y.eoie -
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